The Misadventures of the Doll Witch

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The Misadventures of the Doll Witch

(Currently not being posted. If you wish to read what has been written so far, please follow my Patreon. The story will eventually come here after enough content has been written.)

There was once a girl who loved witches to the point of obsession. Unfortunately, she was born in the town of salem, where the witch trials were held. Thoughout her life, she suffered for being different, for being the “nail that stands out.”

one day, as she and her mother were on their way home from a girls night out, they became the victims of a tragic head on collision.  After a tragic accident, the young woman named Vivian was paralyzed, kept alive solely by the machines of the hospital. As she lives like that for the next two years of her life, she dies as a power outage takes the machines she relied on, out.

Vivian made only one wish, ‘If I can be reborn, can I be reborn in a world that I can find happiness in?’

From then on, she is reincarnated in a world of swords and sorcery, but with a catch. She is reincarnated as a witch hat!

Will Vivian find the happiness she seeks? Will she ever come across the reincarnation of her mother? Only time will tell, for now, she must live life, one step at a time as she adjusts and adapts to her new life. A life, where she must possess humanoid inanimate objects to blend in.