Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Shopping Part 2

“Alright then, let’s go inside.” Fate walked forward but stopped at the shop entrance when she saw the three men standing there stupidly. “What are you doing?”

“Ahem… Boss… Just take this card and get what you need. If the three of us went in there, it would not be good. This is a shop for ladies, and it has many unspeakable things hanging around.” Andy replied while rubbing his nose in embarrassment.

Fate smiled and couldn’t help but find these three idiots cute. “Alright. I will try to be fast.”

Fate took the card, which was semi thick and made of metal with the name Serenity Bank etched into it, and walked into the store. Only when she got inside did she finally pull her hoodie off and the shirt covering her face. She looked around at all the clothes and nodded her head. She felt these clothes were not half bad. While they were more of a science fiction feel to them with the way that most of the clothes had some kind of armor sewn into them, they were made for women and were small enough to fit her body well. 

As she looked around, the old shop owner, who had two antennas coming out of the top of her head, blue skin, and a wrinkled face, stared at Fate with wide eyes. “This girl…” The old shop woman quickly got up and hurried over to Fate: “Girl, I will give you seventy percent off if you allow me to take one picture of you wearing any outfit you pick out. So I can use it as a poster for my store. All the old birds who come in here never look as beautiful as you.”

Fate looked over at the old woman and thought for a moment. It was true she was beautiful, and getting seventy percent off would allow her to buy more. But… “I want buy one and get one free. I only want to buy seven sets of clothing, including underwear and gloves. This means I get to choose fourteen sets. Plus the seventy percent off deal you just offered. This way, the seven sets only cost me thirty percent of the sticker price per set.”

The old woman’s brow wrinkled but thinking of the customers she might get after using this girl's image as her poster girl, she quickly agreed. “Alright, deal. So young yet knows how to haggle. ”

“Hehe.” Fate giggled as she patted the old woman’s shoulder. “Then let me pick out a few things and get changed. Also, toss in a few cloaks that hide the entire body. As you can see with my looks, I will garner unwanted attention.”

The old woman frowned but nodded. “I got just the thing. You will only need one cloak, and as long as you are wearing it, you will be able to keep everything off your body. No light can penetrate this cloak.” 

Fate’s eyes glowed with happiness. “Alright, I will go and pick stuff out.” For Fate, this was a shopping spree! Not only did she get to save money, but she also got a bunch of extras as well. 

She quickly picked out fourteen sets of clothing before heading to the small changing room. Once she looked around and made sure there were no cameras, she quickly undressed and put on the new clothing. It was nothing amazing. A black bra, a short sleeve padded black shirt, a pair of low-cut black side-tie panties, and a pair of long black baggy cargo pants that fell down over her to small white feet, everything fit perfectly. For shoes, she picked out two sets. One that was more for leisure while the other was more military-style black boots. Fate had not realized it, but all her clothes turned out to be black. Even the two sets of gloves she picked out were black. They were lightweight, and one set was fingerless.

When she finally stepped out of the changing room after trying on all the clothes to make sure they fit, the old woman exclaimed in surprise. “Dear, you are just… You let me take two pictures, and I will let you have it all for free!”

Fate laughed and nodded her head. There was no way she would give up such a good deal. “Then let’s do that.”

The old shop woman ushered Fate over to the sidewall where she had a tall white sheet set up and had Fate stand in front of it. The old woman then had Fate do a few poses before okaying two of them. One was with Fate standing there looking at the camera biting her lower lip in a seductive way, while the second one was her bending over slightly, showing off the curves of her body. “You girl will make this old woman some good money. Here is the cloak as promised.”

The old woman handed over a black cloak which Fate immediately put on and looked in the mirror. It was truly surprising that even with nothing covering her face, all you could see was a black abyss. This made Fate very happy. Such a useful item for someone like her who was weak to the sun. “Perfect, thanks.”

“If you ever come back for more, stop here again and let me take more pictures.” The old woman said as she handed Fate a small box.

“This is?” Fate was confused. She didn’t understand where her items went. 

“Special service. This is a space box. It uses the laws of time and space to store items. Although there is not much room, just a few feet but enough to store some items as long as they are not living. I figured it would be good for you to have since you will be walking around this place. I can not have my model getting robbed of her payment, now can I?” The old woman said, pushing the space box into Fate’s hands. “To get the items out, just press the button on the top. It will open a window that you can then select an item to be spat out of the box.”

“Thank you very much!” Fate found this item to be very handy! She quickly stashed the small box into her bra and said goodbye to the old lady before walking out of the shop. Mike and the others were still standing outside, looking like guards, when she walked out. “Let’s go.”

“Boss?” Chuck asked as he looked at the cloaked figure. 

“Yes, come on, let’s go. Oh yeah, here's the card.” Fate said as she handed the card back. “I didn’t need it. I got it all free.”

The three stood there looking at Fate in shock. ‘You just went into the store and came out with high-end gear and say you got it all for free!? Did you eat the store clerk!?’ They couldn’t help but take a peek inside. But when they saw the old shop owner still in the shop tidying things, they were even more confused. ‘How did she get it for free!?’

Fate could tell what they were thinking and smugly said: “It’s because I am just too beautiful.”

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