Rebirth Of Ai

After dying on the battlefield, Ai was reborn back in time before the replicators had arrived.  Now, with a new chance at life, Ai wanted to do things differently. She did not wish to be stuck living like she had before. With the help of the system she received upon rebirth, Ai saw a chance…

She Is Too Young For You

Jen forced a smile as she answered me. “I will think about it then. We have two years, right? Maybe in these two years, they will realize they have a daughter…”

I could only sigh. I could see the sadness in Jen’s eyes. I couldn’t help but lean over and give her a hug. Jen only wished to be loved by her parents. But her parents thought it was enough to just give her money for the month while they went off to work and hardly ever came home.  A young girl sitting at home alone with no one around. I have told her many times to just come live with me, but she always wished to go home and wait. Wait and see if they will come back.

“Jen, no matter what, I will always be there for you. So for the next two years, unless your parents do come home to ask for you, stay here. We can go to your house tomorrow to get a bunch of your clothes after my mother goes to work.” I held Jen closely. I wished I could do more to comfort her and say that her parents would definitely be there tomorrow, but I already knew this was a lie.

“Mm…” Jen hugged me back and pushed her face into my neck. We stayed like this for a while before we finally parted. Jen always gave me a warm feeling when I was with her. She was the only person I could truly be comfortable with. If not for her, I do not think I would have been the person I was in my past life. She was what kept me being me. I do not wish to let her down in this lifetime. 

After a while, Jen was acting normal again. I let her use my lap as a pillow while I worked on my laptop. I had many programs I needed to make. Luckily, I still remember the code base for things. However, it will still take me a few days to finish up all the code. But tonight, I had no choice but to write the code for the program that would hack the school’s computers every day. I did not plan to do it myself. Only stupid people would do things inefficiently when it came to a simple system hack. But to know what I was getting into, I first needed to hack the school’s computers once. 

Since they did not have a high-tech firewall setup, it was quite easy to hack into the systems. Luckily, they did keep the attendance records on an in-house server. Once I got the route correct, I based my program on that. In just a few hours, I had an automated system. I sent the script to a server online and set it to run on a daily basis at a certain time. I would only need to check it tomorrow to make sure it ran properly. 

“That should do it.”  I leaned back and stretched. Jen had long fallen asleep in my lap. Her cute face was even cuter when she was sleeping. I gently ran my fingers through her hair, causing her to turn over and hug my waist. She was always like this. When she slept, she liked to hug me. 

I did not wake her. I only kept caressing the top of her head as I looked at my laptop. I still had a lot of things I needed to do. But for today, I will just relax. My mother already said it would just be Jen and me tonight since both my mother and father had to work overtime to finish a project. Luckily, they already have a second project lined up, so they will not be home during the day the next few weeks.

I will still be getting up at my normal time. I had to fake like I was going to school after all. But in truth, I will be going to stake out the military base and the police stations. In order to hack their systems, I will need to get an idea of what they have for security. And in order to do that, I will need to get close enough to take a peek and then jump out quickly. I figure I can spend a minute inside before they detect anything. 

“Ai?” Jen woke up and was rubbing her eyes, looking up at me. 

“Awake now?” I asked gently. She smiled and nodded. I caressed her head again before poking her forehead. “We should go get something to eat. My mom left us money to get some takeout. I want to get some fresh air as well, so let’s go for a walk.”

“Okay.” Jen sat up. I helped her straighten out her hair before standing up. “Ai, can we stop at my house so I can get some clothes?”

    “Yeah. Might as well since we will be out.” I had no issues with this. We could go order food and then go to her house on the way back. This way, she would not need to wear the same clothes in the morning.

After getting our things together, we exited my house and stood on the doorstep. The streets were dark except for the two or three street lights that gave some light for us to see. The night was actually starting to get cold, so it was good that we put on jackets. I held my hand out to Jen, which she readily took. We always did this when we went out at night. It was mainly for safety purposes.

We walked down the familiar street towards the main drag where the stores were. There was a pizza shop not too far from my house, which was nice. We had been there many times since we were little. But on this night, there seemed to be a problem. We stopped at the corner when we saw a large group of boys and girls in their late teens and early twenties hanging out front. Jen instantly became nervous and gripped my hand. 

I smiled and said: “Do not let go of my hand no matter what happens, okay?”

Jen nodded and tightened her grip even more. I knew she was not good with boys, especially older ones. We had only crossed the street and entered the pizza shop’s parking lot when one of the young men who was sitting down eating pizza called out to us. “Hey girls, want to come party with us?”

I turned to see the guy leering at Jen, which pushed the poor girl further into her shell. I glared at the young man and said: “Do me a favor and don’t look at my friend like that. She is too young for you anyway.”

“Hey, don’t be like that. I am just asking to come to hang out.” The young man did not know when to give up. You would think when I said she was too young, he would understand the situation, but it did not seem to click in his head.

“So, in other words, you want to force two underage girls to follow you? Are you a pedo?”

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