Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!

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Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!

Everything was going well for him: a well-earning job, a car, a home, but then he was tossed into a world of immortals, in the body of Jade Beauty of all things!

Hello, there. I’d written this novel a while back and only recently picked it up again, and decided to post it.
I write mostly for fun, so uh… I can guarantee no update consistency. I will try to post 3 to 4 chapters a week, but again, I can’t guarantee anything.

PS: This is a Gender Bender work. If you dislike that, this is not for you; just don’t give it a bad rating/review for that.

PPS: I don’t have much writing experience and want to improve, so your critiques are welcome. Just don’t be too harsh – my glass heart might just break.

PPPS: MC will be extremely strong in her Cultivation Stage – and the strongest later on, but that doesn’t mean much in the Cultivation World, where there is always a ‘Heaven beyond the Heavens’.

PPPPS: This is still a WIP. I have the general plot idea in mind, but nothing concrete. Plus, I haven’t made the mechanics of this world as concrete as I would like. So, I might make minor changes here and there. If I do make such changes, I’ll do it retroactively across all relevant chapters. So, early readers might get a little confused, and I apologise for that.
Of course, I’ll post a note when I do make changes.

PPPPPS: This story will take a while to pick up. So don’t expect MC to have tremendous odds stacked against her from the very beginning. In fact, this will be more slice-of-life at the beginning.