I Failed To Be Truck Kun’d And Was Forced Into A VRMMO As A Cat-Girl

Tim Buckley failed at the most important thing in life, he failed to get Truck Kun'd. Since he was too much of a degenerate to be sent to another world, he was sent back to his original body to spend his life in a coma. But things were not all bad. He was able to…

Scary Megalim

With the final boss of the dungeon leading the way, killing everything in his path, Lexy and Megalim went from floor to floor at a very fast pace. The strange thing was that even the bandits on each floor died under the boss bandit's hands. It seemed he was dead set on not allowing them to join My Pantsu Force. Of course, Lexy did not care about this since it just meant more experience points for her and fewer people trying to protect her panties. 

Before they had finally set out, Megalim spent a few hours just trying to calm Lexy down and yelling at the stupid boss bandit. It took her smacking him in the face to finally get him to shut up and not mention anything about panties anymore. It was the first time Meglim had gotten this made before. She normally was a quiet girl, unless in bed, but when it came to her Lexy, she became a whole different person and was willing to even slap a level forty boss to protect her Lexy’s happiness. 

The bandit boss, however, did not get mad instead, he seemed to have gotten scared and started calling Megalim, Mistress, and bowing his head to her. Now any time he looked back to check how the two were doing, he would not make direct eye contact and would lower his head once Megalim looked at him. In his mind, Megalim had become number two under his queen. 

It happened earlier in the day.

“My Queen’s panties are not to be touched by you foul, dirty bastards!” 

Megalim looked at the bandit boss, who was busy killing monsters, and then looked at Lexy, who was about to tear up again and clenched her fists. “I’m done… This bastard…”

“Limlim?” Lexy, whose lip was quivering, looked at Megalim, who had released her hand, and mumbled something in confusion. 

“Lexy, wait here, I need to speak to this idiot,” Megalim said without looking back as she stomped her way forward. 

She walked right over to the bandit boss who was swinging his sword this way and that way, killing anything within range, and reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “Who dares…”


Silence… Lexy looked at Megalim in disbelief. Her kind, sweet Limlim had just slapped the boss of the dungeon! The sound of the slap actually echoed throughout the floor! The monsters and bandits who had been attacking all stopped their actions and stared stupidly at the mage girl and bandit boss. The silence only lasted but a moment when Megalim’s voice echoed through the level. “Kneel down now!”

“Yes!” The bandit boss was so stunned he subconsciously listened to Megalim’s order and knelt down. 

“You keep screaming panties this and panties that, but have you ever thought about my Lexy’s feelings!? You took her as your queen but did you listen to her!? She doesn't need her panties talked about by you, never mind protected by you. That is my job and only my job! If you say it one more time, I will smack you until your own mother doesn't recognize you! I have held it in for a while now, and I can not take it anymore. You made my cute loveable Lexy cry multiple times now! If you were not the leader of her current army, I would have casted many spells to cook stupid ass! How dare you make her cry!? Who do you think you are!? I will tell you right now, you keep this up, and I will make sure you do not ever get a chance to leave this damn dungeon!” Megalim ran out of breath from yelling. She was furious! 

As for the bandit boss, he kept his head lowered, not daring to look up. Megalim was giving him a nostalgic feeling of when he was younger and was yelled at by his mom. She had that aura that all moms had when they yelled at their kids. He could only helplessly nod his head and say yes any time Megalim made a demand. Since then, the bandit boss did not dare to anger Megalim anymore and walked around the two as if he was walking on eggshells. 


“Still no sign of anything that would match the dirty sock and underwear,” Lexy said with a sigh as she picked up the loot that was dropping. 

“Maybe it was only these two items. If the boss bag had one of the items, maybe the quest is in the boss room itself? Or outside the dungeon someplace.”  Megaliim wondered just what they were for. 

“At any rate, I think we will be at the boss room soon. We will find out when we get there.” Lexy could tell that things were seeming more and more like a final boss area as the bandit cave was not looking more like a small shantytown, and the biggest structure of them all was their next stop and was probably the boss bandits home. Lexy wanted to ask the bandit boss, but she was too scared to do so in case he began praising her panties again.

All in all, currently, Lexy did gain two levels.

[Name]: Lexy

[Sex]: Female

[Race]: Catkin

[Class]: Whip User

[Level]: 35 → 37


[Health]: 350

[Mana]: 1405


[Attack Power]: 3600 → 3900

[Magic Power]: 151

[Defense]: 13479 →14479

[Speed]: 104


[Strength]: 26

[Vitality]: 1

[Intelligence]: 151

[Agility]: 104


[Status Points]: 105 → 115

[My Pantsu Force] 153/500

[Over Experience]: 999,997,234,567

[Titles]: Harbinger, (Unique)Demon Queen

[Passive Skills]:  Foraging Skill, Rock Climbing

[Skills: ] Gamer Spirit, Queen's Subjugation, Summon Demon, Fireball, Water Shot, Wind Blade, Earth Wall, Double Spank, Triple Nya Attack, Minor Healing, Holy Smite, Float, S&M Bind, Fire Wave, Protection, Rejuvenation, Super Nya Fire Whip, Poking The Soft Spot, Demon Lord Obliterator, Demon Lord Delight

She still had an extra 115 points to work with but had not yet distributed them.

As they got to the main doors of the final boss room of the dungeon, Lexy watched as the bandit boss pushed hard on the massive doors that were way too oversized. Lexy began to wonder if this was a man’s way of showing how ‘big’ he was… The bigger the door, the bigger the okay as the door opened, Lexy was met with a grand huge grand hall…

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