Gemini Vampires

Everyone dies we all know that, But what happens when your online friend's persona as a Goddess of Fate turns out to not be a persona but the real deal. Well, weird things that's what. We follow the story of Noctis Cruents[Self-made vampire name] and her sister Scarlett Dhalia King on their journey. the evil…

To Spill The Beans Part 2

“No, I can’t read minds. However, I can read Scarlett’s face like a high-definition road map.” Michelle says while pulling out 200% of her mom's powers. “I am going to ask the questions, and I want straight answers. You hear me, you two.” She says sternly, bringing the full mom force to bear as they both nod in unison as though sitting next to each other.

“First question for Scarlett. How long have you known about Noctis?”

“Since I called out yesterday about hearing a strange lady.” Scarlett answers.

“Second question is, can you two switch places?” asks Michelle.

“I don’t think so, but let me ask.” : hey, what she said? Can we switch:

<you ask me as if I get stuck in bodies all the time! Let me try. I didn’t even think about it.<<grunting noises>> nope got nothing> she shrugs

This whole process causes Scarlett’s face to twitch from listening to her act like she is taking a dump. Which causes her mom to look on worriedly and followed by Scarlett having a constipated expression from dealing with Noctis's poor sense of humor.

“That would be a solid no.” says Scarlett wanting to strangle her “sister” just a little bit.

“Then that means you were playing the piano earlier. How did you know how to play that strange blues music you spoke of?” Michelle asks, trying to keep things simple for now.

“So, UHM, Noctis found a way she can reproduce music she remembers really clearly in my head so I can hear it. then while listening to it, we somehow had all the knowledge we have about each other’s world passed between us.” Scarlett says back.

“Sorry, did you say another world?”

“I already said she was reincarnated, didn’t I? of course, she knows different things. She lived in an entirely different world. Not to mention she occasionally throws in words from languages I’ve never heard of. Like what is British English, Spanish and Japanese?” Scarlett asks while frustrated not having a reference for things from her own world.

Gasp. Michelle can’t believe that her daughter has knowledge of two taboo languages banned by the treaty of the royal empirical allied nations triumvirate. A joint treaty was created between the ottoman empire, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Han dynasty when they joined in wiping out all opposition to their control of the eastern hemisphere.

“Honey, don’t tell anyone else about these languages. They are considered to be taboo languages throughout the world. There is no faster way to get the three great empires to join forces more than to speak in one.” Michelle tries to calmly tell her daughter while inwardly shaking in fear.

<I knew something was fishy. Those three probably divided the known world and removed any semblance of information pertaining to the vanquished. They probably removed all their cultural heritage to accelerate assimilation into their society. Very cunning bastards that they are.>

“Ok, mom, I understand. Is this bastard’s word one of them?” She asks while making a cute face. Michelle sees through it a mile away, knowing she’s tattling again but decides to test her. “Of course, it is. Don’t say such words.”

<pffft she is definitely, The number one mom>

“Stop teaching her bad things! Don’t make me go in there.” Michelle retorts, causing Noctis to flinch involuntarily from some repressed childhood memory. Then thinking that every mom worth their salt could probably do the same thing.

: She got you pretty good, Sis.:

<Yeah, she did. I am going to miss this in a couple weeks, sigh.>

Michelle sees a smug grin form on her daughter's face as she pauses for a moment, most likely talking to Noctis. She continues watching a couple expressions flit across her face before a worried look shows up. Not wanting to interrupt in case she is about to learn something important, she waits patiently even though her heart is beating like a furious war drum. This feeling never makes it to her face.

: What do you mean, miss this in a couple weeks? is something going to happen to you?:

<Don’t worry about it, but I need to tell you anyway, so if you can repeat what I say as I say it, we don’t have to do this twice. Sure does suck, not having your own body, that is.> Noctis shrugs internally and reclines in a chair like she is on the beach.

: I’ll try no promises, though:

“So I am going to try to just say everything that Noctis does so we can both get it at the same time.” Scarlett says to which Michelle nods in agreement trying to pay extra attention to them at this moment.

“< I have been contacted by a god earlier today. She told me we have 12 to 16 days left before an event happens that causes me and Scarlett to disappear.> Wait, what? Hold on, mom, give me a minute.” Scarlett says, obviously flustered.

<We won’t die or anything. Well, at least not permanently anyway, so there is nothing to worry about. Oh, and tell her to start prepping for an apocalypse just in case.>

: You can’t just casually say random stuff like that. It is not fair how am I supposed to deal with this.:

Scarlett’s face is bright red and appears constipated. While flitting through her eyes, she looks almost like she is looking through the very fabric of the world.

<The same way we all do. Which is to do your best to ignore the problem till you can’t anymore. That or plan like hell around it.>


“What is it, honey? Hurry up. I can’t hear the inside of your head.” Michelle asks with worry.

“All I can get out of her is the world is about to end. That coupled with the fact we won’t die or if we do, we won’t stay dead. I just don’t understand what she is trying to say anymore.” Scarlett says with a pout.

<One last thing before I go take a nap again, and I won’t be waking up for a long time. I got you a present, and I hope you enjoy it. This is because I won’t be able to wake up until it's done. G’night smooch!> Noctis says.

: What present:


*System downloading progress 1% estimated time of completion 328hrs*

Scarlett’s mouth hangs open, eyes wide as she can see a notification in her line of sight with a loading bar in the top of her vision. She tries calming down, but she just cannot shake the shock of it all. Her mother reaches over, checking to make sure she is ok. After no response, she starts shaking the poor girl while asking her what is wrong, with tears in her eyes and brows scrunched together, the worry obvious.

“She gave me a present, then went to sleep saying she will not be able to wake up till it is complete. Then I got some kind of game system. URGGGHH, this girl is insane.” Scarlett gripes out while diving into her mom for comfort.

“It will be ok, baby girl.” Michelle says. Wondering what ill-begotten fate lay in store for her little girl. Little did she know her own protective instincts would be the catalyst for an epic in the making.

“Honeybun, tell me whatever you can, slowly we will figure it out,” Michelle speaks in a soothing manner.

“ I asked her how :sob: I am supposed to :sob: deal with :sob: this. you :sob: know what she said.” Scarlett speaks while crying every other word.

“No, honey, tell me,” Michelle says. Starting to get a touch angry at her unexpected and new daughter, who she now imagines has a devil-may-care attitude.

“She said to just ignore it till I can't anymore or plan like hell around it. how can I plan against something I don’t even understand!” Scarlett screams before falling back into a crying fit, thinking she will lose her mom.

“Shush, honey bun, I will protect you,” Michelle says, still unaware that the outcome is inevitable.


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