Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Shopping Part 1

Fate stomped her way into her sleeping chambers and grabbed a hooded sweatshirt to wear. She even found a pair of gloves that just barely fit her. She hated the fact that she was going to have to suffer in the heat just because she felt weak while in the sun. To top things off, she took another shirt and ripped it into a wide strip, and wrapped it around her head before putting her hoodie up. At this time, all you could see was a set of red eyes that were visible from under her hood. She walked back to the docking hatch and stood there gritting her teeth as she looked at the three idiots in front of her. “What!? I'm sensitive to the sun!” 

“Oh!” Andy and the other two answered in unison, but at the same time, they each had the same thought. ‘Just how sensitive are you to have to wrap yourself up in so many layers?’ Of course, they did not dare to ask such a question and kept it to themselves. 

With their new boss wrapped up as if she was going skiing, The group of four finally stepped out of the ship. It was only when she got outside that a smile formed on her lips. “Humph! I can’t even feel the heat!” While Fate was perfectly fine, the other three were already starting to get drenched in sweat. The heat and humidity was very bad on this planet. Fate felt proud of her ability to take the heat, so now she was no longer worried about being covered like an Eskimo. 

“Guy’s, let’s go, we got shopping to do!” Fate egged the other three on who were wiping the sweat from their brow. 

The three men gave each other a look and sighed. “Boss, follow us closely, or someone might try to kidnap you.”

“Hmm? Someone would want to kidnap me?” Fate tilted her head to the side. She wondered if there were truly idiots who would want to do such a thing.

“I am not saying they would be successful. I am just saying it would be bad to get into battle here. The guards here are all level five to eight trinities.” Mike explained.

“Oh…” This made Fate frown. She did not wish to end up getting beaten up and forced to be a slave herself due to picking a fight with a higher level. Of course, she would do everything she could to be sure she did not end up in such a state. Luckily she had some skills that could save her life.

Thinking of things like this, Fate calmed down a bit but still moved to stand between the three men. So now it was Mike and Chuck on her left and right while Andy followed up from behind. It didn’t help that her getup caused a lot of people to look in her direction. 

The spaceport was just as Fate had imagined it to be. Although it was kept up, the scum of society were the main guests in this place, so there were a lot of rough looking people and things. Things because Fate had no idea what races some of these beings were. She leaned over and whispered to Mike: “Hey are the other races able to have trinity systems as well?”

“Yeah. It’s hard to say when it happened, but the trinity system suddenly appeared one day. The new generation of every race began getting notifications about the trinity system. This was a system that allowed them to level up. Like it was said before only those who can get into Trinity Academy are able to really level up. That place is special as it has certain worlds for leveling. So the students there get to level up quickly. Boss, we can also go to a few words, even the ones the academy uses to help you raise your level as well.” Mike explained.

“Hmmm… I will think about that once we get more money and the ship repaired. We also need some better weapons… But first, let’s get my clothes. I just need clothes that fit better.” Fate decided not to be picky at this time. She only needed a set of clothing and underwear for each day of the week for the time being.  A pair of shoes and a mask. She realized if she showed her face around this place, she might just end up being gang raped by the bastards that roam this place if they were stronger than her. She could only sigh at the fact that she was just too beautiful.

The group made it down the main street leading to the market, where many booths were set up, unlike a black market on some populated, law controlled planet. Here on Zavis, it was anything goes, and that meant anything. Like the scene before Fate’s eyes now. “You fucking squid faced bastard, are you trying to rip me off!?”

“?#$R#?#$#” The squid raced being yelled back while drawing a weapon and slashing the man’s neck. Blood spurted out like a fountain, dying the ground red. The man who first yelled out fell to a ground dead.

“Er… What did it say?” Fate asked. 

Andy scratched his nose as he answered: “The squid man said he would fuck his mother, wife, and daughter all at the same time and make them breed half breeds so he could eat them.”

“Ahhh… So glad I asked… You guys will need to help me learn the languages.” Fate made a note not to piss off a squid man. 

“No problem. You can leave that to me. If I can teach Mike, I can teach you.” Chuck said proudly.

Fate turned and looked at Chuck’s smug look and smiled. Who would have thought that Chuck was a language expert? Mike furrowed his brow and punched Chuck in the arm. “I am just a little slow!”

“It took you almost three months to learn a single word of elvish.” Chuck said teasingly.

“Humph! Who told the elves to have such a shitty language?” Mike waved his hand at Chuck before pointing towards a building. “That there is our first stop.”

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