Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Arrival At Zavis

The ship jerked, causing Fate to fall back into her seat before swirling lights filled the screen as the ship entered what looked to be like some kind of tunnel in space. Fate stared at the scene in awe while the other three busied themselves monitoring the ship. “To think I would actually get to see such a scene.” 

“Boss, we will be in the warp for a day's time. We will then reach the Lougin Galaxy and will be able to make our way to the Tenor System. There is a desert planet called Zavis that has a black market where we can buy slaves and other goods, including new clothing for you.” Andy explained.

“Then I will go back and rest. Call me if you need me for anything.” Fate unbuckled herself and stood up, stretching her arms. She then turned and walked away, heading back to her room. When she left, the three men looked at each other and sighed. “Why does the Boss have to be so beautiful?”

“She is beautiful. I can still remember her naked body. But I dare not even think about it or use it for material just in case she is able to read my mind. I keep feeling that her eyes when she looks at me are as if she is looking at a roasted chicken. But she is now our Boss and a strong one at that.” Chuck replied.

“Watch what you say. As you said, she is our boss now. We need to show her the respect she deserves. If one of you fuck up and get us all killed, I will hunt you down in the afterlife.” Mike said coldly.

“We know!” Andy chuckled. None of them were stupid. They did not want to die like their old comrades did. That kind of death was not worth it.

Outside the door to the bridge, leaning against it, Fate had a smug smile on her lips. “Of course, I am beautiful. And it’s good that you know better than to use me as your masturbation material.”

Fate had much better hearing than any human, so even with the bridge door closed, she could hear everything that was said inside. Feeling happy that she was seen as beautiful, Fate made her way back to her room, where she stripped down to her boxers and fell face first on the bed and closed her eyes. Since she was so beautiful, she decided she needed to get some beauty sleep.

A day passed quickly, and Fate was once again rudely woken by the intercom. “Boss, we are about to dock at Zavis Spaceport.”

Fate sat up feeling grumpy from being woken up. She rubbed her eyes and crawled out of bed. She stumbled to the closet and pulled out some clothes. After getting changed, she went to the bridge to see a massive dessert appear on the screen in front of her. “This is Zavis?”

“Yes, it is Zavis. While it is very hot here, the oxygen is very rich. The only downside is the damn sand beasts that tower as high as the walls of the city. Luckily it is well protected. We will be landing shortly. Andy is talking with their flight control now.” Mike explained. He was hitting buttons on the screen in front of him, turning off weapons systems.

Fate sat in the captain's seat sideways with her legs hanging over the armrest. She watched as they came upon a domed shaped structure that stood out amongst the sand. The sand on this planet was a rusty orange red. Fate wondered if it was heavy in iron. 

Minutes passed, and the ship slowed down to a hover. They came upon the hanger area that was stationed just inside the wall that had many landing pads. Andy was heading to landing pad seventy nine as instructed by the flight control of the city. Fate heard over the overhead coms a female voice. “Welcome to Zavis’s trade city Xiena”

Pursing her lips, she felt the ship come to a stop and sink down a bit before rising back up. “We are here!”

Fate quickly got up and ran to the front of the bridge. She had never done so so far as she did not wish to get in the way. But she couldn’t resist taking a look out over the place she had just arrived at. She was on another world! “Boss, let’s go get you some clothes first.”

“Mm…” Fate tore herself away from the sights and walked towards the hatch leading out. She watched as Chuck opened the door, and the light of the day shined down inside the ship. But as soon as she stepped forward and basked in the sunlight, she felt her whole body going weak. “Eh?”

Fate quickly took a few steps back. When she did, she felt fine again. She then took a step forward and once again began to feel weak. “Damnit!”

“Boss?” The three men were confused by Fate’s actions.

Fate ignored them and stuck her leg out that was covered in boots and cargo pants and did not feel off at all. She brought her foot back and then stuck out her arm into the sunlight. Once again, she began to feel weak. Gritting her teeth, she turned and looked at Andy and reached over and ripped his shirt off without a single word. Andy reacted like a woman who was just stripped and covered his chest with his arms as he yelled out: “Boss!?”

Fate ignored the question once more and wrapped her arm in the shirt. She then stuck it out in the sunlight again. This time she did not get that feeling of weakness. “Damn it! I will be right back.” After saying this, she tossed the ripped shirt back to Andy and stomped off towards her sleeping quarters. 

 “So, this body is weak to sunlight. If I let the sun directly touch my body, I will instantly become weak!” She was going to have to suffer under the soaring heat if she wanted to go anywhere! Feeling angry, Fate punched the hallway wall as she yelled out: “Just my luck!”

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