Rebirth Of Ai

After dying on the battlefield, Ai was reborn back in time before the replicators had arrived.  Now, with a new chance at life, Ai wanted to do things differently. She did not wish to be stuck living like she had before. With the help of the system she received upon rebirth, Ai saw a chance…

Rebirth Part 2

Jen was not easily picked on, either. She knew karate since her father owned a dojo. He had gone to Japan and learned many skills. This was how he met my father, and they became friends. This was also why Jen and I became close. But now things were different. Her parents.... 

I yawned and went to get up, but as I did, I suddenly felt dizzy, causing me to fall back onto the bed. I held my head, which was starting to hurt, when I heard a strange robotic voice in my ear.

[System Serial Number X-00345 now initilizing….]
[Galactic Tribulation System, now online….]
[System Starting Process now initiating….]
[System boot up halted….]
[Host consciousness detected….]
[Putting host into sleep mode…..]

This was all I heard before I suddenly blacked out….

[Nannite Injection Initiating….]

When I woke up again, I was staring at a very unfamiliar ceiling. The smell of medicine filled the air. I knew right away that I was not at home anymore. “I guess my parents found me in my room…”

I rested my hand on my forehead. I already knew I was in the room alone. But in front of me was some kind of heads-up display. Something like you would see if you were playing a video game. I could see my name with a health bar and another purple bar, which I am not sure what it did. Right under that was a picture of myself, which was completely naked, but there was a bunch of data coming off it that showed the status of many parts of my body.  

I reached up and tapped the image, causing it to expand and even show more data than before. “Everything is green….” All my numbers were in the green, so I guess this meant I was in good health.

I was a little confused as to what was going on, but to be honest, everything that had happened to me already felt like a dream. So, to have this system thing was not all too surprising, especially since it seemed that I had already gone back in time. This system thing was called the Galactic Tribulation System. The more I messed with the buttons on the hud, the more I found it to be quite useful. 

Like I have an inventory that I had not tried out yet since there was nothing near me to stick into it. But from what I can see, it allowed me to store items within it. From what I can see, there were at least fifty slots to store things in. There was also a status window that was different from the body status.

[Host]: Inoue Ai
[Age]: 14
[Race]: Human
[Realm] Mortal
[Level]: 1

[Health]: 200/200
[Nano]: 100/100

[Strength]: 10
[Vitality]: 10
[Intelligence]: 10
[Agility]: 10

[Skill Points]: 10
{Mechanical Engineering (Lvl 3)} {Robotics (Lvl 3)} {Artificial Intelligence (Lvl 3)} {Martial Arts (Lvl 3)} {Close Combat Weapons (Lvl 2)} {Ranged Weapons (Lvl 4)} {Metal Manipulation (Lvl 1)} {Quantum Creation (Lvl 1)}

There were many questions in my mind at this time as I read through these stats. Like…. Metal Manipulation…. Quantum Creation…. I had no idea what these two things were or did. There was also the fact that it seemed I could buy more skills if needed or level them up with skill points. There was also the fact that I was not so sure a fourteen-year-old girl would have ten points in all her stats. Of course, I do not know if this was normal or not since I do not think anyone had a system like I do. At any rate, it does seem that my skills from before were still there. However, seeing how low the numbers were kind of irked me.

My name was also displayed how it would be if I was in Japan. Inoue Ai…. I love my given name. It was easy to say and to remember. Ai…. Meaning love in Japanese. My parents gave me this name because they loved me. I wonder how they felt when they were forced to leave their daughter behind during an alien invasion. 

“Ai! You are awake! Thank god!” A woman who resembled me slightly called out to me. This was my mother, Shina Inoue. Just looking at her, you would think I would feel some kind of happiness to see her after so many years, but in truth, I felt nothing. I am not sure if I was mad at them for abandoning me even if it was by force, or what, but I really did feel nothing. “Honey, your eyes!”

“Hmmm?” I looked at my mother in confusion. I do not feel anything off about my eyes. “What’s wrong with my eyes?”

“They are red. They used to be like mine, a dark brown but yours are red…. Hold on I will go get a doctor!” My mother seemed to be in a panic. She rushed out of the room before I could stop her.  I looked at my status screen for my body and noticed it was true. My eyes really were red. Not that I cared. Whether they were red or not had nothing to do with my survival. Right now, I needed to get out of this hospital and back home. Two years may sound like a lot of time but it really is not. 

Although I am happy I could be reborn, knowing what the future held for me was something I needed to plan out and prepare for. First, I needed to make a power source that could be used for weapons. Normal bullets would not work on a robot. You needed a laser weapon. Whether it be melee or ranged, you needed something that could slice through the special metal these robots were made of. But for now, I needed to wait to get discharged. Which sadly would be controlled by my parents and the doctor….

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