A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

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A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Sakagami Tomoya, a shut-in otaku who had a very easy life, finds himself in a sticky situation.

After dying, being given a system, and being tasked to become a Story Breaker, Skakagami Tomoya must now bed five girls from each anime universe and impregnate them in order to break the loop that makes the worlds these stories resided in from resetting each time the story ends.

Once a he, now a she, and a fox girl at that, will Tomoya befriend the MC’s of these worlds while trying to steal their harem members?

Or will she settle for a few side characters to get the job done?

Or will she kill the MC and take over their role?

What is the actual purpose of the Guide To The Multiverse?

Many mysterious and more will await Tomoya on her journey to save these story worlds.

Advanced chapters can be found on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/invayne