I Failed To Be Truck Kun’d And Was Forced Into A VRMMO As A Cat-Girl

Tim Buckley failed at the most important thing in life, he failed to get Truck Kun'd. Since he was too much of a degenerate to be sent to another world, he was sent back to his original body to spend his life in a coma. But things were not all bad. He was able to…

Lexy Vs Staple Part 2

"Whaaaattttt!? How am I disgusting!?" Lexy couldn't believe her ears. She was in no way disgusting! She was a clean, healthy young ma… cat girl!

"The way you act and your dress is a little flashy…." The girl in black armor replied as she furrowed her brow.

"You're not doing any better there, miss bathing suit armor! Look at your armor. It looks like you're wearing a Japanese school swimsuit!" Lexy was not down and out yet! Although her boots covered most of the girl in black armor's legs, she could not hide the fact that her armor looked like a one piece bathing suit covered in metal!

"You! Where are you looking!?" The girl in black armor's whole face turned bright red as she covered her chest and between her thighs.

"Hah! So you do know your outfit is embarrassing! Well, so do I! Plus, if I wanted to look, I could just look in the mirror! No need to look at some armor plated girl who probably smells of sweat."  Lexy held her nose and waved her hand back and forth in front of it with her other hand. "Yes, smelly girls are no good..."

"You! Who are you calling smelly!? I properly bathe and wash my armor every day and night!" The girl in black armor yelled out. She stomped her feet and readied her shield as she pointed at Lexy and said: "Let's fight. We will settle this once and for all!"

"Hoho! Alright, but if I win, you will join my guild!" Lexy figured with how Olivia knew so much about the girl in black armor that she more than likely tried to scout her before, or maybe infatuated with her. Either way, a strong recruit was a strong recruit.

"Fine! But if I win…" The girl in black armor paused to think for a second before continuing:  "If I win, you will tell the world that your feet smell like fish!"

"Sure, sure, let's do this…" Lexy off handily waved off the bet as she unsheathed her whip and rested it on her shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"You can go at any time. I know you can't hurt me!" The girl in black armor snorted. She had been completely angered! She never gets angry at anyone, but this girl in front of her was able to anger her into a fight! Just thinking of what would happen if this was real life made the girl in black armor wonder if she would still try to fight or not. While she was debating over her sudden change in mindset, a huge flaming ball of fire slammed into her face sending her flying backward. She tumbled a little and landed with her butt sticking straight up into the air. Her shield even slipped from her hand! "Ah!'

"Haha! Take that!" Lexy yelled out. She ran up and kicked the shield out of the way  as she raised her whip: "Double spank!"

"Double what!? Ahhhh! What is this!? Half my health is gone! How!? What is this insane damage?" The girl in black armor was confused! She had never taken so much damage since she started this game! She only raised vitality along with all her vitality increasing passives. She should by no means take any damage, yet she lost half her health in one attack. And to top it all off, her butt stung from that attack!

"Hahaha! Fear this demon queen! Take this and…."

"Wait! One more hit, and  I will die! You win!" The girl in black armor gave up. She had to! She did not wish to die and be kicked out of the event. She could only plead with the crazy cat girl and hope she would not kill her. "I will join your guild… You win..."

Lexy looked down at the girl in black armor, who looked like she was about to cry, and began to feel bad. "Ah.. sorry, I kinda went overboard..." She reached out her hand to the girl in black armor, who looked at her questioningly before reaching her hand out to take it.

"Lexy to the side, quickly use earth wall!" Nana suddenly yelled out.

"On it! Earth Wall!" Lexy wasted no time and quickly cast earth wall blocking an arrow that came out of the woods near them.

"Tch! You really had to block the attack. You could have let me kill the walking fortress." a young elf man walked out of the forest line with a bow in his hand.

"Fanscil! Are you still trying to get back at me?" The girl in black armor yelled.

"Staple, I will not forget how you made a fool out of me in that duel!"  Fanscil answered through gritted teeth.

"It was just a duel. Why are you making such a big deal out of it?" Staple yelled back. They had a friendly duel, and just because she could stand there while he wasted all his arrows shooting her, he got angry and stormed off yelling something about revenge.

"Ummm..." Lexy stepped in front of Staple and glared at the Fanscil. "You shot an arrow at my new guildmate…."

"What? So what! This is a fight between me and Staple, outsiders need to sta..."

"Double Spank!" Lexy did not hold back and lashed out two times, landing both of her attacks. Fanscil looked at Lexy in confusion before turning into cubes of life and disappearing…

"You shouldn't argue on a battlefield…." Snorted Lexy as she watched the glowing cubes rise up to he sky.

Both Staple and Nana wanted to say: "Didn't we/you just do the same thing?" But they kept their inner monologue to themselves.

Lexy turned back around and held her hand out to Staple once again. This time Staple did not hesitate to take her hand. "Thanks... With the health I had left, I was sure to die in that attack. He may seem weak, but his attacks are deadly. He has an ultimate skill that can actually damage me."

"No problem. He should not have butted into our fight or tried to have taken advantage of you while you were done." Lexy brushed the dirt off Staple's armor and sent a message to Olivia. "Olivia, I got us a new guild member!"

"Oh!? Who?" Olivia, who was hiding in a tree waiting for her next prey, was very curious as to who Lexy had found to join the guild.

"Staple!" Olivia almost fell out of her tree. She looked at Lexy's answer, completely stunned!

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