Reborn As A Vampire With A System

Died in battle during a great world war. Fate woke up to find herself transformed into something not human. In a new place and new time, Fate must cope with her new surroundings and learn about her new powers, all while fighting against her hunger and the changes to her mentality.

Tim Sullivan

Fate was once again rudely woken up early in the morning when Mike’s voice came over the coms. “Boss, I hate to wake you up, but Tim Sullivan is here.” 

“Fuck…” Fate opened her sleepy eyes. Her hair was all over, and her mouth was filled with fluff. Adel was already awake and helped her get up and began getting her ready.

“Master, be careful around this person. I have a feeling he is very powerful.” Adel was worried for her Master’s safety. Fate seemed to have a tendency to kind of go off. 

“It’s fine. I will not get in over my head.” Fate tilted her head up and puckered her lips. Adel smiled helplessly and kissed her. 

After getting dressed, Fate had Adel accompany her to the meeting room, which was on the upper deck. When she entered, three people turned their eyes towards her. One was Mike, who gave Fate a wary smile, while the others were people she did not know. One was standing, and the other was sitting down. The one standing was a young woman. She had a petite stature but wore black metal armor and had a large broadsword on her back. The sword had to be angled as it was almost as tall as her. Her brown hair was tied up into a ponytail revealing her pretty yet cold face. The aura she exuded seemed to push everyone away from her. Fate suddenly wanted to see what kind of face she would make while naked underneath her. A slight flash of light passed over her eyes as she walked into the room.

Fate only gave a simple nod to the young man as she walked to the other side of the table. Although he was handsome, in his lower twenties, and someone any girl would fall for, Fate felt nothing, even with the sly smile he had hanging on his lips that raised his sex appeal up quite a bit. Fate yawned as she ran fingers through her hair before looking up at the young man. “So you are this ummm what was it again, something Mulligan?”

“You! You dare disrespect the Young Master?” The girl in the black armor yelled out as she reached for her sword.

“Little fairy, if you wish to roll around in the sheets, we can after the discussion. No need to strip here. You should wait until it's just the two of us.” Fate’s words silenced the whole room. Even the young woman who was reaching for her sword froze in place, trying to understand what was just said to her.

“Hahaha! You truly are someone interesting. My Name is Tim Sullivan. I apologize for coming so early, but I did not wish to keep you from launching much longer. It was my own selfishness that is keeping you here right now.” Tim replied as he stood up and stretched out his hand to shake Fate’s, but in the end, instead of getting a friendly handshake back, he only got a wrinkled brow, and a set of eyes rolled at him. Withdrawing his hand, he sat back down with a smile, seemingly not upset at all.

“Can you just get to the point? Not only did you keep us from launching, but you also showed up at the crack of dawn while I was still dreaming of fluffing my fluff. Do you know how good of a dream that was? I didn’t even get to finish the dream or get to make it a reality all because you interrupted.” Fate said with a snort. 

Tim’s face slowly became firm as he stared at Fate. “I think you should watch your tongue a little bit, Miss. I am a tolerant person, but if you keep being rude, I do not mind killing everyone on this ship.”

Fate’s eyes slowly began to glow red as she looked at the young man across the table from her. She then looked at the young woman who seemed ready to fight at any time. Unfazed, she leaned forward and stared directly into Tim’s eyes. “You say I am being rude? You locked my ship in port, keeping us from heading to a dock to get repairs, and are also waking me up earlier in the morning. Now you want to make threats against me and my people? Do you think me and my crew are easy to bully? If you wish to keep the little prick that is hanging between your legs, then I would spit out the shit you came to say before I decided to make the little fairy my playmate for tonight.”

“You! I will kill you!” The woman in black armor’s hair began to rise up as she began exerting her power, only for Tim to stop her. “Young Master…”

“Anna, stand down!”Tim did not know Fate’s level, so he was unsure at the moment whether or not they could walk away safely. He gave a stern gaze to Anna before turning back to Fate and forcing a smile. “You are right. It was rude of me. I will explain why I am here. Let me reintroduce myself. I am Tim Sullivan and am in charge of Zavis. I am a level nine trinity while my attendant here is a level ten trinity.” 

The reason Time started to speak of trinity levels was to see if there was any change in Fate’s expression, but sadly all he got was a yawn and a gaze that said hurry up and speak so you can leave faster. He could only assume that Fate was definitely of a higher level than them with such an attitude. This made him wonder even more about her background. 

“I came to meet you after I heard about your heroic deeds within the markets. I hope we can be friends.” Tim decided. Better to make friends than enemies with the unknown. Until he found out her true prowess, he would take things slowly.

“Hmm… Do friends keep people locked in port and wake them up from their fluff?” Fate asked… She would not let either matter go! Adel could only sigh at her Masters's stubbornness.

“Ahem… I do apologize for that. But I do hope we can become friends. As such, if you are heading to the Gallows Doc for repairs, I can call over and have them give you a hefty discount. How does sixty percent off sound?” Tim asked.

“Hmm… Make it seventy, and we got a deal. After all, you decided to threaten me first. But be warned, I am someone who does not like people stabbing me in the back, so if I find out our so-called friendship is nothing but you trying to pry into my background, I will visit you when you least expecting it and rip out your heart. I am sure a trinity of your level’s heart must be very delectable. And let me warn you now. The little fairy there won’t be able to protect you.”

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