Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

An Opportunity To Live Part 1

Fate was very confused at this time. She did not understand why she was seeing such a thing before her.  It was not that she did not understand what she was looking at but more of why she was seeing it. She had heard about a game genre called RPG that she had had the pleasure of playing once on an old ploy station ten. So she understood that the thing she was looking at was a status window.  "This... Well... I guess I will need to deal with my current situation first, but how do I close this thing?"

As soon as she thought about closing the window, the window in front of her closed. Curious, she thought of opening the window again, and it did indeed open. "I see. So it is done with thought. That works out well. Now then... Hehe..." Fate's lips curled up. She loved the fact that she was able to get shot and not die. Just knowing this put her at ease. She was in a strange place, with a renewed life. She did not wish to lose it any time soon. 

After fighting from the age of twelve against the robots that her own kind created, she was sick of that same question always appearing in her mind: What if I die today? What if I die tomorrow? These two questions were like torture to her. At first, she lived every day in fear.  But after going out and facing the robots who did not care if you were a man or woman, her mind began to slowly twist. The idea of running on the battlefield became the norm to her. She became numb to killing and death. 

At the end of her life, she had completely lost it. Her mind had become completely twisted. This was why she did not find her current actions sickening in any way. In fact, she did not care if she had become some kind of bloodthirsty monster. To her, this was a blessing. She knew vampires were immortal beings who needed to drink blood in order to survive. This was no different than how a human needed to eat food. Fate looked down at her hands that were delicate looking without a single callus to be seen. She then looked at the rest of her body and smiled ever brighter.  As she raised her head, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the dirty metal box across from hers she reached up and touched her cheeks. “Squishy. My whole body besides my head is hair free, and I’m young and cute looking. I do not think I could ask for more besides some clothes to wear. But that can easily be fixed.” 

Fate’s mumbling could be heard but not understood as she was keeping her voice low. So the boss was not sure what Fate was talking about. He was about to yell out when he saw the beautiful young woman suddenly walk out from behind the metal crate. Her lips curled up into a smile, with her body in full view and the alluring look on her face, it sent the boss and his men into a stupified state. 

“Hehe… Am I beautiful?” Fate asked as she bit her index finger, looking at the men in front of her with upturned eyes. 

Her voice entered the boss's ears, causing him to gulp and absentmindedly nod. “Hehe, at least you’re honest. It’s just too bad for you that you won’t live to use the image of my body to beat off later.”

As Fate’s words entered the boss’s ears, it was already too late. A hole had appeared in his chest. A pearly white hand covered in fresh blood was holding a bloody object that was still expanding and contracting. With his eyes wide, he unconsciously reached out for it. “Give my heart back…”

The boss stumbled a few steps before falling face first onto the floor. Fate looked at the heart in her hand and brought it to her lips. She stuck her tongue out and licked it. When her tongue touched the heart, her eyes widened in surprise. “What is this!?” Without any hesitation, she opened her mouth wide and took a big bite. In a matter of seconds, the heart that she had just pulled out was gone. She was standing there licking her lips, wishing she had more. The taste was hard to describe. All she knew was that it tasted absolutely amazing!

“I want more…” Fate turned her head, her eyes landing on the man closest to her, sending chills down the man’s spine. But before she was about to attack him, a sound rang out in her head.


[Blood Samples]: 0 → 1/10

“Oh?” Seeing the small message pop up, Fate tilted her head in confusion before closing it and disappearing. 

“Snap out of it and be careful!” One man yelled out. The man's words were too late. Fate appeared behind another of the ship's crew and stabbed her hand through his chest and pulled out his heart as well, and took a bite. 

“Hmm? It tastes different, not as tasty…” Frowning, Fate still finished it to see if her blood samples would go up again, but sadly they didn’t. “Strange. I will have to do more testing later. For now….”

Fate held the man she had just killed in front of her, using him as a shield. “I will give you all a chance. I will keep three of you alive, the rest will die. Who lives and who dies is up to you all. And don’t think that shooting me will do anything. As you know, I will instantly heal. So do not do something stupid.”

Instead of killing them all, this was the best solution. She needed to know what was going on and where she was, and to have these questions answered, she needed a few alive. But she did not wish to have to deal with people trying to kill her, so giving this option, she would weed out the weak minded and watch them fight amongst each other for a bit of entertainment. It would be no different than the prison fights she saw when she was younger.

“Fuck! Do you think us brothers would turn agains…” One of the men began to yell out only to feel a stinging pain and his vision going black.


“You! Why!?” The man held his head that was bleeding uncontrollably, and stared at his comrade. He couldn’t understand. Why would he shoot him?

“Don’t blame me. We can’t kill her and I want to stay alive… So die knowing you saved this brother's life.”

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