Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.


“So hungry!” Fate felt stabbing pains in her stomach. She had never felt so hungry in her entire life. She curled up within the darkness of the coffin holding her stomach. She could feel her reasoning beginning to fade away as her hunger grew more and more. Before she knew what she was doing, she had slammed her fist against the roof of the coffin.


“Ahh! What the fuck was that!?” The man wearing cargo pants yelled out as he let go of the coffin and jumped back, his face pale.

“Shit! You fuck! Why did you let go!” The bald headed man yelled out as the coffin crashed into the metal floor.


“Fuck!” A voice yelled out from within the coffin.

“What the fuck!? Is there someone in this thing!?” The man wearing cargo pants felt like pissing himself with how scared he was right now. He may be a grown man, but there was one thing that scared the ever living hell out of him, and that was the idea of ghosts and zombies.

“I-I don’t know!” The bald headed man had also jumped back. He did not dare go near the coffin.

As for Fate, the said ghost or zombie, she was very angry at this time. Between her rationality being taken over by her craving to satisfy her hunger, being stuck in some kind of box, and then slammed around like a piece of luggage, she couldn’t take it anymore. “Who the fuck is the bastard and dropped this box!” 

Fate had completely lost it as she began slamming her fists off the room of the coffin crazily.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

The coffin lid bounced up slightly only to have the chains wrapped around it to go taught, slamming it back down. “Let me the fuck out!”

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

“Fuck! Go get the boss!” The bald headed man yelled. He was also now starting to get scared. He watched as the cover bounced up and down with each bang of whatever was in the box. He could also hear a voice coming from within it. While it was definitely a female voice, he still didn’t dare go near the coffin anymore. He pulled his gun from his side and pointed it at the coffin. If Fate were to see this weapon, she could only describe it as futuristic. It had the shape of weapons she knew, but with all the extra things on it, there was no telling what it actually shot out.

Fate, whose mind was long gone, continued to pound on the roof of the coffin and yelling out profanities. The man wearing green cargo pants quickly came back with a group of five men behind him. The one in the lead was a tall, burly man with a long red beard. “When did this start happening?” The man with a long red beard asked.

“Just a few minutes ago.” The bald man replied. “We did nothing. We were just transporting it.”

“I know. Come on, pick it up and bring it to the cargo bay. We need to open it.” The red bearded man ordered. The people behind him went forward and grabbed the coffin on each side and carried it down the hall covered in metal. The ceiling had wires and pipes hanging down and running along the walls. The hall was only wide enough for the coffin and one person on either side of it.

“Boss, I don't think we should. Whatever is inside seems really pissed. It could also be some kind of monster trying to trick us by sounding like a young woman.” The man in green cargo pants said. He was afraid of what would come of it.

“What the hell are you being a chicken shit for? I never knew I hired such a titty baby.” The red bearded man snorted as he followed after the coffin. “Plus, how could it best us if we have weapons at the ready? Why do you think I said cargo bay?” 

“Ahh!” The man with green cargo pants suddenly realized something and ran after the red bearded man.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

“Fuck you fucking fuckers! So hungry. Fuck!” Fate kept cursing. She felt nothing at this time. She only cared about satisfying her hunger.

“Hurry up and get the chains off!” The boss yelled out. He wanted to see what kind of existence would be stuffed into a coffin and chained up. 

The boss’s shout got his men moving as they quickly began working on getting the chains off the coffin. The entire time they were sweating, not from the heat from working in a closed environment but because the banging on the coffin got louder and louder. 

One by one, the chains were cut off. Because of the kind of metal used in creating the chains, they had to use special tools to cut them off. But for a group of space pirates, this was nothing to them. They had run across many things that were bound in this kind of metal. 

*Clank!* *Clank!*

The chains fell to the ground. Only one chain left, and everyone felt on edge.  The boss had his men hold up before saying: “Men get ready. If it turns out to be a monster kill it! We can just sell its remains! Cut it off!”




The top of the coffin was sent flying up towards the cargo bays ceilings. Everyone stared at the coffin, their guns drawn, ready to shoot whatever came out. But when they saw the small white delicate looking fist, they couldn’t help but feel very confused. “It’s about fucking time you bastards let me out!”

Although what was being said sounded crude, the voice itself carried with it a kind of charm, making the men standing there stare in anticipation. Fate felt like she was losing her mind. She needed food right away, and after finding herself locked in this box and bounced around all over, her mood was not good, making her already crazed state even worse. She grabbed the sides of the coffin and slowly pulled herself up. Her silver air that looked almost gray fell down over her shoulders, covering the modest mounds of her chest.

After being at war for so long, she did not care about being naked in front of others, nor did she have the mindset at this time to care about anything but satisfying her hunger. She slowly stood up under the watchful gazes of these men who had been locked in a tin can for god knows how long.

 Her delicate skin glimmered under the dim lighting of the room. Every inch of her body was now exposed to all these men. But in return for their heated stares that made them look like a pack of animals. All they heard was a cold snort. “The fuck you looking at? You never seen a naked girl before?” 

Her words were like sharp knives to these men, who all quickly looked away. As for Fate, her eyes suddenly began to glow red as she looked at these men and licked her lips. “So hungry.” Before she could even comprehend what she was doing, her body flashed, and a shrill scream came from the side as blood splashed in the air. After the scream, a maniacal laugh that echoed throughout the cargo bay was heard.

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