Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Andy Gets A New Name

After getting her cloak on and making sure Adel was in clothes that did not reveal anything, Fate went to the hatch where two other girls around eighteen years of age, along with Mike, stood. “Only two?”

“Andy’s little wife wanted to stay to take care of him. She seemed to really have fallen for the guy.” Mike said with a shrug. 

“And these girls still haven’t been won over yet?” Fate asked teasingly. The two girls both blushed and lowered their heads. 

“Boss, that’s mean! How could Chuck and I not get our wives' approval? We treat them better than we treat ourselves. We even took their collars off, so we are not forcing them to do anything.” Mike acted as if he was really hurt, causing Fate to laugh.

“Yes, Yes, you are all big men… In the heart that is... As for other parts…. I wouldn’t know, nor care to.” Fate said while patting Mike on the shoulder. She then turned to the two girls. “If you wish to run away, now is your chance. I will not stop you.”

“Boss!” Mike yelled out before turning to one of the girls. “Val, you won’t leave me, right!?”

The girl covered her mouth, trying to hide her laughter as she looked up at Mike. She used her other hand to cup Mike’s cheek as she answered: “How could I leave you when you treat me well? You may have bought me as a slave, but you have not once treated me as such. Plus, you took my first, so I will not allow you to get away.” 

To girls like Val, who were treated like objects to be treated with such care by someone and treated as a human rather than an object, she would prefer to be with that person more than anything. So seeing Mike’s panicked face when the boss said she could run away actually filled her heart with warmth. He may not be the best looking man in the world, but he did care for her. Mike’s eyes began to water up as he hugged Val. They had just gotten to know one another, but he was already wrapped around her finger.

“I never realized MIke was such a princess…. From now on, I will call you Princess Michell! ” Fate said sarcastically before walking out the door and onto the lift. “Let’s go. We do not have all day.”

Val gave Mike a kiss on the lips before leaving. Fate stood there and looked at the other girl whose head was still lowered and felt something was off. “You okay? Did Chuck do something wrong? If he did, just tell me.”

“Ah! No… It’s fine… Chuck is a great man. He treats me very well. I just did not want to do anything that might cause you to be angered….” The girl seemed to be trembling slightly as she spoke with Fate.

 Fate scratched her head and looked at Adel in a questioning manner, only for Adel to shrug as well… It was then that Fate thought of something as she asked. “Did that bastard tell you about how I killed his friends and ate their hearts? Don’t worry. I won’t do that to you. At that time, we were enemies, and they were shooting at me. Plus, we have two blood banks to keep my belly full, and my lovely Adel here lets me suck her blood too.” 

“Ah?” The girl finally raised her head and looked at Fate. She did not think Fate would be so laid back about it. She looked at the dark abyss of Fate’s hood and wondered what their boss looked like. 

When Fate saw the girl’s pretty face, she was very surprised. While Val was not ugly, she was just average, but this girl looked like a doll. In her past life, this girl could have been a star if not for the war and robots and all that…  “Tch… How did that big baldy get such a delicate girl? Doesn’t make sense!” 

“Boss, Chuck is actually very sweet to Emily. He is always acting as if he is stepping on eggshells around her, afraid she will be scared of him or end up hurt because of him.” Val took it upon herself to explain. 

“I see… I never thought my three idiots would be such softies. But then again, being stuck in a ship for so long without a chance to get a wife will do that to them. And what about the last girl?” Fate asked. She had yet to see her after all. Although she did get a glimpse of a girl when they were going to save Andy, she did not really take a good look.

“She is well… How do I say it? They still have a few years before they can get married. She is only fourteen… Andy actually did not buy her to be his wife but to save her from what Mike told me. He did not wish to see such a young girl being sold off like that and decided to give up having a wife right away to give that girl a better life.”

“So basically he is a lolicon who is trying to raise a wife…. I will need to have a word with him later….” Fate gritted her teeth. She turned around before pressing the lift button and entered back into the ship, catching Mike off guard. “Boss?”

“Tell that lolicon that if he touches a single hair on that girl’s body, I will eat his heart for dinner.” Fate's entire being seemed to be filled with killing intent causing Mike’s entire body to suddenly become drenched in a cold sweat. He quickly nodded and said: “I will go tell him now.”

“Hump! Dirty old man trying to get fresh meat….” Fate muttered before exiting to the lift once more. Only then did she press the button to reach ground level. Emily and Val both looked at each other and laughed. They suddenly felt bad for Andy, who was now marked as a lolicon. 

“You girls know what size clothing The other girl wears… Actually, what is her name?” Fate asked.

“Her name is Becky. She is actually a bright girl and is very grateful to Andy for saving her. And Andy truly treats her more like a little sister or daughter than anything.” Val replied…

But to this, Fate only snorted as she said: “No need to cover up for that lolicon. Just let me know if he tries anything funny. Come let’s get you, girls, fresh clothes.” 

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