Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

Reboot Part 1


Massive fists hit the desk resoundingly in the middle of the room. On one side, we have a stout older man in business attire, face tinged with a hint of scarlet and eyes that seem as though trying to pierce the void seeking their target. Whilst on the other a thick husky man, broad shoulders, jolly face, a biker’s beard complemented by crazed hair that hasn’t seen a brush or conditioner in quite a while.

“I told you I’m changing occupations. I am completely burnt out. My workload, my benefits, and pay no longer matter when I no longer care if I even crawl out of bed in the morning. Listen, it has been great working here, and I’ll finish off the projects I have and hand them over properly for continuity’s sake, but after that, adios amigo.” The man has the aura of your favorite friend, but for just a moment, his mask fails. Empty eyes that might seem cold if they had not a hint of life, the once jolly cheeks sink in ever so slightly as the color seems to drain from his face. The ever-present smile that once adorned his face is now flat, almost robotic looking.

Moments pass, and the older man seems to regain his bearing. Fidgeting with his tie to loosen it, he takes a breath and sits. Thinking to himself, there goes another one, why can’t we find something to keep these guys around.

“*Sigh* are you going to be ok? Help is out there, Drake.” He speaks with a tone like an elder concerned for the younger generation.

“I will make it. I just really need to walk a new path. Only so many things to fix before there is nothing new, and I haven’t seen anything truly different in 5 years. Too many hours, too much road, not even a vacation can fix it at this point.”

“Well, not much I can do then. You know they don’t do 2-week notices. Just drop the truck off when it is clean and email me what I need to get someone on these tomorrow. It’s not like they can’t wait a couple days. No one is going to die if they don’t.”

The two men stand up and shake hands, probably for the last time. Drake walks out into the office and drops the keys to the dispatch girl, saying goodbye. The shock and despair on their faces as he leaves. Another void left empty, and another pair of shoes needing to be filled in an industry with an ever-shrinking labor force.

Taking a nice B-UBER back to his apartment, followed by a couple hours in and out of the hot tub, then finally resting. Some hours later, he starts booting up the console to play some games with the clan. Shooting and wholesale slaughter on PVE for a few hours always brings a sense of belonging to Drake. A contented smile appears on his face.


Looking at the notifications, he finds a message from @TheSandstorm, or Sand as he calls her.

<If you were to die and get any two wishes for your next reincarnation, memories excluded, what would you ask for>

Ah yes, a conversation they’ve had several times. Usually, they talk about what reincarnation tropes they would prefer should they meet a rather untimely end. Drake changes his almost every time, usually due to his mood. Sandstorms seem to remain the same. She always picks a goddess to gender-bend protagonists and send reincarnations to mess up almost every story imaginable. So long as she changes what she wants, the more chaos, the more fun. Trying to think of what he would want now is hard. Having just watched Hellsing and MHA again recently, he thinks of something that could be entertaining.

“If I could use my favorite lines once, it would be worth it.” he thinks to himself.

F*#D3m*n:< let's do progenitor vampire in a superpower world and multidimensional teleportation. Sucks being all-powerful and not being a god, so superpower world would add spice and entertainment, and the teleportation is because at some point, ill be bored in the world and would love to try others, so why not.>

@TheSandstorm:<Kid, I am the goddess of fate. I know you quit work, so just play 6 rounds of competitive mode and let’s own these hoes. maybe I’ll give you some karma, you know you want to :devil emoji: .>

Totally ignoring her chunni self, Drake knows that playing with Sand is always the best. And thus, 7 hours later, with twice as many rounds and thrice as many beers, he stumbles back to his bed, planting face first. Too tired to even care, he falls asleep snoring loud enough to wake the dead.

Meanwhile, a few states over, a beautiful woman sits staring at the tv, wondering for a moment if she should. With an evil smirk like a yandere demon, she snaps her fingers for effect and starts cackling like a witch. Thinking to herself, snapping can be fun sometimes.


“Ouch, what did you do that for Lisa.” Pouting with tears in her eyes, she turns around just in time for a second chop.


“Why do you need to gender-bend everyone. Hummmm,” says a tall woman standing with grace while showing a hint of mischief in her eyes.

“But she’ll like it I shwear nya. Besides, she already was a girl the last timeow.” Suddenly growing cat ears and tail while turning up the pouting a notch.

“So they were not someone important, right.” The mature woman says, drawing out her last words.

“She is definitely nyat important, nyo impact to the time linya.” Says Sandstorm rubbing her head with hands like cat paws hoping the cuteness factor distracts her angry wife.

“What’s with this last time? Have you done this to that poor kid before?” Lisa demands with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

“Wait, did you forget the multiverse ended like 8 hours ago.” Sandstorm asks, confused for a moment.

“Damnit, Sandstorm, I somehow feel you were responsible for that. I just feel it in my Divinity. Didn’t I say to stop randomly reincarnating people without checking with me. *sigh* Poor Kyra, she is gonna really get mad when she finds out what happened. She is on a date with Hana right now.” Says Lisa shaking her head.

“Nothing I could do. Besides, Gramps gave the mission meow. You know we can’t say nyo.”

“I swear Sand fine, but we are letting this world’s Gods handle the reincarnation, you’re on-retirement missy. I also want to see his face when he remembers how bad he fucked up. Not to mention we need a reason to call the others.” Donning a smile that almost splits her face in half with a sparkle in her eye like finding a new toy.

Sandstorm shivers at seeing her wife like this, instantly turning meek because of the woman who starts turning draconic before her.

“Sandstorm, you’re not getting away without any punishment from this either,” Lisa says, materializing a leash and collar in her hands while smirking.

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