The Star System: Rise To The Top

After buying a guitar, Kane, who had a dream of becoming a singer-songwriter, stumbled upon a strange glass bead that held within it a system called the Star System. From this moment on, Kane's life slowly started to change. He completed missions and worked hard to earn money to follow his dream, all while taking…


Stacey picked up the menu and looked at Kane with upturned eyes. She felt so warm in her heart that she felt like she was going to melt. She was glad that she had fallen for him. Not hiding her happiness at all, Stacey spoke sweetly: “Thank you.”

    “No need to thank me,” Kane said with a smile. “I should be thanking you. Since I met you, I have gotten more motivation. I have never wanted to push myself to the limits as much as I do now. And this is thanks to you. You stay by my side when I am writing. Never complain, even though I know it’s boring. To be honest, I feel like a lucky guy to have a girl like you by my side.”

Kane took a deep breath and mustered up his courage as he finally asked: “Stacey, will you be my girlfriend?”

“Mmm!” Stacey’s eyes had tears in them. She slipped out of her seat and went over to Kane, and hugged him tightly. She felt like she was about to burst with joy. She could finally put her anxiety down. She was now officially Kane’s girlfriend. She leaned close to Kane’s face and planted her lips on his. Her cheeks were red. Her first-ever kiss was just now, and she couldn’t help but think of it as something that she would always remember. It was only a kiss where she pressed her lips on his, but it was enough for her for now since they were not in private. She pulled back and smiled as bright as the sun. “Took you long enough!”

Kane rubbed his head. He knew he had made her wait. “Sorry.” 

    “As long as you are mine, that is all that matters,” Stacey replied as she leaned in and kissed his lips again. She then giggled and went back to her seat. “Let’s get something to eat!” 

Kane nodded and picked up his menu as well. He was glad that Stacey was so happy. He made a promise to himself to make sure that this girl’s smile never faded. 

The two enjoyed the meal they had ordered. It was one of the best meals they would get to have for a very long time. By the time they finished, the sun had already gone down. Stacey and Kane walked hand in hand, not as a sworn brother and sister but as boyfriend and girlfriend for the first time. “I can’t stop smiling.”

    “Oh?” Kane looked down at the girl, who was still smiling away. “Let’s hope that smile never disappears.”

“Hehe.” Stacey blushed. She hugged Kane’s arm as the two walked the streets of the city. The cold air kept many people in, so not many were out. The street lights lit their path as they slowly walked down the sidewalk. 

When they arrived back at the apartment, there was only one light on. It was just a small lamp in the living room, but it was enough to allow one to see as they walked around at night. Kane and Stacey headed to his room, where they both sat on the bed. 

An awkward silence suddenly fell on them as they now realized that they were now a couple and were sleeping together.  It was different from before. Kane couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. This was the same for Stacey as well. 

Kane thought for a moment before putting his arm around Stacey, causing her to look up at him. Her eyes sparkled in his. She watched as he grew closer until their lips touched. Stacey’s eyes closed, and soon she found her mouth invaded. This was her first deep kiss. She was a little nervous and clumsy. She tried to battle it out with Kane’s tongue. But she ended up forgetting to breathe, which made her gently pound on Kane’s chest to make him stop.

Kane chuckled, seeing the out-of-breath girl. “You need to breathe through your nose.”

“I know!” Stacey blushed and glared at Kane. “I need to go shower.”

Kane watched as Stacey stood up and ran to get a shirt from his closet, gathered her things, and ran out of the room. He held his face and fell back on his bed. He let out a long sigh of relief. “I am glad that went well.” 

He touched his lips. He found that out of the girls he had kissed, her kiss was the sweetest. A thought came to mind as he spoke softly: “Is this what it feels like when you truly love someone?”

In the bathroom, Stacey turned the water on and undressed. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. She touched her lips and which were curled up into a permanent smile, and giggled to herself. “My first real kiss…. It tastes like dinner…” Stacey let out a laugh as she got into the shower.

After Stacey showered and brushed her teeth, Kane went to clean up as well. But now it was time for the lights to go out and the two of them to get into bed. Stacey was already under the covers. Kane scratched his head before joining her after he had turned the lights off. 

As soon as he got into bed, Stacey cuddled up next to him. Kane looked down at her expectant eyes and knew the little minx wanted a kiss from him. He smiled and leaned down and kissed her lips lightly. Stacey pursed her lips when she saw how fast Kane retreated. She did not plan to let him go. She climbed right on top of him and pushed her lips on his. She then pulled back and looked into his eyes, and whispered: “You can do as you please.”

Kane shook his head and hugged her close. “It’s still too soon to push things further. I know you are not ready as well.”

Stacey buried her head into Kane’s neck. She knew she was not ready, but she would be willing if he wanted her to go further. But hearing him say these words made her happy. Even though his lower half was telling her otherwise, she knew Kane would not ask to go further unless she was truly ready. “You will end up being tortured.”

“It’s fine. I can wait for you to be ready.” Kane replied.

“Then….” Stacey blushed as she slid her hand down to his shorts and stuck a finger under the hem. “Should I at least help ease things?” 

Kane bit his lip. He wanted to say she did not need to, but he could only slightly nod. He soon felt Stacey kiss his neck as her hand slipped into his shorts and wrapped around his shaft. She had no idea what she was doing, so she hoped she could help him out a bit. She moved her hand up and down gently while Kane hugged her tightly. She could hear his breathing getting heavier. She lifted her head up and kissed his lips. This seemed to be some kind of trigger as Kane pulled her into a deeper kiss. 

A few minutes later, Kane grunted softly: “I am about to….”

“Okay…” Stacey knew what was about to happen. She placed her hand over the tip and allowed the warm fluid to squirt into her hand. She was surprised about the amount that came out and knew he had ruined his shorts. Her cheeks were red. She had never thought she would be doing things like this so soon, but she could not let Kane suffer because of her. She knew she teased him a lot, and with her always around, he did not have time to relieve himself. So she was more than willing to help him.

Stacey was unsure if she should pull her hand out or not. Mainly because if she did, she would make more of a mess. “Ummm.”

“Let’s uh… Move off me slowly without moving your hand.” Kane felt a little awkward. He had Stacey move to the side before pulling his shorts out so she could pull her hand out easily. “Go wash up. I will clean up after. And…. Thanks…. It was amazing.” 

Stacey’s whole face turned bright red as she quickly hurried off the bed. She held her sticky hand closed, making sure not to drip anything on the ground. When she reached the bathroom and turned the light on, she went straight to the sink and turned on the faucet. She finally took a look at her hand, which now had a slimy substance on it, and brought it close to her face. She sniffed it once before wrinkling her nose. She did not hesitate to wash her hand as quickly as possible. “I am only doing this once a week….” Little did she know it would soon become a nightly ritual.

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