Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

To Spill The Beans Part 1

Chilling out on the couch as the movie is about to start, Michelle leans over, pulling her tiny daughter into a lap hug. “When do you plan on telling me this little secret of yours, munchkin?” she asks, completely blindsiding the girl who proceeds to tuck her head while blushing.

<time to get committed. I hope we get a cool crazy name, like blushing Scarlett or the Scarlett fluff sounds cute. What do you think?>

: yep, and you shall be the old night hag or baggy night lady humph:

<oi, oi, what do you mean baggy, I’ll have you know I look no different than you at the moment, Thumbelina>

: I am not tiny. I just haven’t hit my growth spurt yet, you cursed mummy. lol get it, cause you are older than my mommy:

<that was a bad joke. You shoulda stuck with the night hag bit. Sigh, fine, no sense arguing with a toddler. Just ask her about dr. Johnson and the promise that made you stop crying. That should do the trick.>

“Hey, mom?” Scarlett asks with a quiet, inquisitive voice.

“Yes, darling.” Her mother replies like the parent she is doting on her child.

“Why do you like Dr. Johnson, and why do you think his name is funny.” Scarlett inquires while innocently looking into her mother’s eyes. Of course, this causes Michelle’s brain to shut down shortly then go into hyperdrive, trying to find out when her daughter could have heard such a thing from her.

“Uhhhm, honey bun, I don’t know any DR. Johnson. Where did you hear this from.” Says Michelle with a touch of cold sweat on her back.

“Noctis told me you had a thing for this Dr. Johnson when we were three and laughed with Juliet's mom about it. Then she said dad dropped us on our head when we were a month old, but he thinks he got away with it cause we didn’t cry. The last thing she told me was, you made a promise when we were 3 days old to make me stop crying. What was it?” Scarlett just machine-gunned her mother with words one after another, creating shock after shock as arrow after arrow pierced her heart.

While Scarlett is wide-eyed, waiting for a response, Michelle is trying her best to process these two nuclear bombs that just fell in her lap and the sniper she can feel aiming at her back. After sifting through these problems, she noticed the return to sender labeled Noctis. Let me put this problem back to the one who made it completely forgetting Scarlett mentioning when “they” were born.

“I don’t know who this Noctis is, but they must be lying to you. How could they know these things without .. being …. There.” Michelle replies while falling off at the end as what was said finally sinks in.

“But MOM, she has been here the whole time, or how else would I believe her,” Scarlett says.

“Who is this Noctis you are speaking of?” Michelle asks worriedly.

“The Short story is that my sister, who didn’t get reincarnated properly. She says that she made a, and I quote, f#*Ktarded god mad by not taking him seriously and got imprisoned in my head. She also says that she was supposed to be me, but due to meddling, I was born instead, and now we are both here.” Scarlett tells her mom, shocking her into a worry fit like nothing she has experienced.

“Where did you learn such language, missy? I didn’t teach such words to you.” Michelle shouts in anger, realizing she too has never heard someone cuss like that as well. She shows shock on her face as she realizes her daughter is telling the truth because of a cuss word. Of all the possible ways to convince her, it was a strange cuss word.

“Mom! What does that word mean? She also told me to ask you where babies come from and said if you lie, she will tell me in detail, whatever that means.” Scarlett asks her mom held tilted in confusion and innocence that just fried her mother’s brain.

“Honey, mommy needs a minute. Can that Noctis Person hear me right now?” Michelle asks, looking very stern, grabbing Scarlett’s shoulders. Scarlett nods her head vigorously. “Noctis deary, say one more bad word or try corrupting her mind again, and see if I don’t come in there and spank your little butt till you go mute. I am your mother too, and since I brought you into this world, I sure as heck can take you out of it!” She says with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

<SCARY> Noctis says while breaking into cold sweats feeling as though Michelle was grabbing her shoulders, not Scarlett’s.

Momma bear just left the room for a moment, and both Noctis and Scarlett are already poking each other.

<She is super scary, who asked you to pull off the innocent act so well, that was some Stephen king scary.> Noctis says while shivering inside her soul-space.

: It is all your fault who told you to say things so outrageously. I still do not know what most of that was, so spill it.:

<Yeah, right, and die while being buried in some unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere. Then being cursed by the kindest and scariest creature to ever live. Let me think about it. How bout NO!>

: What kind of big sis won’t tell their secrets to their little sis, huh? I thought we were better than this.: Scarlett folds her arms over her chest, obviously irritated.

<Oh don’t you blackmail me, chica, I wrote the book your reading from, remember! You are still too innocent and naïve to challenge me. Give it 500 hundred years or so, maybe then.>

: Tch, pretty please: Scarlett says while giving herself puppy dog eyes.

<No, and that’s final! Oh, and speak of the devil, and they shall appear.>

Michelle walks in now that she has had time to collect herself. She has a small list of questions she must demand answers to regardless of what those answers are, she needs to know. She calmly walks over to the sofa and sits cross-legged in front of her daughter so she can see her face to find out if she is lying or not.

“Mom, Noctis said you are the devil,” Scarlett says, looking smugly like every little kid when they tattle to their parents about their sibling.

<Bad Imouto, don’t make me spread your most embarrassing moments when I finally get a body of my own now.>

“Honey, it is not good to lie about what someone says, especially if only you can hear them.” Michelle says, clearly understanding her daughter trying to get back at her “sibling” for some small slight.

“Mmmoooooommm.” She calls out, pouting, clearly caught in the act.

<Hah, moms on my side.> Noctis said very smugly while making a victory pose in her soul space.

“Don’t be smug, Noctis. It isn’t suitable for a big sister to gloat.” Michelle says, clearly able to grasp the dynamic between the two without even seeing the other one. Just being able to read Scarlett’s face is all she needs to understand a good bit about what’s going on.

<What the what she can read minds now. The great power of motherhood is shining upon us, and we shall spill all the secrets of the universe without even opening our mouths> Noctis proceeds to kowtow to Michelle, expressing that she Is thoroughly defeated.

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