I Got Summoned And Got Cheat Skills Along With A Yuri Slave Harem

Shizuku, a normal girl who just so happens to like other girls, was in a locker room with her classmates when she and the others were suddenly summoned to another world. Not wanting to have anything to do with the people who summoned her, Shizuku asks the goddess, who gives out classes and gifts for…

Asking For Cheat Skills From A Goddess Part 1

Helen shook her head. “I understand that you are angry, but there is no way for us to send you back. The summon spell is an ancient magic and is only able to summon heroes. We would not have used it if we did not need to, but the coming storm is not something the people of this world will be able to deal with on their own. They need heroes…”

“Can you stop talking as if we are all obligated to help you people? You took teenage girls, who are just barely entering adulthood from another world who were living happy lives for the most part, naked, I might add, and then asked them to help you deal with some kind of disaster? Do you think we are warriors!? 

“We are not even close to being anything like that! We have never seen bloodshed, nor have any of us killed anyone. But you want us to stand up for your people and your world. Listen, lady, I might be into girls, but I will not allow you to try to force me and my friends into some bullshit scheme you people have set up. You did not ask us if we wanted to do shit. You are just trying to force it on us.” Shizuku was not holding back. She was quite mad since her closest friends were shivering in fear. 

“We understand this.” Helen lowered her head. “But even so, we had no choice. While we know it is wrong to pluck people from their worlds without their permission, we still have to in order to ensure the survival of this world. And fear not, we will not just throw you to the beasts. Once you have spoken to the goddess, you will be able to gain a gift and a class. These gifts and classes for those we have summoned are normally very strong and will allow you to survive the upcoming predicament.”

Shizuku snorted. She was not happy in the slightest, but there was no other choice at this time since they were currently ‘stuck’ in this world, according to the old hag. She walked over to her best friend Miyumi and helped her put her robe on. “Miyumi, I am here, so don’t worry.”

“Shizuku!” Miyumi jumped on Shizuku and hugged her tightly. Her tears rolled down her face. She was scared. She wanted to go home. She did not want to be in this place. When she felt Shizuku’s warmth as she was hugged. Miyumi finally let go of her emotions and broke down.

About thirty minutes later, Shizuku, who held Miyumi’s hand, and the rest of her classmates were all brought to what seemed to be some kind of shrine of sorts. It had many stained glass windows to allow light to shine through. But there were no seats here, only prayer pads for people to kneel on in front of a statue of a woman with wings that stood as tall as the ceiling, looking down at everyone with gentle eyes. 

The old hag stood in front of this statue. “This is our Goddess Yunni. She is a benevolent goddess who wishes for this world to be safe from danger, but alas, she is unable to make a move herself, which is why we were forced to summon you all here. But if you pray to her, she will be able to bestow upon you a gift and class that is most suitable for you. Now, please, everyone, come and kneel before the statue.”

Shizuku did not like the idea of dealing with this crap. Basically made to pray to some goddess they had no idea who they were. For all she knew, this goddess could be the demon lord of this world. But in order to gain something to survive in this world, each girl, including Shizuku, did as they were told. 

Shizuku knelt down, clasped her hands together, and closed her eyes. She thought for a moment before thinking in her mind. ‘Oh Goddess Yunni or whatever, please give me something to escape these crazy ass people.’

“Hello!” What looked to be a young woman in her late teens appeared in front of Shizuku.

Shizuku looked at the woman and then thought of the statue and furrowed her brow. “My guess is you the goddess Yunni or whatnot, but you look nothing like the big-breasted statue.”

“That is just those old bastards use as their image of me since they, in truth, have never met me. In the days of old, my statues actually looked just like me. But I must say that you are a strange one, you know. Before you, I spoke to one of your friends, and they broke down crying, yet you… you have a look of determination. But from your words just now, you wish to be of no use to this kingdom?” Goddess Yunni asked.

“I want nothing to do with it. I hate it when people force things upon others, and yet they summoned me and my classmates to this world without our permission. But I do not want to be so useless that I am unable to even do anything either. I want to be able to live in this world since I can not get sent home.” Shizuku replied. She would rather be seen as useless if nothing else if she could by this kingdom.

“I can do that. And I can also help you in a few other ways. I will allow you to make four requests to be able to survive in this world. I sadly can not send you home since the magic that was used to bring you here was performed by humans. Only the original text of the summoning I sent down would be able to send you home, but it seems they destroyed the original at one point. I am very sorry. My hands are tied due to restrictions on what I can do in the world. I only have one thing I can do, and that is give out gifts and classes.” Goddess Yunni bowed her head in apology. She truly felt bad. But this world needed heroes. 

“I understand. Can I ask a few questions and have them not be considered requests?” 

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