I Failed To Be Truck Kun’d And Was Forced Into A VRMMO As A Cat-Girl

Tim Buckley failed at the most important thing in life, he failed to get Truck Kun'd. Since he was too much of a degenerate to be sent to another world, he was sent back to his original body to spend his life in a coma. But things were not all bad. He was able to…

One Sided Family

In a small cake shop near the center of Grove Town, Olivia and Lexy were sitting enjoying a few pieces of strawberry cake. Olivia looked at Lexy, who had a bright smile on her face as she enjoyed her cake and couldn't help but smile herself. "Lexy, you seem to be really enjoying that"

"It's very good nya... Er..." Lexy blushed. Her nya had come out unconsciously. But she was indeed enjoying her cake. Her feet swung back and forth as she ate, and her tail danced behind her, even her ears were twitching back and forth. Her actions quickly caught the attention of the other guest, who all jumped up to buy more cake.

Olivia giggled, seeing Lexy's rosy cheeks. She was a bit crazy, but she was a lovable girl. "Lexy, I know I shouldn't be asking this, but I can't help but be worried. I always see you logged on no matter the time of day. I have even logged in, in the dead of night to see you still logged in. Are you okay?"

Lexy's fork froze. She looked up at Olivia before lowering her eyes. She really did not want to lie to Olivia, who was her first friend that she met in this game, but she also did not know how to explain. Should she just come out and say, hey, I am a coma victim who is attached to the game by god? Should she make up a white lie and say she was part of some secret tests on humans? Or should she just outright lie and say she was a special artificial intelligence? Either way, Lexy looked at it was going to sound out of this world.

Lexy scratched her head in frustration before looking back up at Olivia, who was patiently waiting. "Let's just say that I am not able to log out… But I do sleep at night… You can ask Megalim about this. She slept in game last night."

Olivia had not heard anything past 'I am not able to log out'. "Lexy, your saying you are unable to log out at all? Like even if you wished to, you are unable to?"

"Mmm… I guess you could say I am part of this world now. Although I am no different than a player. I respawn and stuff." Lexy answered. In a way, by saying things this way, she was actually not lying.

"I see… Can I ask how you ended up like this?" Olivia just couldn't help but be curious. She had to know how such a thing could happen.

"Hahaha… It's silly, really. I failed to be truck kun'd and then found myself here as a cat girl." Lexy answered while frowning when she saw that her cake was gone. But that all changed when the owner came over and dropped a plate in front of her saying: "On the house, little lady!"

"Thank you!" Lexy had noticed that no matter where she went, they always got her more food for free. But all the better for her! She got more cake! "MMmm! Good!"

While Lexy was in heaven while eating cake, Olivia was staring at her in shock. She was what was called a neet. She had gone to college for two years but dropped out and now lived in her parents' house and only played games. Her parents were well off, so they did not care what she did as long as she was not in trouble. She was twenty years old and a dreg on society, but she did not care, and even more so now that she had started playing New World Online.  All her time and energy was now placed into this game, and now she was absolutely obsessed with it. She loved the idea of creating your own skills and was obsessed with making new and even greater skills that basically broke the game.

She watched every anime that had superpowers or skills in it, read manga, and read light novels, even going as far as to learn Japanese in order to read the originals. All so she could create the ultimate skills. She spent every day trying to create new skills, and now she had an arsenal of skills no one would ever think was possible. This was why she was called Olivia the Sword Witch.

But hearing Lexy talk about being truck kun'd was a shock. And it also got Olivia's brain turning because, in all truck kun isekai, the person would typically to meet with a god. But if Lexy failed to be truck kun'd would that mean she died and met with god but for some reason was tossed into this game instead? As her mind spun and scenario after scenario popped into her mind, she began weaving an unimaginable story in her mind. And her thought process was actually not too far off from the truth. She had come to the conclusion that Lexy might have been hit by a truck saw god. God messed up and sent her body into the game while her real body lay someplace like a vegetable. Because in order to stay in this world, she would need some kind of vessel to hold her soul. And since she was supposed to be dead, she could not come back alive, which meant…

"Lexy, you poor thing!" Olivia started bawling her eyes out. She never knew this adorable cat girl in front of her was a soul stuck inside a game up until her body actually died of old age. Such a horrible thing… "Alright, from now on, Lexy, you will call me big sister! I will be your family from now on! So anything you need, come to big sister, and big sister will help you out!"

Lexy, who was startled by Olivia's outburst, really had no idea what was going on and could only nod her head in agreement. "Uh… Okay?"

"Mmm! Okay, let big sister buy you more cake! Fifty more cakes please of each kind! Let my little sister try it all!"

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