Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Space Walk Part 1

After talking to the three, Fate decided to take a walk around the ship. Mike wanted to guide her, but she told him to go about his work. It turned out that Mike was in charge of the ship’s weapons and had a lot of work to do in fixing the broken laser and plasma turrets. This meant he would need to go on a spacewalk. When Fate heard this, her eyes lit up, and decided to take her walk later and wanted to see what it was like to walk around in space. “Boss, are you sure you want to do this?” 

“Yeah! I mean, I have never been on a spacewalk before so let’s go!” Fate's eyes were shining with excitement, and her lips were curled up into a playful smile, making Mike blush. He had to look away, or he was sure he would fall for his boss’s charm, and he did not want to say something that would end up making him her dinner.

The two headed down to the changing room next to the decompression chamber. There were spacesuits of all kinds. Unlike the ones Fate had known about from her past life, they were not bulky at all. They seemed to be form fitting and had a small pack on the back with tubes connecting to the suit. “This is the smallest suite we have, which should shrink to your size. It is still brand new and has never been used. All of us who were on the ship were too big to ever use it.”

“Then I will take it!” Fate looked at the suit and began putting it on. It connected at the waist and head. So she put the pants on first and then the top. As soon as the top was locked in place, the whole suit shrank down to fit her body. She then put the helmet on, which shrank down to fit her better. Once all was locked in place, the suit pressurized. “Boss, can you hear me?”

“Huh? Yeah, I can. So these suits have coms?” Fate asked.

“It has a bit of everything. If you stick your tongue out and to your right, there is a button that will open a slot where a straw will come out if you get thirsty. Although we will probably have to change yours from water to blood.” Mike explained.

Fate did as Mike said and hit the button at the side. A straw did come out, but she did not try to drink anything. She just clicked the button again, causing the straw to withdraw. “Yeah, that will work. We will need to get some transfusion bags as well as needles and connectors.”

“We will get everything we need to draw blood from the slaves. We will make sure Boss  has everything she needs, do not worry.” Mike, Andy, and Chuck already discussed it, and they needed Fate to lead them. With her strength, they could make a lot of money and maybe one day break away from being space pirates.

“Then I will thank you in advance. So what do we do now that we have the suits on?” Fate asked. She truly wished to hurry up and go outside.

“We will go into the decompression chamber next. It will seal us off from the rest of the ship and get us ready to go outside. The cable at your waist is very important to your survival. While you have mini thrusters on your pack, they are only used to make your way back to the ship if your cable breaks or your boots fail for any reason. Normally this is only needed for when you are in orbit around a populated planet. But right now, we are orbiting a star, so we will need to be careful of sun flares. Stay close to me when we go out. Your boots are magnetic, so they will help you stick to the ship’s exterior.” Mike began giving directions and warnings. He did not want Fate’s first spacewalk to go badly.

“Okay, I will do as you say.” Fate took everything she was told seriously.

After a few more instructions, the two entered the decompression chamber, and seconds later, the hatch leading outside was finally opened, and Fate got to see her first face to face view of outer space.

Seeing the blazing sun in front of her and the sparkling stars in the background around it, Fate felt a tear welling up in her eyes. Before, it was not as real as when she was looking at it through the glass window of her room, but now… With the view in front of her without any obstructions, she truly felt it was a very beautiful sight. “You are now secure. It might be strange but climb out and onto the side of the ship. Place your feet down and make sure they are magnetized. When you feel a strong force keeping your feet in place, you can use your big toe to press down on a button hidden in your boot to demagnetize that boot in order to lift it. Only do one at a time, or else it could be dangerous.”

“Got it!” Fate carefully climbed out of the decompression chamber and held on to the pole that she was hooked to before getting her one foot under her, then her other. Slowly she stood up straight and looked out in front of her. “This is really amazing.”

Mike watched as Fate took her first step forward. She was slightly awkward, but this was normal for first timers. Fate only struggled a little with pressing the button with her toe. But once she got the hang of it, she was able to take her first few steps. While shaky, she finally began walking at a decent speed. “I think I’m good.”

“Not bad. Some people take a while before getting used to it. I should have expected no less from Boss. Our first target is the auto plasma cannon. It is our main weapon. It’s close so follow me.” Mike waved Fate over, and the two began making their way to the plasma cannon. 

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