Rebirth Of Ai

After dying on the battlefield, Ai was reborn back in time before the replicators had arrived.  Now, with a new chance at life, Ai wanted to do things differently. She did not wish to be stuck living like she had before. With the help of the system she received upon rebirth, Ai saw a chance…

Brain Malfunction

That night, Jen and I experienced our love in more ways than one and gave what is more precious to any girl to each other. When I woke up the next day, Jen was sound asleep, lying on top of me. I reached down and caressed her head before deciding to sleep a bit longer.

When I woke up next, Jen was walking in with breakfast in her hand. We now had a fully working kitchen, and everything one could ask for could now be found in this base. We had put a lot of work into everything. Even the highest of security measures had been taken. There were even drones that patrolled the halls and stairwell, each with phase weapons. 

“Ai, you should eat before we head out,” Jen said as she placed the tray of food in front of me. 

“Today is the day…. I bet my mom will cry.” I said with a sigh.

“Mine probably forgot they even had a child.” Jen looked a little gloomy. 

“We can just ignore them if that is the case. We have been gone for a year, but I also had drones watching over them. My parents never gave up looking for me…. Yours seemed to be working themselves to death. I think this was an eye-opener for them if anything.” I could tell Jen’s parents were acting much differently after they found out that Jen was missing. They were probably too shocked and blamed it on themselves.

“Hey Ai, I want to live a long life with you. I want to see if humanity can really live through this mess. While many are assholes and deserve to die. I think we should try to save as many people as we can.” Jen was always a kind person.

“I will do what I can. I had planned that to begin with since the military, who took charge, only saw us as cattle. I want to build a utopia of sorts. I am not looking to fight the robots that show up unless they show up on my doorstep. I just want to live my life to the fullest with as little conflict as possible.” I really just wanted to continue what normal life I could.

“Anyway, Jen, your cooking skills have grown so much. My little wife is amazing.” I really was not lying. Jen’s cooking was to die for!

Later that day, Jen and I stood outside the base in the forest. I took out what looked like some kind of strange radio and pressed a button. A quantum portal opened in front of me. I took Jen’s hand and pulled her as I stepped through. Our worldview quickly changed to that of my old backyard. “Haven’t been here in a while.”


A crashing sound was heard not too far away. I turned to see my mother staring at me with wide eyes. “Ai? Ai!? Ai, is that you!?”

“Mm… I have returned!” I replied with a smile. “I told you I would be back in a year and a half.”

“Ai!” My mother ran over and dived on me. She hugged me tightly and began crying. I looked at Jen and gave her the ‘see, told you so’ look, which made her giggle. 

“Mom, I am sorry for just running off like that, but I had no choice. Anyway, we need to pack your things. Let’s go clear the lab in the basement out. We also need to call Dad home. I will then bring you to a place where we will be staying so we can be safe.”  I did not really wish to explain things. If they did not listen to me now, then I would just have to knock them out. “Jen, go in the house with one of the drones and use its quantum space and start storing everything you see. Once we finish here, we will head to your house.” 

“Okay!” Jen poked the drone that was invisible next to her, making it appear out of thin air, and turned around. We both now had a special pair of implants in our eyes. It was one of the most painful things I have had to experience since being reborn. But it was worth it. It saved on having to deal with the glasses. It connected our eyes to a chip that could interface with anything we wanted and also see our drones that were invisible.

“Ai? What is going on?” My mother gave me a confused look. She seemed to be quite shocked at seeing things suddenly appear.

 “We do not have time for the detailed version. So I will give you the short and sweet version. I am Ai, your daughter, 100% your blood and flesh. But…. I am not the sixteen-year-old Ai that should be going to school and chasing after guys. The me you see should be around forty years of age mentally. I have already died once on the battlefield against an invasion of replicators. I came back in time, I guess? Or maybe this is another timeline; I am not sure. But I do know this. In about a week, we will be invaded. 70% of the human population will be wiped out within just a few months. I will explain more later, but for now, call Dad back.” I looked at the blank expression on my mother’s face and knew she was having a brain malfunction.

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