
Creating Worlds

Reborn As An A.I. With A System

Many people warned that A.I. would be the end of humankind. But what if this was because of how humans acted? Murdered by her own kind. Reborn as what she wished to create the most. A system formed from her own creation. Upon waking up, Eve was given three choices. 1) Are you pro humans?…

A New Homebase

A dusty landscape with mountains rising up into the sky. No signs of life could be seen anywhere. Not a single tree, not a single blade of grass, or even a cockroach crawling on the ground. All that was visible was dried, cracked ground. What used to be farmland was now dried up and turned into an arid desert. These were the effects of the wars long past. 

Eve and Lilly’s current destination was the far mountain range. A place that could be used as a natural defense along with the systems she was planning on making. It had been six months since they left X-Cyber city. The group of four had traveled day and night. Making their way cross country to a place they could claim as their new home. 

If it was like the past where humans were spread far and wide, and every inch of land was consumed under their greedy hands, then even finding a spot deep in the mountains that was not claimed would be hard to find. 

But now, with the world's population reduced so low, that there was no need for such worries. Humans were not confined to underground mega cities as far as Eve and Lilly knew, and those cities were mainly far south of the front lines. 

Eve and Lilly were in what was known as the clam belt. It was below the front lines but far enough away to make things quite calm besides maybe a stray missile attack or other kind of long ranged attack that would reach this section of land. 

This was why Eve chose this place. The mountains were perfect cover for most stray attacks as well, making it easier for them to build their new home under the radar of humans and A.I. as well as staying far away from the replicators.

The blueprints that they had drawn up for their new home during the first leg of the trip was an underground bunker style housing. With many  floors that go deep into the earth’s crust. The top floor would be their storage, just like how the warehouse was before, but this time there would be an elevator going down to each of the other floors. One big enough to transport as many resources as they wish.

The second floor was to be a three bedroom house with a large living room, a dining area, kitchen (even though they don’t really need to eat), a large bath, an indoor swimming pool, and a large fake outdoor area where they would grow plants and trees using U.V. lights.

Below that would be their offices and planning rooms. As well as housing for any new A.I.s they create. Eve wanted to make sure all A.I.s they made got proper rights. And would not be mistreated. The last thing she wanted was the thing she loved the most to be treated as nothing but objects.

And under that would be the development level where they would develop all the new kinds of weapons and A.I. types they planned to make from this moment on. They would need a chemical lab, a process lab, refinery, and many other facilities on this level.

And the final level, which would be the deepest underground, was the weapons testing and training rooms. Eve had many ideas she wanted to try out and many new manuals that she bought from the Astral Shop to make use of. She had so much knowledge crammed into her memory banks than she knew what to do with, but every point spent was worth it.

The future was still up in the air, and Eve wanted to be ready to protect those she loved with everything she has. She wanted to allow Lilly to live in a new world where no descrimination would be seen between A.I. and humans. And that meant building up her own forces to first stop the threat of replicators and then step in and try to talk to both A.I.s and Humans to stop fighting.

She did not wish to use force in this case because her side would be seen to be on the same side as the A.I.s, but if it came down to it, she would be ready. She would make Lilly’s dream come true.

Eve looked down at the girl, resting her head on her shoulder with a content smile on her face, and couldn’t help but smile herself. On the other side of Lilly was Zero, who was excitedly looking out over the landscape even though it now looked all the same. On the dashboard in her very only custom crafted chair was Tezz. Eve even made a small pair of sunglasses for her so she could look the part as she lounged lazily, looking out the front window. 

A new life was starting for them and a new goal, a mission that they both wanted to dedicate themselves to doing.


A year later…..

“Done!!!!!!!!!!” Lilly yelled out as she looked at the large metal doors that were perfectly fitted to the large entrance they carved out of the mountainside.

“It does look quite good. With our base this high up in the mountains with the harsh terrain, I think only our custom built engine will allow for any kind of easy travel. Maybe a few flying A.I.s can make it up here, but they would be in range of our defenses. But to think we worked day and night for a year straight to get everything finished.” Eve was very impressed with all their progress. I did help that she had pre-built some smaller A.I.s to help with building things. Without all the extra help, it would have taken much longer to do.

Lill hugged Eve’s arm as she looked up at their new home with a bright smile: “We finally have a home where we do not need to hide the fact that we have A.I.s or that we are A.I.s. To me, this is a wonderful day.”

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