Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Fate’s Build Plan


Fate Vampiria

[Age]: 18

[Race]: Vampire

[Evolved Type]: Lesser Vampire

[Level]: 2/20

[HP]: 200/200  

[MP]: 200/200

[Hunger]: 100/100

[Blood Samples]: 2/10

[Status Points]: 10

[Strength]: 20     

[Intelligence]: 20

[Mind]: 20

[Vitality]: 20

[Agility]: 20

[Number Of Servants]: 1/2


{Illusion} {Blood Strike} {Blood Claw} {Blood Shield} {Water Cutter} {Fireball} {Earth Wall} {Wind Aura} {Paralyze} {Frost Field} {Minor Healing} {Illuminate} {Shadow Control} {Shadow Fade}  {Shadow Step} {Blood Slave}

[Passive Skills]

{Charm} {Your Hunger Grows}

“Hmm… Let’s see then….” Fate tapped strength first even though she already knew what it was, but just in case, she still read the description given. “Strength raises one's power to enable them to deal more damage. Short and sweet… Next up is intelligence. Intelligence makes one smarter in many ways. At forty points of intelligence combined with forty points of mind, one can have a photographic memory remembering everything they see or read. It raises one’s ability to learn new things as well as allows one to have a greater understanding of their element, raising its power by a certain amount.”

Fate raised an eyebrow when reading this. She thought back to that RPG she once played and felt that this stats system was quite similar. She wondered who or whatever created the trinity system stole ideas from that game… “Next up is mind… Mind is one’s thought process and allows one to carry more mana the higher the stat is. Combined with intelligence, it will allow for greater and bigger spells to be cast. That is pretty straightforward.”

Fate tapped her chin and looked at her spells. They all only cost a few mana, so she did not see a reason to level them just yet, but the thought of having a photographic memory was enticing. The only issue is she would need forty status points to get there… “I guess I can level it slowly…. But first, let’s look at the other stats.”

“Next is vitality. Vitality is both body health and defense…. So by raising vitality, my health will go up, and attacks will also become less likely to hurt me… Mmmm… this is a must. The stronger my body is, the less likely my hunger will fall quickly in battle. And since I will be needing to fight other trinities that will be strong, the higher my vitality, the better chances of survival. But before I dump all my points into it, it's best to check out agility.” Fate contemplated for a minute before clicking the last stat. “Agility is one’s speed and ability to dodge. The more agility one has, the faster one can move, not only in walking or running, but every part of one's body as well as reaction time. It will also slightly increase damage of attacks known as critical strikes every so often.”

Fate closed her eyes and thought for a moment after taking everything in. “Adel, what do you think of this build plan….” Fate explained what she had in mind, and Adel nodded in agreement. “This would allow for you to really bring forth your best qualities, especially so since you have shadow step.”

“Yeah, it is what I use to quickly move around. I can basically step into the shadows and instantly move anywhere else. So I will do that then. One point each into mind and intelligence and then two points into agility, two into strength and lastly four points into vitality.” The reason why she chose vitality to stick four points into was because she wanted her body to be as tough as possible and have leeway in a life where strength makes right. While she has a huge advantage right now, this could not be said to be true in the future.

Her new stats looked like so…

[HP]: 200 → 240/240  

[MP]: 200→ 210/210

[Status Points]: 10 → 0

[Strength]:20 → 22     

[Intelligence]: 20  → 21

[Mind]: 20 → 21

[Vitality]: 20 → 24

[Agility]: 20 → 22

Fate made a fist and released it a few times before smiling. “Even two points makes me feel stronger. Or is this one of those sugar pill effects to cure an illness type deal?”

Fate knew her build did not fully match her fighting style as more points in agility would be better, but it was still best right now for her to spread her points out so she could eventually have much higher stats in all aspects, even if it meant taking longer to do certain things. “It’s getting late. I guess we should turn in.”

“Does Master wish to snuggle with my tail tonight?” Adel asked while blushing slightly.

“Mmm… Your fluff is the best. I am the luckiest Master in the universe to have such fine fluff.” Fate said as she got up and fixed the blankets with Adel. She then got under the covers and waited for her fluff to get in as well. Adel pulled her tail around her and rested the tip between her breast. Only then did Fate push her head in and move it back and forth a few times before finding a perfect spot. “Ha~... Fluff…” With one leg wrapped around Adel’s body and her arm draped over Adel’s waist, Fate fell asleep with the fluff she so loved almost immediately. 

Adel looked at the blissful smile on her Master’s face causing her to smile as well. She then pushed a lock of Fate’s hair out from her eyes before snuggling her nose into the top of Fate’s head. “My Master…”

That night everyone on the ship slept well. The three idiots, besides Andy, who was still in sickbay, were able to have a relaxing night with their new wives. The girls who were bought at the slave market were also given fresh clothes and hot meals. Because of this, they did not seem to mind becoming wives of the three idiots. They knew if they were sold off to anyone else, they would be treated much worse. But with how the three idiots acted towards them, they began to see a brighter future already.

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