Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

Rebirth Part 2

Barging in the room moments later, redhead number two, also known as mom, proceeds to hold a bat looking ready to beat the offender into the ground at a moment’s notice.

“Where is she, honey bun, quick so I can smash her. To dare talk about smashing people in my house.” Still frantically searching for the offender opening the closet and then proceeding to the bathroom only to come up short of finding her cunning foe.

<That’s right, momma bear Go! Smash away.> Having completely ignored the little girl's earlier words in her fit of excitement.

“It is you she is going to smash!” The little princess stomps her foot in frustration.

“Honeybun, you can still hear her talking?” asks the red-haired goddess known as Mother with a slight frown and eyes filled with concern and love.

<Captains log star date 2036 UCE. After more than a decade of observations, I believe the native indigenous species has become aware of my existence. I shall send an update after further observation when I deem it safe. Over and Out. >

The little one with face pinkish, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes seeming to gaze in the distance replies. “You mean that you don’t hear her jabbering on about some captains log and indigenous this and natives that!” Practically shouting hand flinging back and forth like some demonic flagger signaling you to take action.

“OK, honey, let’s leave for now, and we will come back after a security sweep. If you hear her again, tell me what she is saying.” Taking the little girl's hand, they head to one of the living rooms and quickly call security to do a sweep of the whole house. In the meantime, they both sit quietly on the couch. Her mother pulls out a deck of cards, and they start playing spades to pass the time.

After security finishes their sweep and it comes back all clear, they both finally breathe a sigh of relief. There have not been any voices in over an hour, and after finding nothing, they finally can relax. I mean, no one likes to be creeped on. The pair stay with each other for the rest of the day. With her dad out of state that night, they decided to have a sleepover for the night just like usual.

1 am,

In the slightly larger master suite, mother and daughter lay curled beneath thick blankets. At the same time, the air conditioner keeps the room at 67 degrees creating a comfortable sleeping condition. 

<phweeew that was close can’t have the little one getting branded as a crazy>

: Are you in my head? And how did you get there:

<AHHHHH!!!! You really can hear me? like really really> an image of herself jumping up and down with an excited expression on her face appears in scarlets mind while her eyes are closed.

: Duh, why else would I say I hear a weird lady in my room if there wasn’t anyone there:

<MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SEE THAT JANITOR JACK, JUST WAIT FOR IT, ILL BE OUT IN NO TIME AHAHAHAHAHA> Another image of herself dressed for war with a crazy look in her eyes shouting at the heavens appears in her mind. She now realizes that this image she is seeing is the voice’s owner.

: So, on the crazy scale, I guess that’s a 100 out of 10. What is next? You start telling me to kill everyone: Scarlett replies with a tremendous amount of sarcasm in her thoughts. She shifts in bed a couple of times, causing her mom to unconsciously squeeze her tighter.

<Nope, you do you. There is only one entity that needs to die, and that’s that basta ..ahem.. jerk that caged me like a rabid animal and ruined a perfectly fine reincarnation. Henceforth dubbed Sewer Sam!> The image of a toddler throwing a tantrum seems to appear, making her unsure if it is her inner self or an image of their enemy.

: Ok! And what is with these names, janitor jack and sewer Sam? Also, what reincarnation?:  Scarlett replies, trying to milk out the information she needs.

< Long story or short story, you pick poppet.> Her inner self seems to chaotically shift into a wise-looking elderly man momentarily with a kind smile.

:short: Scarlett replies, hoping to minimize the chaos in her brain that is the voice in her head.

<Kay! So we got this dude with no sense of humor. It turns out he is a God. Though this is more along the lines of a minor god. They are typically relegated to dealing with minor worlds and such. He is super jealous and looks like a 500-year-old Chinese kung fu master and a b grade villain in one of those movies. As for why all the names. It is because he gets a new name every time I get more irritated with him.> Her inner self replies like a wizened sage speaking of the universal truths.

: I definitely need the extended version at some point; however, if you are not some split personality, tell me something to prove it:

<hummmmm. collectively I am 45 years old, but due to reincarnation, my soul should be almost twelve, and I know a lot of what you do with a little icing on the cake. Guess what? We have the same birthday Mi Imoto. Oh! If you really need details, I guess I can give you some technical info you obviously never learned, and you can look it up later. So what do you say?>

: I will give you one chance tomorrow, impress me, or I am telling mom I am crazy and getting rid of you. And what the hell is an Imoto:

<Imoto Is a Japanese word for little sister.>

: and what is Japanese never heard of it before:

<WHAT?  Then what about Anime, Sushi, CAT GIRLS?!?!?!?!> the sheer amount of shock her inner self feels radiates throughout her body, causing a slight shiver. The result of which causes her mother to wake a bit then bring the covers up before falling back to sleep.

: You almost woke mom up. Stop jumping all over the place. :Sigh: I have no idea what anime or sushi is about; however, if you’re talking catgirls, do you mean those people that have been born recently with animal traits?:

<Thank you! Oh, great immortal deities for delivering me to the animal girl paradise. I shall adequately honor you when I get out with a temple to the Demi-Chans. >

: Uhuh and the others:

<We can deal with it later, don’t wake the mommy bear. Now go to sleep. Let's deal with this mess tomorrow. I haven’t slept for months. Goodnight princess.>

: I can already tell you are going to be a pain:

<love you too Imouto>


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