The Sole Survivor

A Reincarnator from Fallout somehow ends up in Brockton. Chaos ensues The fallout in question is heavily modded with stuff like guns and armor then several other things here and there.   The book is a fanfic so I don't expect to make money from it.

Chapter 1-2

Nora was sitting in a waiting room. Though it was much homier than one would expect. Similar to a foyer in a house. Nora was playing with the actuator on her showing prosthetic leg. The thing was part of her synth body that had to be rebuilt after a run-in with a gator claw.
The rhythmic tapping of her right heel matched the piston sound coming from her leg.
In truth that’s injury was the final nail in the coffin that made her realize she was no longer human.

“So, I bet that’s a story. Feel like sharing?” Emily says having left her office.

The woman sits down across from Nora setting down a cup of coffee in front of the dimensional traveler.

“If you share yours first?” Nora says picking up the cup and smelling it. “God I missed Coffee.”

“Our types always recognize each other don’t we? I’m Emily Piggot director of the Protectorate here. We are a government organization that handles the policing of parahumans,” Emily says introducing herself.

“They kicked the can far up the chain didn’t they? Tell me do you have a subordinate that always bugs you with every little thing? ‘It’s always another settlement needs your help.’ Not a ‘I can do things for myself once boss.’” Nora says laughing a little.

“Yes, it’s honestly like watching children.” Emily says

Nora just snorts in response before the two start laughing.

“This one time I had to stop Tinker Tom from injecting me with the cure for the blood robots. I was trying to sleep and the idiotic genius thought it was a good idea to stick me with a needle. I nearly put a bullet in that idiots head,” Nora says

“Hah! That’s nothing onetime I found Armsmaster trying to find his phone! He had it for 3 days before he entered a tinker fuge and miniaturized it. The thing is the size of his thumb and he refuses to buy a new one,” Emily says in response.

“Are we doing this? Cause I’ve got stories. We’ve got Cait the cage fighter let me tell you she’s an insane one. Irish accent to top all that off. I’ve also got Nick the human in a body of a robot, please don’t ask how that happened I would need some actual drinks for that. Strong oh I love strong hes stupid but funny as hell. Can’t even be bothered to remember my name so he calls me human,” Nora says

“That’s quite a crew you got. So who would we talk to when it comes to trade with your world and other stuff? Also, you called Strong dumb but youve got to be exaggerating.” Emily says

“Well when it comes to most the east coast of the former United States, we’re kinda broken up. I’m technically the leader from Pennsylvania to Maine with significant influence going south all the way to Florida. The rest the east coast is a mess of different settlements and leaders. The west is mostly under the banner of the New California Republic except for Vegas. Apparently, a Courier managed to take it over with a robot army. As for Strong… I would say his intelligence is sub brick.”

Emily looks at the girl in front of her in a new light. She doesn’t act like a warlord yet… it’s better to ask.

“How did you end up in charge?” Emily asks

Nora just sighs sitting back in the chair.
“I’ve honestly got no fucking clue. I mean all I did was save a few people from angry raiders. Then Nova started calling me General of the Minute Men. All of a sudden people just started following me. I mean I spent most of my time trying to make that name mean something. I don’t want to let them down.”

“They just gave it to you?” Emily asks stumped.

“I know right?! I tried to… I told them they were crazy but they kept on insisting. I just wanted to find my kidnapped son. They told me that if I became General then I would have all of the Minute Men behind me. So I took it.” Nora says

Emily nods before the phone in her pocket buzzes.
The director sighs before checking it.

Nora takes the time to enjoy the taste of chocolate. A luxury long since lost to the wasteland.

“Right, well in truth I kicked the proverbial can up the chain of command so you good lady has got a meeting with a few senators of Congress and the President himself. Alexandria and Rebecca-Costa Brown will both be in attendance as well so don't try anything.

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