Days of a Wrathful Demoness

A bored demoness - Violet Indigo - makes a deal with {The Smiling Black Cat} to embrace a new chance of life as a regular little oni girl back in the mortal realm... Unfortunately for the realm this girl goes by a name feared by almost all - Violent. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Original art by @popopopopoopw and…

Chapter 28: The princess called Onyx


Some sister on sister action for you guys & gals (I guess mostly guys) to enjoy~!

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The should be youngest executive and Oni royalty - Onyx - couldn’t help but look across the people around with a brimming curiosity.

From their appearance they seemed like a shadow guard and based on them having killed a bunch of cultivation ninnies it should be that they were under a {Female Executive}. She did recognise a few of them as people who had previously been in training but she didn’t recognise the shorty who appeared to be an elder. The girl no doubt named after some purple flower based on her oversized hat’s veil.

There was no doubt she wouldn’t recognise a cutie like that girl if she had met her before! 

Onyx wasn't a very popular choice for heir due to two main reasons; her powers relied more on the spiritual side that oni could master compared to brute force. She wasn’t weak but she preferred focusing on her role as a priestess than following in her mom's footsteps of slapping the shit out of everything with a spiked club (kanabo). The second was due to her being about as straight as a Chakram. She really didn’t like penis! They were disgusting, smelly and weird not to mention their ball sacks. Don’t get her started on those sweaty things. 

She tried due to expectations of possibly bearing an heir; they even managed to invite a phoenix royal to her birthday party… She just got bored though. It just didn’t turn her on despite her being an oni which in turn offended their guest. The whole thing was a nightmare which ended with her bitchy second sister being a bitch while the black just patted her head with disappointment. She wished she could knock that bitches teeth out with her staff seeing that smug smirk while telling her she’d take care of everything including the family.

Makes sense she’d have a shitty personality with the dragon & turtle cum that mom said made her flat ass. Emphasis on Vanta’s ass being flat since it annoys her - imagine being an oni with a flat ass. Not that Onyx would refuse a woman who hasn’t got meat on her… But Vanta is an oni and a bitch so it’s okay to mock her for her lack of womanly curves!

Well unless she also got a fake ass like she did for her tits… Nothing against other women doing such; just Vanta.

Anyway, no cum means no children which means she’s unlikely to become heir. Although it’s possible to make babies with women it was far rarer and more complicated even without using their oni ability to merge bloodlines. Often a child artificially made by merging many bloodlines wouldn’t be a pure blooded oni thus wouldn’t be able to take full advantage of their oni-ness. 

She didn’t really care though; just didn’t want Vanta to be the heir apparent.

Because of that she rushed here from the academy she was attending (on scholarship since Sohn-Tochter found it amazing that one of her political rivals was the previously mentioned guest). She knew her other two sisters were off continent doing other things so she could make more contributions for her mom in this war - being older they were trusted with more tasks than her at a further distance. She may be able to beat Vanta in a fight so if she wanted she could totally take control of that boring stuff. Made more sense for her to keep being pretty and work hard in the academy. 

Getting stronger was the main goal at the academy but it wasn’t like that was all she did. Yakuza need all sorts of connections after all. It has nothing to do with all the pretty princesses being easily bent due to a mixture of stress and youthful innocence!

What interested her though was she didn’t recognise this cute little elder in front of her so was quite interested in ‘getting to know her’. Being the ladies lady she was, she knew most of the main women in the yakuza but this one she didn’t must mean she was a new elder? A new girl who had no idea who she was meant tons of teasing!

“O-Onyx-hime?” <Slate>

“Ah~ a face I will never forget, didn’t you say you would join me at the academy when you became strong enough Slate-chan~!” <Onyx>

Indeed a face she would never forget that beautiful budding face of the daughter of the legendary {Female Executive - Shadow Master} who was famous expert of assassination and loyal servant for their {Little Hannya Family}. She quickly discarded the little shortie who was silently tilting her head at her from her mind. Happily prancing towards the mature muscular oni with a giant badass sword.

“The current plan is for us to head out in about 7-10 years time to experience the world with Ojou-sama. This included attending the {Imperial Phoenix Academy} to gain admission to the  upcoming {Divine Invitational Continental Competition}.” <Slate>

Slate puffed out her chest with a proud grin while talking about that… Yet Onyx couldn’t help but be unhappy. Who was this ‘Ojou-sama’? Did an heir get chosen yet her mom never told her… That would mean it must be Vanta or her mom forgot her - either way she couldn’t agree to letting go of Slate to her older sisters who she could beat up! 

Strength meant everything so she should win the women!

With this in mind Onyx brought her hand up to Slate’s chin to position her lips before slowly moving their faces togeth-

“[True Demon Trigger].” <Violet>

That mysterious midget suddenly appeared to Onyx’s side causing her to freeze for a second. Her spiritual sense (not to be confused with a cultivator spirit sense) allowed her to easily take in the girl and something… Was weird. This girl clearly was a full blooded Oni yet deep from her soul it seemed like she was staring at a demon of unquestionable strength. She hadn’t sensed demonic qi that strong since that one time they attended a demonic banquet. She didn’t know which demons she felt as she was a little girl at that time… She knew that they were at least from the demonic royal family.

If she could summon a demon with that power would Vanta dare be bitch?

Tilting her head she gazed towards the girl to see her holding that kanabo in position to casually swing with one hand. The target appeared to be her side. This didn’t shake her but instead Onyx couldn’t hold back her grin at the silly girl's attempt. She had a shield up at all times which repelled both physical & magical attacks but she didn’t enjoy watching that girls hand shatter so decided to tell her.

“I wouldn’t do that if I w- WHA- *BLURGH*!” <Onyx>

Before she could finish what she was saying her shield simply collapsed in on itself as that simple looking Kanabo slammed into it. Worst of all it didn’t seem like the midget was really putting much effort into the blow; despite that it was true that her barrier stood no chance. Even worse was the backlash that hit her caused her to throw up enough blood to fill a tankard - even her death cheat activated causing her to forcibly be pulled through the rift. 

The pain she felt through being forcibly pulled through the {Spirit World} then pushed back out into a random area nearby was like being pulled through a hedge. It was better than what would happen if this skill didn’t activate… Death. Usually it allowed her to completely avoid the damage that would’ve killed her yet the power behind that girl's casual swing was so fierce she couldn’t completely avoid it. 

It was almost as if her taking damage was… An absolute.

She instantly fell to her knees while clutching her stomach which felt hollow after throwing up that blood. Onyx made zero attempt to even look at the girl as the pain she was experiencing was both mental due to the nature of her arts - whoever this midget was terrifying was the only word that could be used to describe her. No, maybe it was a better descriptor? 

The sound of grinding teeth was all she could hear and it was only getting louder or louder. This only caused her to shiver more as she remembered certain warnings from high ranking demons she’d met previously. If you hear the grinding of teeth it would be advisable to end your own life because you may be able to reincarnate.

She couldn’t even hear the girl's footsteps since she was too small… Soon a shadow was cast over her only for an unfamiliar voice to echo out.

“Violet ojou-sama, she’s your older sister Onyx so try not to play too rough or the matriarch may scold you~!” <Ashue>

“Tsk! *Kachu*” <Violet>

She felt the warm spit from the girl on the back of her head yet she was in too much shock and pain (mental & physical) to care about that. Her brain couldn’t even fully process their words; the mental backlash was just too strong. She was sure of one thing though… 

This girl was a true Oni and she respected it!


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