Path of Caylin
It really took quite a while until it stopped raining, everything is wet and it is still falling some water drops.
Not only that but it has also become a bit foggy.
And all the time it has not become warmer.
If this continues I will probably shatter my teeth from shivering.
Well... my goal is to get out of here and find a warm bed as soon as possible.
I don't think I can stand spending the night under open air again.
Really sleeping on this soil is anything except comfortable.
Normally you would think that there would be insects crawling up your legs, but in fact I haven't seen any yet.
I have seen neither a fly nor an ant.
And in the stream I couldn't find a fish or a frog.
In addition, I have also heard no bird sounds or other animal sounds, only the rushing of the stream and water drops that fall on mushrooms.
After a light sigh, I stand up, because I have decided to go on as soon as the raining stops.
I mean , I am still looking for a way out, and the best stopping point I have so far is the water fall that you can hear in the distance.
And yes, since I'm on the move it has become louder and louder, it seems to be a pretty big one.
When I set out to follow upstream (hopefully in the direction of the waterfall) I'm using my new skill analyze multiple times.
But it looks like it give me only little and very obvious information at the moment.
Once I tried it on a stone and all the information it came up with was:
[ Analyze...
Name: Stone, ???
Property: Solid, ???]
It looks... really... impressive.... hell no, what am I talking myself into!
It's just a stone where you can not really expect much about it...
But...thanks to my skill I could also learn something about the blue glowing mushroom:
[ Analyze...
Name: Psychic Alfred Fungus
Property: Psychic effect, +1 Mana, Poison(weak), ???]
Slowly I get useful information from analysis.
Although I could almost imagine it, to get it confirmed again that the mushroom is poisonous helps immensely.
On my way up the river I have to climb over rocks again and again.
It is now no longer as exhausting as in the beginning, but my hands and knees are already quite bruised.
Actually I am really clumsy that I collect a scratch everywhere.
Well, the stream is next to me and I can always take a break.
[ Analyze...
Name: Water
Property: Liquid, Satisfies thirst, ???]
-haha, yes funny-
I just wanted to try it out but who would have thought that it really seems to be water and not something else.
I just wonder why the water doesn't have any life in it.
Really there is not a single creature or something in it....
No fish and also no insects or the like...
-hmmm... i shouldn't think too much about it if it doesn't lead me anywhere...
I'm currently washing my bloody hands and trying to get my spear clean.
On my way I met another Copper-Claw-Rat.
It is really practical that they are blind, but they quickly become aware of noises.
I also tried to analyze the Copper-Claw-Rat but it only showed me [???).
Only after I had deceived them with a stone lying around and then killed with the spear I could analyze the corpse.
[ Analyze...
Name: Copper-Claw-Rat
Level: 1
HP: 0/6
Property: ???]
I must say the Claw-Rats are not really strong and quick.
What you have to watch out for, however, are the claws, which not only look sharp they are!
On the whole, the encounter has taken me but a little fear of those, not that I'm now reckless.
Especially since I run around like someone who could step on a mine at every step.
I have no shoes on and it is really unpleasant to step on stones or roots.
Because I was not yet hungry and I do not want to attract anything with the stench of the rat, I let it lay for the time being.
Who knows what else comes to me.
After I was clean again, I went on my way.
Perhaps it is now only more noticeable to me now or in this area are really the mushrooms simply all nibbled.
At least I see again and again how the peel is peeled off at the bottom of the mushrooms and small pieces are missing.
In my environment, I can not really make out much.
It seems to become darker all at once.
Wen I look around I also have to notice that the mushrooms all look bigger, which means they are no longer two to three meters tall no they are much more like three to four meters tall.
Still too big for my standards for mushrooms.
There seems to be less and less of these phycho mushrooms that give the light, although I wonder how a few mushrooms are enough to make it look so bright.
Yes I know I probably have my skill [night vison] to thank for that, but I still can't quite get my head around how that's supposed to work.
To distract me a little bit I also tried to cast spells from time to time.
Right I have now unlocked my mana veins ... or awakened?
It doesn't matter, I should at least be able to cast spells now.... right???
Yeah I haven't managed to cast anything yet, but I found out that I can let the mana flow not only into my eyes but also everywhere else in my body.
I have not yet found out what exactly it can do for me... but I see now that this is also possible.
Another thing I have noticed is that I feel this warm feeling which I define as mana not only in my body but also slightly outside.
The first time I noticed it was when my gaze got caught in one of those blue mushrooms again.
Yes, I fell into one of those traps again, I know!
But that's not all...
I could even determine that it is not only in the blue mushrooms but also in the enviroment apparently just not quite so much.
A little away from me, in my field of vision, there seems to be something that seems to have a little more mana.
-Yes another rat. Hmmm.... ok I am a little hungry now.-
So I pick up a stone and throw it so that its back is facing me and....
-Oh... shit!
This time there is not only one but two.
And the other one was a little behind me.
And I didn't want to be reckless.
This rat that is a little sideways behind me, which I did not notice at first, starts to dash in the direction of the stone.
Unfortunately, I am only in the way and the only thing I can do is to hit it with the spear.
And with that I lost my moment of surprise.
The rat that I actually wanted to hit now came running to me and lashed out.
I was able to fend it off with the spear at the last moment, but it had such force behind the strike that it pushed the spear aside and cut into my flesh.
luckily i didn't let go of the spear.
-I take back everything about not being strong!-
Like a wild animal, the Copper-Claw-Rat slashed at me and I had a lot of trouble dodging it.
But in the end I managed to hit it with a deadly counter-attack from my spear.
[2x Copper-Claw-Rat 6 XP]
[Level UP]
-that one certainly left me with a few deep cuts.-
Ohh what is it... I just level up again?
Great, that means I get a boost in my stats!
But I have to be more careful next time.
-It has sharp claws-
The whole thing has damaged my spear quite a bit.
Despite the fact that I look pretty battered I turn to the larger rat.
Well, I'll just see to it that I take one rat with me... The other I let lie.
Before i moved a little away from the stream because I was at a small waterfall with a high cliff that i didn't want to climb.
Along with the rat that hung in cat size over my shoulder I went back to the stream.
When I arrived, I immediately started to wash off the blood and unfortunately saw how deep the wounds were.
With every movement they seem to open again.
First I should take a rest, after all I have been through a lot.
Once I had a piece of the rat, I leaned against a nearby giant mushroom and practiced a little mana in my body to move around.
I had been doing that all day now while running because it's such a new and also kind of pleasant feeling.
-I've made quite a good distance, I think-
The rushing of the waterfall is now quite loud, I assume that I will be near but these giant mushrooms block my view.
The area looks somewhat safe, maybe I can close my eyes a bit.
It didn't take long for me to lose myself in a half-sleep.
I just didn't manage to nod off properly.
Every now and then, apart from the water splashing, there were screams in the distance.
Screams that I could very well identify.
Nevertheless, my environment still seems to be safe.
-It will be okay-
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