Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Slave Market

The three idiots shut their mouths. There was no way they could argue with that kind of answer. Their boss was indeed very beautiful. “Since your done shopping, Boss, would you like to head to the slave market?”

Fate’s eyes lit up as she nodded. “Mmm! Let’s go see what they have.” 

The group of four headed down towards a side street that led out to another open area. This was the main slave trading area of the black market. Slaves of all races were lined up like animals on display. They were cleaned and wore cheap clothing to make them seem more presentable. As Fate made her way through the area, her eyes were looking here and there with great interest. The slave traders were all competing with each other trying to sell their goods. Fate turned and looked at Mike and asked:  “Where are the cheap uglies?”

“That would probably be the stall over there.” Mike pointed to where a bunch of short, stout men was standing with dirt-covered skin and ragged clothing. 

Fate nodded and walked towards the stall. She looked the men over and took a sniff but frowned when all she could smell was filth. As she stood there, a man with a big belly walked over: “Can I help you, sir/miss?”

“Have these two cut open their arms to draw some blood.” Fate replied as she pointed to two of the cheapest slaves there. They only cost a few hundred credits each.

The big-bellied man did not find this strange at all and directly pulled a knife out and cut the men's arms enough to draw blood. These two men did not even flinch when it happened, which said a lot about the treatment they received. Fate also did not care as she brought her face close and sniffed. “Mmm… Yeah, these two. Wrap them up or whatever you need to do.”

The big-bellied man smiled and quickly waved over another big muscled bald-headed man. “Quickly get these two cleaned up and in fresh clothes. Do not let them smell bad!”

“Right away, sir.” The bald-headed man replied. “Miss, I will have the slave collars ready in a few moments.”

“Mmm… Let Andy here deal with it. Also, do not forget the other things needed for them.” Fate said as he pointed to Andy. “I still need to find a slave for my personal use.”

“I will handle it well, Boss.” Andy replied with a smile. He was thanking the gods that he no longer had to cut open his wrist to drain blood.

Leaving Andy behind, Fate, Mike, and Chuck walked around looking at the other slaves. It was not until they were close to the end of the slave-trading area that one finally caught her eye. “Fluff Fluff… Buy her now!”

“Boss?” Mike looked in the direction Fate was pointing and saw the fox girl standing there with a grim expression on her face. One could tell she had been freshly captured. “Right away, Boss.”

Fate ran forward, with the other two quickly following behind. She stopped in front of the fox girl who had orange-reddish hair, two cute fox ears on top of her head, and a fluffy tail coming off her backside and smiled widely. She was about to reach out and touch the fluffy tail when a voice came from behind her. “I want this fox girl here.” 

Fate frowned and turned around to see an older pocked marked covered man standing there licking his lips. She stood in his way as she said: “Sorry, but I already called her.”

“Humph! Do you not know who I am!? I am Brad….” The pock-marked man’s words were cut off when he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. He looked down to see a bloody hole where a hole should not be. He then looked over at the small figure in the cloak to see that there was a red thing in their hand, pulsating and dripping in blood. 

“I said I called her. Why did you have to argue with me?” Fate asked, her eyes cold as ice. She did not want to hear some bullshit. She called the fox girl, and that was final.

Mike and Chuck both shook their heads. They wondered why this man was such a fool that they had to mess with this little demon who did not even think twice about killing someone. But they soon looked away when they saw Fate bring the heart to the dark abyss where her face was supposed to be and take a bite of it. They may have seen a lot of bloodshed but seeing someone eat a still-beating heart was just…. It brought back nightmares from that day. 

“Peh! Disgusting!” Fate never realized a heart could taste nasty. The hearts she had eaten so far tasted pretty good, especially the ex-boss’s heart.   Feeling like she just ate dirt, she tossed the heart on the ground. And the man who was still standing there staring at her with wide eyes finally collapsed. His expression showed just how dumbfounded he truly was.  

“C-Can I-I help you?” The slave trader was frightened but still did his best to keep his composer. A customer was still a customer.

“Mmm…. I want her.” Fate said as she pointed her blood-soaked finger at the fox girl.

“G-Good! I will have her prepped right away. As it is your first time gracing my shop, I will give you a special deal of fifty percent off. She will only cost you one thousand credits. She is fresh from our supplier and is a pure virgin.” The slave trader said with a forced smile. He was so scared that he did not even dare to charge full price even if the fox girl could give him many credits. 

“Good… Just stick a collar on her. I will take her from here.” Fate did not want any of these men stripping her of her clothes to bathe her. She would rather have the girl dirty than allow such a thing to happen.

The slave trader frowned a little but did not argue. He had someone stick a collar on the girl and then took out a device. “Please drip a drop of blood on this to form a contract with the collar. This will keep the collar only under your command. It has a function that will shock the slave until they die if they disobey you.  If you press the middle button, it will bring up all the commands.” 

“Mm..” Fate took the device that looked more like a small remote with a sensor on it and dripped some blood onto the sensor. “Registration complete.”

“There you go… Umm… Miss… Are there any other slaves you wish to look at today?” The slave trader asked.

“Hmmm…” Fate looked at the fox girl, who was blankly staring back at her, and shook her head. “No, this will do. Mike, Chuck, let’s head back to the ship.”  Fate really wanted to go back and fluff that tail!

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