Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

The End Part 2

“Initiating Code Black. . . . [Access Denied]. Using administrative override command, The Omega. . . [Access Approved Code Black initiated, soul resonance acquired.] Target specified as all creation. . . [Denied. Security protocol activated. Security protocol failed omega override present. Target acquired. User Summoning of control room complete.]”

The girls’ hands rise from her sides as what can only be described as a DJ stand mixed with a mad scientist lab appears before her. Surrounded by hologram screens filled with data concerning the multiverse and dimensions, starts flowing at impossible speeds that she uses seamlessly to calculate the playlist. She picks a series of tracks without an ounce of wasted movement, and with a flick of the wrist “BASS” can be heard throughout the multiverse as mountains fall and seas churn. Pulsing like a heartbeat startling Gods and Devils alike. Ommonise clouds and an aura of death permeate the whole fabric of creation.

The world surrounding her becomes filled with entities, shocked as they realize the setting is an endless expanse with pulsing energy and music no different than a rave. immeasurable titans fill the horizons, Buddhas floating on lotus flowers scatter to the four directions. angels and valkyries take to the skies with their flaming swords as Gods and Demons alike fill all perceived space.

The girl summons headphones on her head, Nodding in time to the Bass still pulsing in the background. She finalizes everything while making a series of adjustments to the controls, before flicking a switch as a female voice resonates through the sound system. “Let’s MAKE Some NOIIISSSSSEEEE.”



Suddenly falling into the drop of on a dubstep track. The girl flies over the consoles at those who appeared and begins the massacre. Fighting in rhythm as worlds literally collide and shatter with a melody both somber and full of energy. Splitting titans with energy blades made of primal chaos swirling black and white while realms are torn asunder, leaving neither good nor evil, and uncaring for guilt or innocence.

Entities that bore witness to the dawn and destruction of countless universes fall like the extras in an action-based war movie. Some being punched into oblivion, others sliced into pieces and she flies past with her wings while still in sync to the beat, to the sound of the destruction of all. She appears not unlike the cold beauty now turned into the wrathful asura killing and consuming all who oppose her. 

A lull appears as the remaining gods fall back for a moment. The girl flicks her wrist and the song shuffles. In big bold words< THIS IS HOW THE WORLD ENDS BANG BANG!> appears and the girl materializes massive hand cannons. The Track starts with high octane energy and the sound of a female vocalist pops in with lyrics. 

With each shout and peak of BASS reverberating through the cosmos causing reality to collapse. With a bang she moves, like lightning releasing beams no different than a gamma-ray burst from a collapsing star, blowing holes through Gods, Titans, Devils, and Divine Beasts. While dancing and erasing from existence those that oppose her the multiverse converges like a supermassive black hole, swallowing everything.

BANG! And thus, falls another being carrying the secrets of the universe.

BOOM! And thus, fall a hoard of demon sovereigns.

SHRIIIIIIE! A high-pitched whistle marks the end of a throng of angels and Valkyries.

The songs change and flow into the harmony of destruction as The End comes closer. Ragnarök, the end of the Gods, the end of all things, and the total collapse of space and time. The blank, near lifeless eyes and mute expression, only further highlights the movements and the fury residing within the girl. Like an unstoppable tide seeking to wipe the slate clean of all that stood before it.

“Whoa Girl Time Out!” shouts a woman behind her.

She flips in the middle of the void while leveling THE END, a massive matter extinction cannon right at the woman before pausing for a moment, as recognition seems to pass briefly through her eyes. Like visiting a moment in time. Before her loss, before her pain, when she found a kindred spirit and reason to exist. The catgirl Deity seems to resonate with one word, “Friend.” As this sinks in a change occurs to the multiverse.


All the multiverse freezes turning grey as an elderly man flies out of the now multiverse-sized blackhole that is near completely ending all known creation.

“Tch, Damn brats. Ya can’t go a whole chaos cycle without destroying the multiverse.” A benevolent-looking gramps blinks and pops out of thin air looking at everything with stern disappointment. Until his gaze falls on two girls his expression turns to shock.


Unfreezing the catgirl, he asks “What the hell happened?”

“Whoa! Hey gramps! So long story or short story?” sandstorm asks.

“Make it quick I can’t hold her forever.”

“Short story is some pipsqueak divine moderator cursed her soul before reincarnation, then came back and made it so she would become attached to her soul fragment that developed its own personality. After that happens, he would shatter the soul fragment and trap her in a body till her Origin soul got worn out and disappeared. Then this.”

“^&@@$%(^*&)_$%#!&*%)^*)_(+W$%!@#!^@*^*)(+*()#^!@#%$^&%&*(@$#!@#$%@$^*&O))@$%^!!%$” . . . .  “sigh! Alright, I'll undo this future but you are responsible for fixing the next one. I’m getting too old for this, how hard is it to let an old man take a nap. Why when I was their age . . . ” Gramps says while ranting about time immemorial.

Interrupting the monologue of the kind-looking old man while wearing a smile that would make any sane person run. “Sorry gramps, but one last thing. can you make it so that, worm of a being remembers? It will make it more fun when we beat the crap out of him. He really needs to suffer for this” Sandstorm says.


“Mission failure, failure number 665 marks end of the final trial, all calculations have been complete. Upon next instance of activation instant destruction chance has reached 98%. Returning to sleep mode.” That same cold voice announcing with near certainty the very thing only gods fear. The only two who can hear this are truly shocked at this moment.

The wings scatter throughout the void and her eyes return to normal. A look of pure confusion covers her face seeing the two in front of her.

“We will talk later.” The fox girl says patting her head

“Sure! and now it is done, so don’t bother me for a while I am retired.” The old man says before poofing existence back to when this whole mess started. His appearance was that of an annoyed old man, while his visible shaking in a mortal would seem due to weakness makes Sandstorm truly wonder what she got herself into.


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