Reborn As An A.I. With A System

Many people warned that A.I. would be the end of humankind. But what if this was because of how humans acted? Murdered by her own kind. Reborn as what she wished to create the most. A system formed from her own creation. Upon waking up, Eve was given three choices. 1) Are you pro humans?…

Charging Up! Part 1

Eve was feeling a little depressed. She only thought her eye was missing and not part of her head as well. She could only sigh and try to get things in order. "Alright, I need to break this down a bit. I have no functionality below the waist. The left arm and hand work but only partially, and I only have one eye to see through. The best way to go about this would be to fix my left arm first then work on the rest. If I pull my eye out, I can at least see what I am doing when it comes to other things. But nothing can happen without parts and tools."

Eve looked around the display in her eye and was targeting things and registering what they were. "Eve, I looked at the diagnostics, and it seems you are able to move around without doing much more damage. But you will need to be careful to not fall, or you might fully break. But before we do anything, you will need to recharge your power cell. There should be a plug in your left wrist that will allow you to plug into any of the other A.I.s that are lying around."

"Then let's take care of that first!" Eve looked at her wrist and saw the plug that Aiu was talking about. She tugged on it gently to make sure it was still functioning. When she saw she could pull it out, she let out a sigh of relief. "Now to find one with some juice left..."

Eve knew this was going to be the hard part. All the robots lying around her were of different types. While some were humanoid, a large majority of them looked to be industrial bots. With no other choice, Eve flipped her body over gently, causing the gears and servos in her body to cry out as if they had not been oiled in ages. This made her frown inwardly as she began searching the robot next to her for a plug jack. "Found it!" Eve quickly pulled out her plug and plugged it in.

"Nothing..." Eve sighed as she dragged her broken body to the next one then the next one…. "Ahhh! What is with these dried-up hunks of metal!"

"Eve, calm down. You should be able to detect energy sources around you. According to the diagnostics, you have an array of sensors built into your eye." Aiu knew that Eve would get aggravated quickly if things were not working out how she planned, so she could only play mediator and try to calm her down so she would think correctly.

Eve let out a long sigh before looking around. She looked at each of the scrapped robots until she saw one that had a red glow inside its chest. She focused her eye and zoomed in on it to make sure it was the robot that was glowing like that before adjusting herself to make her way over to it. "Aiu, I will scream if I crawl all the way the hell over there and find out it was something else making my sensors go off."

"Eve, it would not be good to do such a thing. We do not know where we are or what our actual current situation is. We should be careful for the time being." Aiu warned.

The area they were in was dimly lit by the moon overhead and looked like a dumping ground, but this much she knew without needing to look around if the mission she got was correct. But no matter which direction she looked in, she saw endless piles of broken robots all over. She could also see off in the distance flashes of light, but she was not sure what the cause was.

As she crawled forward, her metal body scraped against the metal of the other robots. Every once and a while, she had to stop to untangle a wire or thin metal that got stuck on her body. She crawled for a good fifteen minutes but was forced to stop when she came across her first major obstacle. "Aiu, what are my chances of climbing down this without breaking more of my body?"

"If I were to estimate, I would say fifty percent chance if you keep going at the speed you were just now. But if you take it slowly, you would have a seventy percent chance." Aiu was taking into account Eve's inability to raise her left arm too high.

"Well, no matter the chance I have, I will need to make it down anyway and back up again. Otherwise, I will be screwed. No power, and both of us can really be considered dead." Eve already died once and came back to life. She did not know if she would get such a chance again. And since there was a big what if, if she did shut down, she would rather take the chance even if it was only a one percent chance. "Here we go."

"You can do it, Eve! Just take it slow." Aiu tried to cheer her on the best she could.

Eve used her right arm to grip onto a sturdy-looking robot and slide her body off the edge. She closed her eye and opened it again as she used her left arm at a bent angle by her waist to latch on to the most solid object she could find. Once she had a solid, stable hold, she lowered her body down slowly to as far as her left arm would move before finding a hold with her right hand and lowering herself down some more. The one thing Eve was grateful for was that, unlike her human body, she did not feel tired at all. Even with all the struggling she had to do so far, she had not felt the slightest bit tired. In a way, she was actually enjoying this. Although she was annoyed with the current condition her body was in, she still felt excited about the future.

As an A.I. specialist praised by many of her time, there was no way she would not feel excited about her current situation. She was already planning on how she would upgrade her body in the future. What kind of things she would be able to install. But she also wanted to know more about where she was as well. She did not remember there ever being a robot reclamation facility anywhere in the world. She wondered if she was still on her home planet Xenos.

"Eve, you are almost there." Aiu was still cheering Eve on. She was amazed at how well Eve was doing in her new body. She never over-extended her left arm in the slightest. But she knew Eve better than anyone, and she knew Eve had already grasped how much her body could take and what she could and could not do at this time.

"Yep, just a few meters more to go, and we will… Shit!" Eve got too distracted and her left hand grabbed something covered in oil. Her body fell back and began tumbling down!

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