Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Setting Off

“Last but not least is the one skill I find very useful. Charm. It says… Vampires will always have a natural charm about them that will take effect if a person is within a certain range. This charm will cause the person to be entranced by the vampire and will willingly let them suck their blood. This effect can be turned on and off at will. The person having their blood sucked by the vampire will feel their body being stimulated by a massive level to the point of an aphrodisiac.” Fate rubbed her thighs together as she bit her bottom lip, resisting the urge that was welling up inside her. “It seems my mind is completely warped. I want to cum just thinking about sucking cute girls blood while making her climax over and over.”

Fate laid back and let her fingers wander, not wanting to resist anymore. She really had to get used to how this new body was. She was not sure if it had something to do with her race or not, but her body was just too easy to please. She felt like she should be more of a succubus than a vampire. After a few more orgasms, Fate laid in the bed for a few minutes before deciding to take a bath. After which, she turned in to rest for a while.

“Boss, sorry to disturb you, but we are ready to launch.” Chuck’s voice came over the intercom. 

Fate slowly opened her eyes and groaned as she sat up. Her hair was in disarray. She was one person who did not like waking up in the mornings. But because she had things she needed to do, she still forced herself up. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and rolled out of bed. She put on a set of clean clothes and tied the t-shirt into a knot at the collar to keep it from hanging down too much before walking out of her room in her bare feet. She had noticed that the halls of the ship leading from the sleeping quarters to the bridge were kept very clean. This was good for Fate as she did not like wearing socks and boots as it was. She would only wear them if she had to. This stemmed from years of being forced to wear them twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, sometimes not even getting a chance to change even her socks. She hated it so much. 

“Boss, you’re here. Please sit in the captain's chair.” Andy waved Fate over to a chair that was stationed in the middle of all the other areas. Mike and Chuck were in their station as Andy handed a cup to Fate. The bridge had four stations plus the captain's seat. One was Andy's position which was pilot.  This seat was stationed right in front of Fate. To her right were radar and navigation.  Currently, Chuck was handling this, and lastly, Mike was in charge of weapons which was stationed on the left.

“This is?” Fate already knew what was in the cup. She smelt it as soon as she entered the bridge. But she was stunned that they would go so far just for her. 

“We know it will still be a day before you can get some slaves, so we each gave drained a few cups worth of blood last night. We hope it will satisfy you.” Andy replied. He was shaking slightly as he was nervous. He did not want this new boss to suddenly rip his heart out and eat it in front of him.

Fate lips curled up. She knew these guys were scared she would make them dinner, but this kind of gesture was truly not something most would do. These three idiots were definitely worthy of being loyal men who worked under her as long as they continued to act like this. “That is plenty. From now on, do not do this anymore. Once we get slaves to use as blood banks, you do not need to worry about my food supply. Luckily humans are able to regenerate blood even if they lose a lot. So all you need to do is keep the ones I use for my food alive. Feed them lots of iron.”

“As you wish, Boss.” Andy bowed his head and quickly returned to his station. 

Fate sniffed the blood in the cup and instantly knew all three of these men were different blood types. She took a sip, and a sweet taste filled her mouth. “Mm… Not bad. I have to thank you three for preparing breakfast for me.”

The three men all blushed. They felt embarrassed because they were doing this to keep their lives. To have Fate thank them so sincerely weighed heavily on their conscience. But that was one of the reasons Fate said thank you. One was to make them know that she knew why they did this, and the second was because she was indeed grateful for the gesture, even if it was for other reasons. “You said we are ready to launch?”

“Ah yes. Boss, I suggest you finish your breakfast first and then buckle in. The forces of the jump can jerk on the body pretty hard.” Mike warned.

“Then I will do just that. ” Fate drank the cup of blood and looked at her hunger. The single little cup was enough for four points of restoration. This gave her an idea of just how much blood she would need to drink in order to get one hundred percent. But this confused her. “Hmmm  Although I could say this is a cup, the actual measurement is around a cup and a half. But to get out of my blood frenzy, I needed to consume almost one hundred plus cups of blood.”

Fate started to gain an understanding. While she would still need to do more testing later on, she figured that once she reached a certain threshold, the more blood she would need to gain a single point of hunger. What that threshold was, she did not know. Only when she could actually test it would she know.

“Boss…” Andy looked over at Fate, who seemed to be lost in thought. He needed to know if they could launch yet or not. He did not dare do it without her command.

“Hmmm? Oh! Yeah, let me strap in. Then you can launch.” Fate quickly fastened herself in and then gave Andy a nod. The next thing she knew, the shutters closed, covering all the big windows. The windows themselves turned into large screens and showed what was on the other side as if they were looking right through the metal shutters. 

“Warp will initialize in four…. Three… Two… One… Warp drive engage!” The engines fired up, and ten beams of blue light shot out in front of the ship, all converging into a single point. Slowly a swirling portal that looked like bluish silver liquid formed in front of them. It got bigger and bigger until it was large enough for the ship to go through. “Warp jump will commence in three… Two… One… Jumping!”

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