Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Learning About Trinities Part 2

Fate swirled her tongue around Adel’s finger before biting into it again to sip some more blood as she waited for Adel’s answer. “I do not know all about them, but I do know what I was taught.”

“Oh? Then please tell me as I only woke up in a box a little while ago and know nothing about trinities. Even though I am one….” Fate leaned her head back, Adel’s finger still in her mouth, and reached both her hands up and cupped Adel’s cheeks. Adel giggled at her Master’s cute antics and nodded her head. “Anything Master wishes to know, I will do my best to explain.”

“Just give me a rundown on trinities then. I need to know what I am getting myself into.” Fate replied. She was very curious as to what trinities are capable of before she began distributing her status points.

“Trinities are what are considered higher beings in the known universe. The worlds of each galaxy have both trinities and mortals. As you can see from what you have seen so far, trinities think highly of themselves and are known to look down on mortals as nothing more than rats that should follow their every whim. This can also be said to be the same for those in the rankings of trinity society as well. That have a saying with in their society. 'The weak are to do the strong's bidding.'

“From the stories I have been told and from the books that i have read, the outer planets that have very few resources are known to be paradises for mortals while those few planets with high amounts of resources can be hell as trinities of power will enslave any mortals on those planets to harvest all the resources on the planet to benefit them. 

“As for the inner structure of trinity society, I heard that the most powerful trinity in the universe is said to be of the Green royal family and is the leader of the federation. The federation is filled with nobles and high-ranking officers, which make up the higher tiers of society. 

“The tiers of nobility besides the royal family are as follows: archduke, duke, marquis, earl, viscount, count, baron, knight.  Knight rankings also differ, and some are higher than some of the nobility as well. Most knights start off as a squire. Then from there, they train to become knights and work their way up through the ranks. They are as follows: squire, knight, knight second class, knight first-class, knight champion, knight commander, knight commander first-class, knight grand commander, and finally knight grand champion. A knight grand champion has the same ranking in society as a marquis.

“The higher the ranking, the closer to the center of the Foltan Galaxy they are able to get. The Foltan Galaxy is the main galaxy for the federation, and the home planet Tridain is the planet that is exclusively for the nobility of high ranking and the royal family itself. This is also why Trinity Academy is stationed in the Foltan Galaxy. All the royals go to Trinity Academy from a young age and are able to level up quickly as they will get special attention within the academy.

“Trinity themselves level up by killing things. But not just anything will work. You either need to kill monsters with magic cores within their bodies, or you will need to kill other trinities. This is why you leveled up earlier. But what is strange, Master is that your system seems different from what I have been told and seen.”  Adel was confused on this point. Fate’s system was different from the images she had seen in books.

“Oh? How so?” Fate asked. She had no idea what a normal trinity status window looked like.

“Yours has a few things different about it. First, you do not have what is called an affinity status. All trinities have one single main affinity. Whether it be fire, water, earth, or another element, each of these affinities will be the only skill set they are able to use. Some will also have a dual or tri affinity, but they are as rare as rare can get. But you do not have this. 

“Second is that you have a hunger stat. This is due to your race but from what I know, and I can not confirm this, but no one has their race traits showing up in their status window and can be used as an actual source of power. 

“Third, you have too many skills! You have so many skills at level two. It is very strange as only at level five will a trinity get their first skill. But you have so many and some of which are of different elements. It is simply unheard of. Even I, who is not a trinity, know this.” Adel was very surprised to see how many skills her Master had when she looked at Fate’s status window. There were just too many to count.

“And finally, not only are your base stats high, making you very strong, you are able to distribute your status points. Nothing I have read has said anything about a trinity being able to distribute their own status points. It is normally done automatically based on their element.” Adel explained.

“Oh? Hehe, your Master is very amazing.” Fate praised herself. She felt the more she heard, the more amazing she was. Of course, she was not conceited enough to run to pick a fight with some random trinity since she knew she was only amazing up to a certain point. 

“Indeed, Master is very amazing. And Master is my Master, which makes me proud.” Adel’s tail swished lightly, and her eyes twitched. She was happy to have Fate as Her Master.

“Then, as your Master, I guess I need to make sure my servant is fully taken care of.” Fate said as she rolled over and slipped between Adel’s legs, burying her face into the fox girl's garden that was only reserved for her Master. When she felt her Master’s tongue exploring her insides, Adel closed her eyes as her soft, gentle pleasure-filled moans echoed throughout the room.

Fate and Adel rolled around in the bed for a while before finally stopping. Fate laid on top of Adel’s body with the back of her head between Adel’s breasts with her status window open once more. Adel had a blissful smile on her face as she hugged Fate’s body and looked down at the status window.  “I am still unsure what to stick my status points into….”

“Master, if you tap the names of each, it will give you information on each stat to allow you to know what they do.”

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