I Got Summoned And Got Cheat Skills Along With A Yuri Slave Harem

Shizuku, a normal girl who just so happens to like other girls, was in a locker room with her classmates when she and the others were suddenly summoned to another world. Not wanting to have anything to do with the people who summoned her, Shizuku asks the goddess, who gives out classes and gifts for…

Demon Lord?

“So we put the orb here?” Mei asked as she, Shizuku, and Miyumi stood at the top of the long staircase. On the wall facing them were two slots the same shape as the orb. 

“It’s my guess. Both the left and right are blocked by different barriers. One is purple, the other is blue. My guess is the purple barrier will open and allow us to explore that part of the dungeon. We will then need to find the blue orb to open the other section.” Shizuku replied as she took out the orb. She walked over to the slot that was closest to the purple barrier and stuffed it in. Purple lines began to form on the wall, and the barrier to their left disappeared. 

“This is kind of fun.” Miyumi was a little excited. She had always liked the video game dungeons where you needed to find different keys to progress.

“Well, let’s just hope this “fun” does not include more ghouls. I don’t want to smell them anymore.” Shizuku patted Miyumi on the shoulder before continuing forward. 

As they walked down the hall they sat that there were more ghosts like before. But there were also skeletons as well. So the ghosts might just be there as ghosts and might not turn into ghouls. They would have to wait and see. 

“What I do not get, though, is how this is a dungeon. This seems more like a raid than a dungeon. Is the dungeon here supposed to be like this?” Shizuku was really starting to wonder just what was going on.

“I am not sure. I never heard anything about it.” Miyumi replied. “Mei, have you heard anything?”

“No…” Mei shook her head. She also found this place a little strange.

“I do have to admit, though, it seems these places are kind of gearing me up.” Shizuku had a strange feeling. She really wondered what Goddess Yunni did to allow her so many benefits. Or what Goddess Yunni had planned for her.

“Don’t complain. You are basically getting everything others could wish for handed to you.” Miyumi sighed. She did not know how Shizuku got so lucky, but she was glad she did. With Shizuku’s instanced dungeons, Shizuku would be able to level up quicker and grow stronger quicker, and as Shizuku’s slave, this also helped her do the same. While she might get some gear here and there, it was well worth it to make Shizuku stronger and stronger.

“I know. I just wish I knew why. You know. It’s like there is some big plan for me that I do not even know about.” Shizuku replied as she killed another skeleton before it could hit Mei.

“What if Goddess Yunni wants you to become the demon lord and take over this world?” Miyumi teased. 

“Please don’t say such scary things. Could you see me as a demon lord?” Shizuku asked.

“I don’t see why not. I mean, a demon lord is nothing but a title. It does not mean you need to go around massacring everyone. You could just use your power to make the world better, no?” Miyumi asked. She really did not see Shizuku as someone who would start killing every human, but Shizuku did plan to take down the church. “Think about it. You already want to build up your strength to take down the church. The church has a massive force. And is ingrained into society. Their influence rains supreme over the non-Fallen races. You would need to go country to country to uproot their evil and free the world.” 

Shizuku pursed her lips. “While that is true. Can’t you just call me a hero or something? Why a demon lord?” 

“It’s cooler? I mean, you are what they call a Fallen. A race deemed evil by the church. But the so-called evil being is now working hard to become strong enough to take down the church that has become corrupt. So I think the title Demon Lord would suit you.” Miyumi replied teasingly.

“Master, I also think it would suit you well.” Mei could only see the title of demon lord as an amazing title since everyone feared the demon lord. If her master was feared by all, no one would want to mess with her. Then, she could live peacefully.

“You too, Mei?” Shizuku pursed her lips. “I would rather not.” 

The girls continued to chatter as they made their way down the halls of the castle. Each hall had many skeletons, some with armor, some that knew magic. It made for good training, so they took their time and did not kill too quickly.

By the time they reached the last room, where a blue orb hovered in the air, they stood outside it a little nervous about going in. “It’s a trap, right?” Shizuku asked.

Inside the room were five statues. Each one held a weapon in their hand and wore heavy armor. They surrounded the blue orb as if guarding it. Mei and Miyumi could only nod at Shizuku’s question. Shizuku sighed and said: “Let’s take a break and eat. We will decide how we will deal with the room after.”

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