Rebirth Of Ai

After dying on the battlefield, Ai was reborn back in time before the replicators had arrived.  Now, with a new chance at life, Ai wanted to do things differently. She did not wish to be stuck living like she had before. With the help of the system she received upon rebirth, Ai saw a chance…

Sneaking Into The Lab Part 2

“This should be it…” Ten drones hovered around me while I stood in front of what seemed like a blank wall. I reached out and swiped my card against the wall to my right, causing three green lights to appear. The wall shook before sinking in, revealing another small hallway. 

A hidden elevator was to the right, which required me to use my card again. Once it opened, I hit the button for the first sub basement. I did not know which floor the chemicals were on, so I could only do things one floor at a time.

When the elevator door opened, I was met with a man standing there in a white lab coat. Before he could even say anything, I grabbed him by the face and dragged him into the elevator, where I knocked him out. I figured the elevator would be the fastest place for the time being, so I sent my drones out, which were silent and could easily make their way around first.

Once they were sent out, I closed the elevator doors and locked them so no one could open them. With the special glasses I had, I could see each drone as they flew through the lab. While there were quite a lot of people, after circling the place a few times and almost being seen more than once, I called them back. The first floor did not have any chemicals.

I repeated this until I reached the fifth sub basement, which was almost deserted. I guess the people working on phase energy at this time were not as productive in their work.

I made sure to lock the elevator so no one could call it up before hurrying down the dark hallways. In my previous life, phase energy had become the only weapon to fight back against the replicators. The idea and process of creating it were found by accident by a few people who were looking for resources. From what I understand, they sold the information to the surviving military and made quite a sum off of it. And then it still took almost six years for them to figure out how to make it.

If I were asked if I was willing to give this information to them sooner, the answer would be no. Mainly because the leaders who were leading humankind, did not care for the well-being of others. They can all rot in hell for all I care. They used the fact that they had a method to kill the replicators to draw people in. The idea of safety is what got people running to them. 

As for me, I will take in people without issue, but I will not put up with any shit either. One person who tries to act out of line will end up dead. I will do it ruthlessly to make a point. I will provide what I can and give these people a life that is at least decent, but I will make sure they know there is a line they should never cross.

“This is it….” After arriving at the right room, I found all the chemicals I needed. They had boxes of the stuff in a storage room off to the side. I did not hesitate to put everything in there into my inventory. I even took the equipment in the room. Now that I had the thing I needed most, I knew it was time to leave.

I stashed away the drones before going back to the elevator. I rigged it so it would go back to the top floor without stopping. From here, it was an easy escape. Or so I thought….

When I reached the top floor, men in military uniforms were making their way down the hall. I guess I will need to sneak out, or else I will end up being arrested. I took out a drone and sent it down the hall, and forcefully crashed it into a wall in the opposite direction, detonating it and causing a pretty big explosion. 

“What the hell was that!?  Alpha Team, move out!” I heard the commander of the soldiers send out his order. 

I frowned slightly because I was hoping he would send all his troops. I basically wasted a drone for nothing. With no other choice, I took out a face mask and a baseball cap and charged forward. 

“Stop right there, or we will shoot!” One of the soldiers yelled out. I, of course, was not going to listen. I stepped hard and sped up even more. Someone seemed to have an itchy trigger finger and fired a shot at me. I quickly dodged the bullet and slid up to the soldier who fired the shot, reached out with my hand, grabbed him by his uniform, and slammed him into the person behind him before shooting my foot into his stomach, sending them both flying along with everyone behind them making a hole for me.

“What are you doing!? Grab them!” Their leader yelled out. 

Of course, by the time he did, I was already at the elevator. I pressed the button and jammed the signal that would shut it off. The elevator went back to the top level, where I was met with a few guns in my face. “Hold it there. Give up and come along with us.”

“Sorry, but you see, my little wife is waiting for me, so ummm… Good night.”

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