Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 23: A wasted effort



The light from the sun didn’t quite reach the room Midas found herself sat in.

It was a dark room with no windows with the heavy scent of tobacco & ethanol making it clear this room was commonly used for the exact same purpose as it currently was. The dark nature of the room is not just a description of the intensity of the light. A faint scent of blood also refused to lighten it’s hold here - Midas didn’t particularly care for this though. 

In contrast to how many may react when in this situation she still had her shades on while she unhesitantly leaned back on the creaky wooden chair. Her wonderfully long legs being shown off as she crossed the left over right while the left foot - adorned in an ornate golden 6 inch stiletto that had golden bands perfectly wrapping around her feet to tightly stay on while showing off her feet  - bounced up and down. Those slender arms crossed under her outrageous bazookers to show them off as if to intimidate the stern woman across from her. 

Who was Midas to be afraid of a slightly shabby room? 

Though she did of course feel the need to complain.

“Could you not have taken ressidence in a finer estsablisshment; money sshouldn’t be an isssue for the notoriouss {Asura Yakuza}... Though I’m doubtful of whether you need to pay for a building you likely own. It iss somewhat amussing to me that the underworld is able to have a greater reach than the orthodox ssectss but conssidering the sstrength difference it makess ssensse shashasha~.” <Midas>

Yet despite her attempts at small talk the Oni in front of her gaze nothing in return but that cold calculating gaze which would intimidate most. The bamboo hat was just sat on the uneven wooden table beside the woman; a woman who really did represent a minority in the party loving race. A stern, serious and thoughtful woman which were usually traits not seen along with those iconic crimson horns upon her forehead.

The woman had white hair as well as eyes with a fairly nice body which, complimented by her square frame glasses and overall smart appearance, gave her the perfect ‘business woman’ appeal that Midas of course appreciated. Appearances were important and it seemed this girl understood this. The Oni even wore a black blouse with a white suit jacket & tube skirt that went to her thighs - the tight outfit perfectly showing off her impressive assets… Though when in the same room with Midas it did feel like she only had a ‘nice body’ however that could be said to be a universal truth.

To increase her intimidation factor there were even two huge muscular Oni men standing like pillars that supported the very building as they had to lean forward just to fit inside. Each was easily over 10 foot tall which led to them being very intimidating to most women… But their massive raging hard ons as their honest eyes hungrily studied the snake merely made her chuckle in amusement while tempting them with the occasional sultry glance.

Soon the Oni woman seemed to have given up as she let out a long sigh before finally speaking to Midas.

“Who are you?” <White Oni>

“Issn’t it polite to firsst give your own name~?” <Midas>

“That’s the problem… I can’t get a read on you no matter how much I look at you. Yet our reports have you not even having lived for a year. It’s unfeasible. This isn’t even discussing your level of strength; others may not care since you're easy to kill for them but that level of growth is absolutely unreasonable.” <White Oni>

Midas didn’t respond with any words but just had the same calm sultry smile while her eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the Oni. In return the woman couldn’t help shutter as those eyes easily seemed to see through every slight contraction her muscles made. It was as if she was stripped naked - even of her very own flesh and soul - to reveal her very mind to the woman in front of her. Somehow she felt like everything was how the {Heavenly Beast} wanted despite her having no knowledge about what they were doing here!

The only reason they approached the {Gold Dust Desert Continent} was because of a passing oracle from Onyx Himi-sama said it would be a good idea to ‘look for the oasis in the centre of it all for new opportunities’ while Violet Ojou-sama decided to attend school here. She was only sent to this continent because the matriarch trusted her with it since she had apparently ‘grown softer’ since ‘popping out a bastard’. 

Although that was mostly the matriarchs mocking. 

Thinking about her adorable chocolate skinned muffin. Her little pink haired gem. Her strong grown up girl who was just like the rather forceful ancestor Ruby. Originally she didn’t mind raising the girl on her own yet ancestor seemed to subscribe to the Ojou-sama school of romance. Thinking about her daughter did indeed make her cheeks soften a little… 

Though she still had a scowl on her face - just not as bad of one.

“I’m Alabaster, a Elder of {Asura Yakuza} and I assume you are called Midas since that is how Slate referred to you. But you know I wasn’t talking about names… I guess I’ll just leave those matters aside for now since we have no issues with one another. That may change upon your next answer though; what are your plans for this desert?” <Alabaster>

To this Midas just smiled while leaning forward, speaking slowly with that sultry tone that could make ones dick harder than viagra could.

“Make money shashasha~!” <Midas>

Alabaster obviously wasn’t amused by the snake's antics as the scowl on her face regained it’s full power once more. She also crossed her arms under her chest even if it wouldn’t have quite the same ‘impact’ as Midas’ gifts from god. The oni’s hand even went as far as to slowly push the bridge of the glasses up the bridge of her nose.

“That isn’t a plan it’s a goal - the two are very different and based on what I’ve understood of you-” <Albabaster>

“You know sshockingly little but I’ll give you a little peak ssince my god enjoyss ssharing knowledge sso much, pluss it’ss not like you would sstop me~.” <Midas>

Although Alabaster wasn’t happy with the reply she wasn’t going to cause trouble for the small slight; what annoyed her was that this ‘Midas’ knew how far she could push her. Most Oni even if they were calm were quick to answer yet despite this Midas still treated her harshly enough to annoy her yet trailing off before truly setting her off. Maybe that just meant that what she said held more weight since Alabaster certainly couldn’t do the same in return?

Before reaching an answer for that Midas moved her right hand from under her chest to curiously reach between them making the two men behind  her harder. She frowned slightly at the scent and heat coming off the two ‘happy men’ who wore simple lion cloths… Which meant their cocks currently pushed them up leaving the veiny giants on full display. Usually having a giant Oni male staring at you intensely with that monstrous meat out in the open would put the fear of god into a girl - sadly it just made the literal whore in front of her amused. 

The oni were already well aware of what Midas offered.

Alabaster was confused at the prostitutes actions since vary clearly there was nothing between her admittedly outrageously impressive breasts. Yet that confusion turned to shock and awe as the snake actually pulled out a golden bill of money - a piece of {Eulogy Gold}. Though since the three in the room were all Oni they had no idea of the qi coming off it. Luckily Alabaster was strong enough to feel the slight increase in temperature due to the increase of energy in the air.

“That thing is releasing quite a lot of energy, right?” <Alabaster>

“Indeed~! In fact, it’s releasing my very own {Gold Eulogy Qi} which cannot be found anywhere other than what is stored in this and created from us.” <Midas>

Midas tapped the golden bar to let out a satisfying *clunk* as her colourful nail hit the metal while Alabaster softly caressed her own chin.

“And you intend to release it so others can cultivate your qi? Although there will always be someone desperate enough cultivating a new type of qi like this will only lead to impurities being formed greatly reducing effects. Not to mention it seems dumb for your race since it’s market price would be [Spirit Stones] of a lesser amount of qi…” <Alabaster>

“*Chuckle* That’ss if you don’t disscusss itss effect to cleansse impuritiess though it doess mean it can’t be cultivated by anyone other than uss. Then again it’ss never a bad idea for mortalss to cleansse their impuritiess. It doess lead to thosse with too many impuritiess to no longer having to worry about their passt foolisshnesss shashasha~!” <Midas>

“This?!” <Alabaster>

“We can alsso help people with their impuritiess through intimate meanss~.” <Midas>

Her somewhat dismissive gaze turned to an almost fanatical one as she gazed at the money making metal. The worth of a [Spirit Stone] as currency was because it was helpful for cultivation as a carriable source of qi - this meant that it’s economic worth was basically static in a world of cultivation. No matter which era people are in there will always be people at a certain level of cultivation which will be able to make use of even a [Small Spirit Stone]... But then there is this gold.

While [Spirit Stones] were always worth something because a minority could always use them, these golden bills were literally useful for just about every cultivator out there. A treasure that could help deal with impurities was always a costly treasure. Despite that the serpent whore’s race could apparently just ride someone's dick in duel cultivation (which usually increased impurities due to it’s nature) to cleanse impurities - how could they not become the highest earning prostitutes in the three realms?

Only certain beasts like Phoenixs could cleanse impurities which mean that it wouldn’t just be mortals that would wish to use their impurities as an excuse to dive between those plump thighs!

Not only that but apparently they also had the option to make this gold which stored a certain amount which Alabaster assumed could be used just like [Spirit Stones]. If they didn’t become one of the wealthiest races in the world then they’d be the most exploited… Now things began to make more and more sense. 

“No wonder you chose to go so far away from the regular world while still staying in a place filled to the brim with crime… It’s the perfect place to grow in power and influence while perfectly safe due to your level of power. You have already shown yourself great in dealing with a number of opponents meaning that you have basically nothing to fear except for the Oni.” <Alabaster>

“Of coursse~.” <Midas>

“Then why aren’t you scared of us?” <Alabaster>

With that the air in the room seemed to grow more tense as Alabaster slowly turned her gaze from the gold to the woman in front of her. The pressure coming off from Alabaster was clearly enough to put the fear of the Yakuza into anyone else in this desert. Very few people in the {Mortal Realm} could claim to be as ferocious as the {Female Executives} of the {Asura Yakuza} afterall.

Despite this pressure Midas just calmly continued to stand there looking no different from usual except she seemed quite ‘amused’ as her chest bulges were far clearer than initially.

Before Alabaster could continue on the door at the side opened followed by the thick scent of freshly squeezed semen. Everyone turned to the door where a jolly looking woman stood in the doorway though her appearance was quite something. One would think she was quite scholarly with a wise look on her face with wavy jade hair behind her head. 

Though this impression was quite lessened due to the clear beating her lips had taken - quite swollen from ‘overuse’ while her heavy breaths carried the scent of the penis that ‘overused’ them. Her large swollen breasts had bite marks clear upon them as milk leaked out from her large and currently hard nipples while various claw marks made it appear as if some beast had gripped her from behind. 

What supported this ‘beast theory’ was currently being cradled by the mature woman's left arm with a proud smile on her face. She rested her right side on the doorframe while her hand lightly held while she proudly cradled a large balloon in her left. Or rather than call it balloon it may be more accurate to refer to it as her cum bloated balloon that was formerly her well maintained gut.

The naked woman's pervertedness didn’t end there though as she actually had a very obvious giant black plug ramming up her swollen lower lips - those lips taking on a somewhat brown tint due to constant bruising taking its toll. Though there was actually white tape sticking over the plug several times in order to stop her from dropping the monstrous load on the floor. 

The aura of a powerful beast was noticeable despite her depraved state; the woman just calmly looked at the two women in the room with no interest in the men.

“A-Ashue?!” <Alabaster>

“Violet Ojou-sama wishes you to all get along with the city lord so has invited you into her room to get to know each other~! Oh, she also said to bring those two men along with a round table since the number is convenient ohohoho.” <Ashue>

Alabaster seemed quite unwilling but after a while she nodded her head while making preparations. In the meanwhile Midas decided to follow the obviously impregnated tortoise to their little meeting room. Something that wasn’t very hard due to her slow waddle as she had to support her cum filled insides - something Midas found out wasn’t just the case for the front since an equally giant plug was being used on her rear as well.

More interesting was the ‘artwork’ of a giant cocked girl who had rocky claws for hands with a Hannya style mask on Ashue's back which seemed to tell the story of how she ended up like this. This unrealistic cock was deep inside Ahsue’s womb as the claws tightly gripped her neck and ass while the tattoo version of Ahsue had her stomach in the process of being inflated like a condom but instead of horror a clear look of happy ecstasy was on her face. Many other girls, including her own Slate haired friendincluded with her face under the left foot of the [Hannya Mask], were also located on the back tattoo with similarly inflated bellies. Although the figures were in their undergarment it was obvious to even the purest mind what was happening. Many would find it quite distasteful but Midas couldn’t help but get a little wet at the sight.

<I guess my soul was really amalgamated with this body. If I feel this hot in such an image, it appears there is no way back now ohohoho~!>

Most may be horrified at the thought of being gender bent then getting used to it… Midas clearly wasn’t one of those people.

Walking down the hallway which clearly needed maintenance the overpowering scent of milf maker only grew more intense. Midas couldn’t help but have that black tongue of her flicker into the air more often and for longer periods. Her cheeks long flush while her thighs were covered in a transparent film of natural lube. A sound that was all too familiar to  Midas echoed down the corridors. 


Over and over again with no mercy or patience. She knew whoever had their face violated would have to be quite strong while only making her body more excited. Did all women act like this? No, as previously mentioned, most women would be too terrified at the scent alone to even step forward. However if there was something Midas wasn’t it was normal.

Ashue merely stood on the other side of a door and gestured for her to enter which is exactly what Midas did. Entering the room she came across a scene straight out of a degenerate novel which resulted in Midas shivering as she dripped on the floor. Her sultry smile changed to a perverted one as the hands which once supported her chest began to rub her bean and poke her slit.

The friend she had grown so attached to was the lucky woman of the moment as her stomach was already bulging and her eyes foggy as she seemed light headed. A white claw viciously grabbed her ponytail with a second her scalp to make her head jerk along a monstrous length attached to the girl on Ashue’s back. Compared to the cock on Ashue’s back this one may actually be bigger yet Slate’s neck (and collar) forcibly stretched out to fit the veiny monster. Slate’s dainty hands that usually proudly wielded a blade were made to press against the giant balls while thick white liquid oozed out of her nose 

Beside her was a woman Midas noticed which made her frown softly; she was a target Midas wanted to take advantage of.

That frown was only momentary.

The proud Lord Aqua Liger was currently barely conscious with her arms resting on the monstrous girls thighs while her head rested upon those. Despite what one may assume the human had somehow managed to keep her consciousness despite her bloated belly - from between her thighs came a constant stream of cum from her gaping holes. Her constant panting as well as her no doubt sore jaw caused her to leave her mouth fully open with tongue hung out while her lips were obviously quite bruised.

These two strong women and monster weren’t the only people in the room as countless other women were in similar situations to Aqua Liger except they weren’t strong enough to remain conscious throughout the abuse.

“Welcome Martial Sister Tyrant…” <Violet>

A bell like voice spoke to Midas which caused her brows to furrow slightly a the name but she still kept the same smile. Her hands retreating from her privates to return to supporting her chest while maintaining direct eye contact to the monstrous being in front of her. Even compared to primordial gods the Oni in front of her was legendary

“Shuten or Atlas Violet - which do you go by these days~?” <Midas>

And so the two conversed for the first time in eons.


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