I Failed To Be Truck Kun’d And Was Forced Into A VRMMO As A Cat-Girl

Tim Buckley failed at the most important thing in life, he failed to get Truck Kun'd. Since he was too much of a degenerate to be sent to another world, he was sent back to his original body to spend his life in a coma. But things were not all bad. He was able to…

The Undead Knight

Lexy was not stupid enough to cast the float spell right away. Instead of carrying Megalim on her back, she had Megalim hug her from the front. This was so she could get a better hold of her and wrapped the rope that was already connecting them around the both of them. "Lexy, are you sure about this!?"

"Yep, it is the only way we will be able to reach the ground safely. We are too high up. If I use float right away, it will end up running out about half way down, resulting in us falling the rest of the way. But if I jump first and free fall for half the jump, I can then cast float for us to get down without worrying about hitting the ground hard. Plus, I plan to jump as far out as I can and gain as much distance from the cliff as possible in order to save us some time as well. Float will also allow us to go further out too."  Lexy explained.

Unlike some games where as soon as you move, the spell you are in the process of casting would be interrupted, New World Online allowed players to cast while moving. Otherwise, mage type classes would never get played. "Alright." Megalim was still nervous, so she held onto Lexy as tight as she could without hurting her.

Lexy took a deep breath as she touched the back cliff face with her palm and pushed off as she charged forward. Once she got to the edge, she dug in and jumped forward with all her might trying to get as much distance as she could. Even with her gamer spirit spell active, this was still a very stomaching jumping feat. Lexy's tail flew upwards as she held on to Megalim and began to fall towards the ground. As they were falling, she was watching closely to see how close the ground was before finally yelling. "Float!"

Her hasty descent suddenly slowed as the two began floating over the treetops towards the town off in the distance. Lexy braced herself as she spun her body around to cover Megalim as they passed through the tree branches. Although it was nothing but dead trees, the branches were still strong and could easily scratch Megalim. Well, this was what Lexy was thinking anyway, not realizing that the tree branches would not have done anything to them in the first place.

Lexy landed on the ground and stumbled backward a few steps before falling down. "Nya! Ouch..." Lexy rubbed her butt and looked at Megalim with a wide grin. "We made it!"

Megalim looked at that bright, cute smile on Lexy's face and smiled back before she began laughing. Lexy also started laughing. They had just done something crazy and lived, so this was a laughter of relief. After their little laughing fit, Lexy untied Megalim, and both of them finally stood up.  "It seems we were able to get pretty close to town and skipped a lot of trouble. Let's hurry and turn this flower in. The faster we get out of this scary place, the better."

"Mmm!" Megalim readily agreed. For some reason, seeing Lexy under the gamer spirit spell and how knightly she was in her way of doing things made Megalim's little heart thump like crazy. Staring at her small frame that looked so huge in her eyes right now made Megalim fall in love with Lexy all over again.

The two quickly made their way back to town. Only a few monsters popped up on the way, so neither of them gained any levels. When they entered the building, the doctor who was still watching over the undead knight seemed to jump for joy when he saw the two. "Thank the king of hell you have returned. Any longer, and I am afraid he would have passed on for good."

"Here is your flower." Lexy handed the flower over and got a quest completion notification.

[Team Quest: Tragedy of Holland Town]

[Something Strange is happening in the Undead Town of Holland.]

[Part 1: Retrieve the skull flower and return it to the doctor in charge of the undead knight captain. Completed!]

[+23,000 Experience]

[Level]: 17 → 18

[Over Experience]: 999,999,925,486 →  999,999,903,874

[Status Points]: 10 → 15

[Team Quest: Tragedy of Holland Town]

[Something happened to the undead knight! The Skull Flower seems to have possessed him, causing him to go on a rampage, summoning legions of zombies to attack the town!]

[Part 2:  Save the town! Fight wave after wave of zombies. For each wave you survive, you will be granted a reward. Must survive at least three waves to pass this quest.]

As soon as the new quest part popped up, a wave of strong energy came out of the undead knight on the bed blowing everyone out of the building! The whole building burst into shards of wood. "Hahahaha! I am alive once again! Now, no one can stop me from taking over the world!"

"Ahhhh! You can't take over the world! Only my guild can! Nya!" Lexy suddenly yelled out. Megalim was speechless. Lexy, you know it is just a storyline, right? He's not actually going to take over the world. You know this, right!?

While things should have played out normally and the event should have started, the undead knight turned and looked at Lexy who was staring at him with puffed out cheeks. "No, I will!"

"Huh!? Why would you even be able to take over the world!? Who would let you!? You're not even cute! And you stink!" Lexy was being stubborn, and for some reason, when she got stubborn, she tells people they stink.

"Of course I stink! I am undead, you stupid cat girl! And I will show you how I will take over the world! Rise my minions destroy this stupid cat girl, and make her my newest minion!" The Undead Knight yelled. As soon as he did, hundreds of zombies suddenly rose up from the ground.

[Due to an anomaly that enraged the Undead Knight, multiple waves have been combined into one. Wave 1 - 10 has activated, please prepare yourself!]

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