Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

The End Part 1


In the void of isolation, I am trapped in; I have watched as the fragment of my soul that has control of the body I am in, grew. Starting from a struggling infant and growing to the prodigy she became at the tender age of 5, she excelled in music and science in equal measure. Developing at an exponential rate this child maintained a pure outlook, untainted by greed, jealousy, hate, anger, fear, or any other negative emotion. Anytime the evil of the world came near, someone would be there to protect her like it was divine providence. Never suffering, loathing, or despising anything in this life she lived as though destined to accomplish many things leaving a mark on the world that would last for generations to come. Honestly, I was a bit jealous of her myself.

That all ended the day the first barrier separating the two halves of my soul shattered.  Little did I know it was one of many, and it was set up as an insidious trap that would be the beginning of the end for us. That moment when I shattered the first wall, the body I was in suffered a massive setback. At the age of 6 she was hospitalized; Suffering pain nonstop at the level of 7 out of 10 on the pain scale.

Oh, boy did I think that we were done, no reason to carry on and all; but the little ball of light forged ahead devoting her time to things she could do without moving much to make it easier. While struggling for another four years, she made great strides in computer science and was writing her own software at the meager age of ten. Truly if there was anyone who deserved any divine intervention it was her, right?


At 11 due to some shitty scientist in the government wanting to experiment on supers; they captured and imprisoned her in a research facility locking the girl in a coma. For more than five years her body tore itself apart causing so much damage to the soul fragment in control of the body finally shattering it into tiny pieces.



In a hospital bed lies a frail girl with the tragic fate of death. Stolen and lost from the world, the child has endured hardships that even gods would frown upon. The destruction of souls was a taboo in the multiverse, where only a few cultivation universes allowed it. This small, and desolate abandoned world still falls under the rules and is not exempt.

At this moment, surrounded by the steady beep of the heart rate monitor and whirring of life support machines, the pained face of the now 17-year-old child could drive even cold-hearted scientists to feel remorse. Unexpectedly, a power surge caused by a human experimentation project involving an electric subhuman overloaded the entire facility. All electronics, plugged in or not, instantly failed as an emp disabled it all.

One would think finally, peace has come to this misfortunate one, and you would be right. However, no one shall ever experience peace again in this world or any other, for the end is nigh.


Black energy streams flow out from the girl’s body. They begin streaking through the entire facility stabbing through any living organism; from the plants to the bugs and rodents, animals and humans alike. As though it is a life-seeking weapon of destruction it floods this facility. Moving in and out while pulsing and writhing; the black snakelike streams of energy devour all life like the tentacles of some abyssal monstrosity.



The girl’s body floats into a standing position and her eyes open. A deep void of emptiness, so dark that black can no longer describe it; the only distinguishing feature is a vertical slit pupil of pure gold that would make all who see it feel like they were in the presence of the Origin. She who created all life and to whom all life must one day return.

Suddenly the black tendrils contract at once and return to her body bringing with them a literal river of blood. It pours into the room like a tidal wave, unrelenting as though a force of nature. It reaches the girl and forms a vortex around her and begins compressing itself while maintaining its distance. The energy and blood begin to climb her body, adding to it a futuristic style skin-tight combat suit coated in bizarre and floating runes.

The girl raises her hand causing the over one hundred meters of rock and metal between her and the sky to disappear instantly.  After returning to a relaxed posture, she continues to float into the sky until she is nearly a mile off the ground.

“Authentication level . . . divinity one insufficient. Activating divine extraction. . . world release.” Says the girl with a cold, unfeeling, and mechanical voice.


The process repeats. The black tendrils spread not unlike a swarm of locusts, like a cloud moving eerily across the entire planet. Until all life on this once lush planet is now consumed; as the tendrils return once more, the vortex spreads absorbing the blood of all life on the planet that was just extinguished.

The blood vortex continues to compress upon itself creating feathers in the vortex that slowly fly to the girl's back. As time passes, 13 giant wings created out of the lifeforce, blood. and faith of an entire planet appears behind the girl, flapping in rhythm.

“Authentication Confirmed, user Id has been verified. Divine Level 13 achieved. Conditions met. Anthem of Creation has established a connection.” That same cold, unfeeling, mechanical-like voice sounds from the girl’s mouth.

“Initiating Code Black. . . . [Access Denied].

Using administrative override command, The Omega. . . [Access Approved Code Black initiated, soul resonance acquired.]

Target specified as all creation. . . [Denied. Security protocol activated. Security protocol failed, omega override present. Target acquired. User Summoning of control room complete.]”

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