Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

Once More With Feeling part 1


Light begins shining into the room, startling a cute redheaded Loli from her sleep. If this moment was caught on camera, all the viewers would have only one thought. Sooooo cute, and which perverted bastard recorded this cutie pie sleeping.

Yawning and stretching, she slowly starts to remember the day before. Finally, she realizes she is in her mom’s room as she looks around. Not finding her mother anywhere, she starts shouting in her head, seeing if there is still a voice there.


After repeating this several times with a confused look on her face, she shrugged it off. After all, her head is now quite clear. She decides to get dressed and have breakfast making her way down the hall to her room. Despite not receiving the reply she expected, she never doubted the events and conversations of the night before.

Opening her room, it looks pristine as apparently, her mom had the maids clean the place up while she overslept. But, seeing her clock show 10am, she decides to hurry up and jumps in the shower quickly before changing into an emerald-green sundress that brings the green out of her eyes.

While admiring herself in the mirror for a moment, she starts hearing a light snoring sound that seems to be growing louder as time passes. As she pauses, focusing on this sound, she tries to pinpoint where it is coming from. She walks back and forth through her room then pokes her head into the hall, still not getting closer or farther from the sound. After this, it finally dawns on her, and she realizes that yesterday wasn’t a dream, and she’s stuck with a snoring crazy lady in her head.



“Urgh!” Scarlett groans, annoyed at this situation. Her brow furrows into a cute angry face briefly before she takes a deep breath to calm down.

She decides to try and ignore this and grab some breakfast, so she heads downstairs to find her mother drinking coffee while reading the newspaper. Then, turning to see the source of sizzling in her kitchen, she sees a maid making 2 spinach omelets, with blood sausage and toast on the side. And sitting across from her mom is a fresh cup of orange juice.

Taking the seat across from her mom, she tries to keep the stress of constant snoring in her head from showing on her face as she sips her orange juice with the grace of a noblewoman. This picturesque scene of a mother and daughter drinking and relaxing at a small round table with the sun lightly resting on them is sublime. It radiates love and tender feelings in the heart.

“Did you sleep well, honeybun?” Scarlett’s mother Michelle asks while setting down the newspaper.

“Yes, mother, I greatly enjoyed our time together,” Scarlett replied elegantly, trying to put into practice her etiquette lessons.

“Ohhh, my baby! When did you get so big? You are growing up too fast. I want my baby to stay cute and tiny and innocent forever!” her mother shouts, throwing all decorum out the window as tears form in her eyes.

Yes, Michelle is absolutely an overprotective doting mother who dreads her daughter growing up and not being close to her.

“OK, mom, I love you too. I’m just hungry.” Scarlett says with a doting smirk like her mom was the spoiled little girl needing a hug.

“Breakfast, my ladies.” Says a couple maids walking out of the open kitchen to serve them

This lovely scene of mother and daughter continues as they eat slowly and start chatting about the funny pages in the paper. The two were beyond close, almost as though instead of mother and daughter, they were sisters. One of the maids occasionally stops cleaning and just admires them, wishing she could do the same with her mom.

With breakfast over, Scarlett makes way to her room to search the internet for things like she usually does before her lessons. At the same time, her mom does some work over the phone. After Scarlett gets into her room and closes the door, not paying attention as her face flushes completely red. If you look closely, you might even see steam radiating from her as her irritation reaches its peak.


<AHHH, IM UP, IM UP. GEEZE, CAN’T YOU LET A GAL GET HER BEAUTY SLEEP? SHEESH! And for your information, I have only gotten to sleep for one day a month since, well, honestly, ever.>

: Well that explains the crazy. Like seriously, how can I tell that I am not crazy if you are this crazy and in my head:

<That’s because we are crazy. Ba dum dum.>

: Yeah I walked into that one *humph:

Scarlett rolls her eyes at this while still wondering how she makes all these sound effects in her head.

<Oh! Little baby can’t understand a joke.>


<UHUH, just keep telling yourself that. So without the cliché but still cliché, You are me, and I am you. Regardless of what you say, or anyone else for that matter. I will always claim the older sister position. I always wanted a little sister, hehe. In the name of Yume, it is nice to actually have a conversation instead of talking to myself…. Wait, I’m still talking to myself. Yep definitely lost something somewhere. Oh wait, where was I something about crazy humm…….>

: Will you please for the love of Ceasar focus! You’re driving me nuts. Can’t you keep to one thought process for more than half a second!:

<Sure thing, kid, now what did you need?>

Scarlett was fighting her impulse to just start yelling again at this very moment. Every fiber of her being just wanted to shake the other person in her head to vent her frustration.

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