
Creating Worlds

Path of Caylin

Path of Caylin is about a young boy who after his death finds himself in the body of a girl and begins his adventure. Without much information Kyle is thrown into a new world and must find his way in it as Caylin. Caylin the girl in which he finds himself again is for unexplained…

Survival gift

After a much too short time, I woke up to a loud noise.  

It sounded like... Rain?  
I opened my eyes and sure enough, it is raining.  

In the cave, underground, it is raining.  

Fortunately I am under an overhang and am spared by the direct rain.  
But how can it rain down here?  
Slowly I begin to notice how cold it is and my whole body starts shivering.  
Huddling together, I somehow try to keep me warm.  
But sadly it brings absolutely nothing! 
To distract myself a little, I open my status screen.

Status: Injured, Freezing   
Name: Caylin Vel    
Age: 12    
Title: Imperial Princess, blessed by Vel, survivor,  
Race: Human    
LvL: 002  
Health: [22/22]   
Mana: [1/1]   
Vitality: [11]   
Strength: [9]   
Agility: [12]   
Intelligence: [20]  
[Mana Sense: 1 (inactive)], [Health Regeneration: 1], [Night Vision 1], [Psychic Resistance 1], [Cold Resistance 1],   
[Throwing: 1], [Analysis: 1]  

I'm either hallucinating from the cold or quite a bit has changed.  
Not only have my stats gone up... no I have even new titles and skills...   
it is quit the wounderfull view...  
Finally... alone the name of the skill sounds just promising!  
That surely will help me...  
First of all let's see what the titles and skills give me. 
Title: survivor  
The title is given to the one who survives several life-threatening situations and impresses one or serveral gods.  
The title allows the wearer to get survivor skills more easily.  
Skill: mental resistance  
Reduces the harmful influence on your mind. The higher the skill the higher the resistance.  
Requirement: Legacy, Blessing, mental influence over a longer period of time  
Skill: cold resistance  
Reduces the harmful effect of the cold element. The higher the skill the higher the resistant.  
Requirement: Legacy, Blessing, Elemental cold influence over a longer period of time  

Skill: Analysis  
Allows the user to obtain information about objects.  
The higher the skill the more information is obtained.  
Prerequisite : Blessing, by exploring in Life Dangerous environment.  

-so I'm being watched... I hope you enjoy watching me struggle down here...-  
Well at least I get something for the enternaiment...  
The skill Analyze seems to be able to level as well.  
Oh heavens...  
My HP has more than doubled?  
But my vitality has remained the same...  
just how does my system works ???  
Apparently I always get new skills after the rest...  
-damn, it is so cold! And despite the fact that I have the cold resestence skill!  
while the time I sit here and look at the changes in my status, the rain seems to have increased.  
Despite the fact that I'm sitting under a ledge, it starts to get wet around my feet.  
Just how is it evn possible that it rains like that in a cave?

I just can´t explain it myself!
A bit away from me is one of those roots coming down from the ceiling.  
Maybe I should try my new skill? 
How do I actually use it...  
-Haha I'm shivering so heavy that I can't even speak properly...-  
But it is so badmouthing cold...  
Nothing has happened...  
-aaahh.. how the hell do I use it!-  

Calm down!

Perhaps by focusing on the root?  
So I start to intensively look at the root.  
I really pay attention to every little detail...  
A brown root with lots of little thin drops of water flowing down it.  
There is not really much you can say about it.  
Well, it seems to be made of a lot of small fibers that are somehow woven together.

but except for this ther would only be...
All of a sudden I feel my eyes start to heat up.  
Not only that... but... I get a really bad headache... no, it's a really intense pain that I get all of a sudden.  
-Ohh please make it stop.-  
[Mana vains enlivened]  
[Mana vains restoring]  
[+1 mana]  
[Mana sense reactivated]  
-aahh please dont send me messages from the systeam now, my skull hurts enough as it is!- 
I get one message after the other from the system, while a hell of a pain is going through my head.  
[+1 mana]  
[+1 mana]  
[+1 mana]  
-please stop it now!  
I don't know how many more pings I heard but it felt like an eternity until it slowly stopped.  
My headache starts to calm down and I didn't really realize first but my body hurt a lot too.  
I felt like as if my joints were burning all the way down to my fingers. 
But I was finally able to breathe again.  
-Whatever that was, please, I really don't want to have that again!-

Slowly I opened my eyes and for some reason my environment seemed to look differently to me.

But how the difference is I can't say... it is just... different...  
It is as if i sense another color next to the colors... 
With a slight headache I look at my status and am hit by a whole bunch of messages that take my breath away.  
Not only has my passive skill [Mana Sensing] changed from inactive to active no... my mana stat has also changed:  
Mana: [50/50]  
-Haha wow that's realy a high number i see- 
But honestly, why did it have to hurt that much?  
After this painful experience I notice how a strange warm power flows through my body. 
Something I have not felt before.  
It is not warm in the sense that it drives the cold out of my bones, but... it is a somehow a comforting warmth.  
I can't really describe it.  
It feels like a new blood circulation has been created in my body.  
Wait a minute, didn't the notification say something about mana vains?  
Yeah well... makes sense...  
Somehow I know now that if I want to use the skill analysis I have to channel mana into my eyes. 
and somehow i also know how i can not only feel the mana in me but also "move" it in my body. 
I therefore try again with the root in front of me.  
I concentrate my gaze on the root... take a deep breath... and only with instinct I direct some mana into my eyes.  
[ Analyze...  
Name: Mycelium root, ????  
Property: Flammable, ???]  
After some mana flowed into my eyes, they started to feel warm, then I got some obvious information directly into my head.  
It's not like it's really impressive information, but I'm still incredibly happy. 
I mean I finally have skill that I can use.   
And that with mana.  
That also means that there is so much more.  
I feel really happy and it gets even bigger when I see that my mana doesn't decrease.  
As if the skill doesn't need mana.  
However... I also get a little headache.  
It's not so bad now, but it's still there.  
Now I have an Analyze skill.  
I can't wait to look at all the things around me.   
As far as I understand it, I have to level up the Analyze skill so that I can see more information and I think that the skill only levels up by using it.  
I'm quite excited about what I will see. 
However, after the rain stops, I should look for an exit.  
It will probably be best to follow the stream further upwards.  
When I think back, I'm sure I've already crossed half the cave.  
Well, as long as it's still raining I should use the time to take a look at my equipment.  
Name: Goblin Warrior Spear  
Attribute: +25 attack, ???]  
[ Analyze...  
Name: Copper Claw Council Claw  
Attribute: +12 attack, ???]  
-ohh apparently my spear is pretty good-  
This analyze skill is really handy.  
But it looks like it's really going to be giving me a headache when I use it.  
But way better than nothing... now it only needs to stop raining. 

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