I Failed To Be Truck Kun’d And Was Forced Into A VRMMO As A Cat-Girl

Tim Buckley failed at the most important thing in life, he failed to get Truck Kun'd. Since he was too much of a degenerate to be sent to another world, he was sent back to his original body to spend his life in a coma. But things were not all bad. He was able to…

Nya Nya Watch Force

Within the big room, a small round blue gelatinous monster appeared. Lexy immediately recognized it as her biggest rival since starting the game. “Quick, Megalim, get back! The demon lord has appeared!”

Lexy took a fighting stance while pushing Megalim behind her. Megalim was unsure of what to make of this scene. Out of all the monsters, they had fought so far, for some reason, only this slime did she take seriously. “Demon Lord, today will be the day of your doom! This time for sure, I will rid the world of your plot to take over the world. Only my World Domination guild can do such a thing! Although we have had many battles… Although we have fought to the brink of death many times… We can even be said to be two beings who are fated to always end this way. But the time has come to finally settle this once and for all. Today one of us will no longer exist in this world. Whether it is you or whether it is me, I do not know. But no matter what, we need to finally settle this.”

Megalim had already walked to the side of the room, her hand braced against its surface as her other hand held her stomach. She couldn’t hold back her laughter any longer. This was just…. This was just too much for her to hold back.

Lexy, who was too caught up in her roleplay, paid no mind to the giggles behind her as she stared at the little blue ball of jello in front of her with a face that was full of seriousness. As for the little blue ball of jello, it seemed to take the words Lexy was saying as the truth as it jumped up and down as if saying: “We will finally settle this once and for all.”


Somewhere at the headquarters of the developers of New World Online.

“Sir, we have an anomaly in the system… ” A young man said as he looked at the error spam in front of him.

Another man who was eating a doughnut walked over and looked at the young man’s screen and froze in place. “What the hell is wrong with the slimes!? What the hell is this!?”

“I am not sure… The spawns are all broken, and all the slimes in every starting field have disappeared. And strangely, they are all spawning in the same place… the first boss room of The Bandit Cave dungeon… And strangely enough, the one who is in the dungeon for the first time is the strange NPC who is able to play as a player… The one we can not delete…” The young man replied as he pointed to a few other systems.

“This… Wasn’t the first boss supposed to be a bandit that you killed when you first entered the place? Why is it a slime?” The older man asked.

“Sir, I think I can explain…” A young woman walked up.

“You are…. You are the one keeping track of the cat girl.” He looked at the young woman in front of him. The young man, on the other hand, looked at the young woman with a bit of envy before looking away. He had heard many stories about that cat girl and wished he could take a look for himself, but since they were dealing with females, the one responsible for watching the cat girl was this girl and her alone. 

“My name is Melinda, and I am on the Nya Nya Watch Force.” Melinda replied with a faint smile. She was very proud of her position. She got a high salary for watching her love wander around the game world.

“Then, Melinda. You said you know what is happening?” The older man asked. The younger man was tossing side glances at Melinda, who was around twenty years of age, with short blonde hair and fair skin. With her well endowed chest, she was something every man would fantasize about.  But when Melinda looked over at him and gave him a disgusted look, he quickly turned around again and looked at his screen.

“Well, sir. Lexy had made friends with the first bandit. As such, because he was reluctant to fight against Lexy, he died and did not respawn. As such, the first bandit is no longer in the system. The system’s Management A.I. decided to replace it with the one enemy that has killed Lexy multiple times, which was a slime. And… Just now after a very… pfft…. Inspiring….  Haha… Speech….. Hahaha…. The slime who was given access to the system by the management system called all slimes in the world to its position. Right now, it seems to be assimilating them, turning it into a true demon lord slime.” Melinda wiped the tears from her eyes. She truly found this to all be very funny. 

At this time, after Melinda finished speaking,  the young man was about to say something before he was cut off by the older man.

“Wait! Wait! You saw this happening and did not report it? I mean, all you do is watch a damn cat girl all damn day, and you can’t even report when you see bugs! What is the company doing!? What do they pay you for!? That damn useless cat girl is causing our game all kinds of problems! Do you know how many bugs we have right now!? There is even this damn ugly ass dwarf who is being repeatedly killed at the respawn spot in Grove Town That we can seem to fix! But you withhold bugs just because of a damn cat girl!” The older man yelled out. He was angry because before they could do anything, all the slimes disappeared! The young man held his head as he whispered: “Now he’s done it. He has set off the nuclear  bomb.”

Melinda's brow furrowed as she clenched her fist and used her other hand to point at the older man as she yelled back: “What are you yelling about? Lexy can do as she pleases! Your yelling will not change anything! Lexy is so cute and amazing, but you dare yell about your stupid slimes? Did my poor cute Lexy do anything to you? Did she sleep with your wife or your daughter? Did she make you a cuckold? Why the fuck are you yelling!? What did such a cute cat girl who is loveable and adorable do to you!?”

Melinda crossed her arms in front of her chest as she tapped her right foot off the ground. She gave the older man a mocking look as she looked him up and down. “I see what it is. Your mad because you looked like a fucking pig, and Lexy would never look at you. Hah! Scums like you need to learn your place. Go back to your damn pigpen. I tried to be nice and give you a reason for your errors, and you go and blame my Lexy for everything! Fuck off!” 

After saying all of this, Melinda turned around and walked away. She had no time to deal with people who talked bad about her sweet Lexy. As for the older man, he stood there with his mouth open, trying to figure out what had just happened. He gazed at the young man who was bitterly smiling back at him. “Boss… You should know Melinda is the leader of the Nya Nya Fan Club, which is officially a club endorsed by the heads of the company. That is the reason she has the position she has. She donated a lot of money to the president to get her special position. Her office is filled with Lexy memorabilia. But you had to go and talk badly about the one thing she would die for…”

“This… Remind me to keep my mouth shut when she's around…” The older man could only sigh. He forgot all about that cat freak!

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