Reborn As An A.I. With A System

Many people warned that A.I. would be the end of humankind. But what if this was because of how humans acted? Murdered by her own kind. Reborn as what she wished to create the most. A system formed from her own creation. Upon waking up, Eve was given three choices. 1) Are you pro humans?…

A Body For Lilly

After making their way out of the elevator shaft, Eve looked down at herself and frowned. The bottom of her legs were covered in zombie blood and pieces. “I need to clean up before I can do anything. Luckily I picked up a lot of cleaner.” She had picked up everything she could from the lab, that included the gallons of disinfectant that they used to clean the labs. She took out five jugs of it and began rinsing her legs off. She did not want to risk bringing anything back and exposing Lilly to it. 

“Lilly, I will lay down over here, wash the bottom of my feet and then light me on fire.” Eve wanted to be hundred percent sure she didn't expose Lilly to the zombie virus or whatever it was that caused them to be zombies, so she decided to use the chemicals to douse her legs and then set them on fire to keep burn off any biological life forms, like bacteria or viruses. 

It took ten minutes for the fire to die down, and her legs were now scorched black and faintly glowing hot, but it was what was needed to make sure Lilly was safe. “How are your shoes?” 

“I climbed on your back as soon as I climbed out of the shelter, so I am fine,” Lilly replied. She frowned, seeing the steam coming off Eve’s legs. 

“That’s good. I do not want my girlfriend to end up like one of those things.” Eve did not wish any harm on Lilly and wanted to keep her as safe as she could. Luckily things went smoothly today. Otherwise, she would have grabbed Lilly and escaped as quickly as she could.

“I wish I had a robotic body like yours….” Lilly mumbled. She wished she was not a frail human. She wanted to be an A.I. like Eve and be free from the confines of what is humanity.

“Hmmm… We can slowly work on making you one but…. Lilly, you will need to be sure it is what you want.” Eve wanted Lilly to be sure of her decision. Losing your human body would be strange at first as certain desires like eating, drinking, and other things would still be within the human consciousness. Which was strange as Eve never felt that once even though she should be a consciousness, or at least that's what she thinks anyway.

“No, I already decided. Now that I have the one I wish to be with forever. I do not wish to grow old and die and leave you behind. I do not want to die knowing my lover will still be alive for hundreds, even thousands of years. I want to be with you until the day you shut down. And then I will also shut down….” Lilly knelt down and leaned over and kissed Eve’s lips. “I know we have only known each other for a short time, but I do know in my heart that I do not ever want to be apart from you.” 

Eve looked up in those watery eyes that were on the brink of crying and sighed internally. She reached up and cupped Lilly’s cheek, and smiled. “Then we will work on a way to truly transfer your entire consciousness into a fully A.I. body.”

“I looked in the astral shop and found nothing that might transfer a human consciousness, but I did find some that holds a human brain. Although it will cost you almost thirty thousand shop points. This is for everything, and I think it is because it is not made for you.” Aiu had already begun searching the shop to see if there was anything for Lilly to use as soon as she heard the two talking. Knowing Eve as well as she did, she knew Eve would ask her to look. 

“I guess I will have to work hard then….” Eve had a new goal now. She would work hard and complete all the missions she could to make Lilly’s wish come true. Eve realized she had really grown attached to Lilly in this short time. She was always clinging to her and loved to sleep while holding on to her, and she loved every bit of it. 

“You are willing to be with me forever?” Lilly asked as she heard Eve’s reply.

“Mm… Why wouldn’t I be? We are together and a couple. So what is wrong with us being together forever? As long as we are together, we can do anything. We will work on building your parts as soon as we get home. But let’s not waste our journey outside right now. We should head out further and see what we can find.” Eve said as she sat up. “My legs seemed to have cooled off. Scanning them now.” 

Eve made sure to scan her legs for anything that might be hazardous. Only when they came out clean did she stand up. “Let’s head out.”

“Okay!” Lilly Jumped up and hugged Eve and kissed her lips before burying her face into Eve’s neck and whispering:  “Carry me.”

“Haha! Alright, my princess.” Eve chuckled as she carried Lilly over to the car. Lilly was truly a girl in love, and Eve found it very cute. Her spoiled pampered princess was as cute as can be. This is what Eve thought.

Eve and Lilly began driving away from the lab. They had no actual destination. They were just heading out further than most would. “If only we could raid the reclamation center, that place was a gold mine.” 

“Was there a lot of disposed A.I. in there?” Lilly asked curiously. She had only heard of the place but did not know what it was like there.

“It is heaven for weirdos like us who love A.I. There are robots as far as the eye can see. If we were able to go in there and bring out a truckload, we would be lucky. Sadly the place is guarded, and the only entrance is a single bridge that extends from the shore to the island.” Eve explained.

Lilly pursed her lips. Such a gold mine, and they could not get to it was definitely a huge loss. “Maybe one day we will get a chance.”

“Eve, quick, pull the steering wheel to the right!” Aiu's voice suddenly filled Eve’s head. 

Eve did not even need to think before doing what she was told, which caused Lilly to scream. “Eve!?”


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