Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

Soul Power Baby Part 2


"Sorry, can I get back to the lesson? I still need to improve at the piano." Scarlett asks.

"Ok, back to it, we can talk about it later," Michelle says.

Scarlett continues to play for the next hour and a half while her mom and teacher chat and drink tea. Meanwhile, Scarlett has slowly gotten better at tuning out Noctis, who just keeps complaining about wanting sweets, chocolate, and other various foods. While constantly wondering why she is so obsessed with food, she falls into a groove of playing and trying to ignore Noctis till suddenly, what only feels like moments, her class is over.

"Mom, let's go get some sweets. I got a headache and a craving for something sweet." She asks her mother with pleading puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing, sweety." Her mom replied.

<Ohhh yeah, baby! Finally, I get some release>

"Thank you for the lesson, Ms. Newsome. I greatly enjoyed it." Scarlett says, waving her piano teacher off.

"The pleasure was all mine, dear. I must now try to figure out how to replicate that style of music so until next time." Her teacher says, also waving goodbye.

The mother and daughter combo that appears like a pair of childhood best friends spend the afternoon shopping and eating sweets to their heart's content. As they go about their day, a faint pink aura surrounds them. Joy, laughter, and mischief abound on the wonderful excursion as the pair fall into a world of their own. Their maids seem to stay back, soaking in the atmosphere and making sure none interrupt their small piece of heaven.

Meanwhile, sitting in the soul space, as she calls it. Noctis, our resident reincarnator, watches the pair enjoy their time together with both a sense of longing and a bit of envy as she sighs. Then, with a literal poof, a couple of females, one young and the other more mature, appear before her while she looks on without a shift of mood or expression.

"Sup!" She says while waving her free hand and resting on the other like some high school delinquent.

"Well, not surprised to see me, Drake." Sandstorm asks while waving as a can of soda appears before each person.

"Can’t say we have officially met, but If I was a betting man, to which I am not either of those things anymore, I would go with Sandstorm Goddess of Fate.” Noctis replies, drinking the soda then smiling like a demon from the abyss at the nostalgic flavor.

“Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner.” Sandstorm shouts, striking a pose while fireworks and streamers mysteriously go off all around the space.

“I am not cleaning that up.” She says, looking at the Goddes while raising one eyebrow, slightly amused.

“So, what is the game plan, girls? It has to be good for the both of you to make a trip to my humble abode.” Noctis says, now looking purely bored.

“Fine, don’t get your panties twisted. We got two things to tell you and a bonus gift for the trouble. which do you want first?” Lisa, the female companion accompanying sandstorm asks.

“Well, I guess bad news first, so at least the present makes me not as moody.” Noctis says with a smirk and a bit of mischief in her eyes, thinking endlessly about the powers that could be fun to request of the two.

“First order of business then is we have imprisoned the God Messtuphis. At least until you are strong enough to kill him yourself. I believe you last called him Sewer Sam. Pfft, sorry, your naming schemes are just brilliant. Bahahaha.” Sandstorm says as she starts laughing, while Lisa, completely caught off guard, almost doubles over.

On the other hand, Noctis smiles so widely it nearly splits her head in two. At the same time, for some unfathomable reason, all her teeth now seem to be sharp pointy fangs while the glow in her eyes sparkles. Sandstorm catching it, grins back while Lisa still doubled over misses the moment. Noctis, now excited, quickly asks them to continue.

“Second order of business. We couldn’t change everything the dickhead set in motion. Still, we changed enough to where you two don’t have to suffer unnecessarily. However, it won’t be fun at the start anyways. Also, your previous requests were granted, so third order of business we give one extra request.” Sand speaks to Noctis a bit more serious this time, her usual playful tone forgotten for the moment.

“I know you said one request, but I demand two, and I promise the second one will be effortless for you. Do we have a deal?” So asks Noctis looking like the devil himself, or herself in this instance.

“It depends, so shoot.” Lisa replies a little helpless that the being before her seems like a merchant smelling gold instead of a soul getting benefits.

Noctis runs over to Sandstorm, grabs her arm, and leans in, whispering into her ear. After whispering a bit, sandstorm replies by quickly whispering into Noctis's ear as Lisa starts getting annoyed that another girl is so close to her wife. Making matters worse is the fact they are whispering goddess knows what to each other. While trying very hard to reign in her instincts, it seems they reached a consensus and stare into each other’s eyes like long-lost evil twins. Next, they shake hands while somehow looking like perverts, then fist bumps and do the post fist bump explosion.

“It is done. The second part will be delivered when you activate the first part, and don’t forget to warn the Lil bit you only got a couple of weeks. I am hoping for some new sisters in a couple of decades.” Sandstorm says, waving as the two girls poof back to wherever it is they disappeared to. Noctis looks around and then sighs, wondering how she will warn Scarlett. How do you prepare to have your entire life upended?

“Well, Guess we get to go with the hard way!” Noctis says, cracking her neck.

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