Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 11: First time talking to her daughter…

As the camp above was changing guards for the last time before the morning a heavy debate was taking place deep under the oasis.

| Sso ass Jade iss the current besst material for information transsfer according to our knowledge we should begin with ussing that to make a connection to the user'ss nervouss ssysstem. Obvioussly I’m not ssaying we usse jade from here to forever, we’re not ssome humanss, but we need a place to begin ressearch into posssible compoundss.

Different formss of Jade sshould be what we look into for a better undersstanding of what makess it better or worsse. Although I love gold as much ass the next Amphiptere, we need to look into other materialss if we want to rule the- be better than the dragons, mother! | <Ulwazi>

| Then wouldn’t it be better to sstart with our target in the firsst place; the nervess~? Of coursse, there is alsso the sspiritual asspect we sshould be looking into as the ssoul already actss ass the besst connector between the {Physical Plane} and the {Dreamscape} ass you would know if you remembered our earlier disscusssion, Uli~!

Pluss it will cosst uss far lesss to look into ssoul bassed ressearch thankss to me already collecting a lot of [Eulogy Spirit Gold] compared to you wanting to wasste all the [Spirit Stones] I jusst collected on ssome ssilly sstoness! I’m possitive we can look into thiss long term investment when we have a sstronger foundation but you have to be realisstic and look into sshort term benefits at the moment - we have very little foundation at the moment.

After we earn enough sshort-term we can invesst that into long-term benefitss. If we can ssomehow undersstand how the body and mind ssend information through the ssoul we can sskip needing ssuch materialss by enhancing ssoul or jusst directly linking the ssoul with the tech directly - posssibly making your ssearch obssolete for such a role. Though it will certainly have ssome benefitss for when we’re producing computerss, we wouldn’t need it as the link anymore. I understand the displeasure of not being able to splash the cash yet but don’t worry my girl, just let mommy work on bringing the dosh home shashasha~! | <Midas>

Midas had at some point during the conversation returned back to her humanoid form and was standing over the ‘meat’ she had collected earlier. Since it was already filled with her enhanced venom it would be a great treat for Ulwazi who sat on her shoulder - though the snake was far too small to ingest the initial Nascent Soul beast whole.

With this in mind she slowly cut off strips for the snake to slurp up and slowly dissolve. Midas even got the benefit to watch the tiny amphiptere become all chubby. Feeling her brain filling her body with the happy juices she couldn’t help but muse that these emotions were very ‘motherly’ of her usual sly self. Regardless, she didn’t mind it since she had long ago decided this little snake would be the one to sit beside (maybe a bit in front since she was the ruler) as she… Was better than the dragons. Yes, that was totally their only goal. To become better than the dragons. Nothing more.

While the little serpent slowly broke down the hard but delicious flesh she continued the typical conversation between newly hatched daughter & mother.

| I undersstand mother… I got ahead of mysself when I thought about where we could go while ignoring where we currently were. Sspeaking of where we are, do you intend to wait for our firsst oassiss to become more known to the wider dessert or head out to the nearesst city to sslowly become the top economic  power in the {Central Cities}? | <Ulwazi>

Hearing her daughter's silly question, Midas couldn’t help but slowly shake her head while tutting.

| While you have managed to put together some piecess, you alsso forgot ssomething very important, Uli~. What iss the main difference between when a [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] & a Dragon make no movementss? | <Midas>

| I… I’m unaware mother… | <Ulwazi>

Ulwazi lowered her little snake head as she had constantly been making silly mistakes in front of her mother. At this rate she wouldn’t be able to help her mother ‘be better than dragons’ any time soon. Midas, however, didn’t mind that her daughter had a long way to go but instead smiled tyrannically. Having one finger gently rub the snake's head causing the little snake to slowly tilt its head in confusion.

| Dragonss are lazy but we are waiting for the perfect moment to end them in a ssingle bite~! We merely need to wait for all the piecess to move into place before doing anything - thiss will give you time to finissh with thiss mutt and let our ssubjects hatch. You should already be at Foundation Formation at the very leasst thuss will be able to help. | <Midas>

With this Ulwazi’s aquamarine eyes began to shine brightly with newfound knowledge; Midas could see the little gears in that little head begin turning. She was excitedly waiting for what idea’s this little Amphiptere was thinking. It never hurts to have a second set of eyes to admire your own genius.

| Humanss are greedy and thiss merchant will likely be heading to the nearest city while wondering what benefitss he could get. Even if he doessn’t sshare the information himsself it will be more than likely that those brutissh mercss would sshare it over a drink. Even if they don’t the Head Merc will likely need to report it the the guild… Wait, won’t that be a problem ssince the {Mercenary Union} & {Adventurers Guild} are both headed by the [Radiant Lions]? | <Ulwazi>

| Interessting question but ultimately I doubt there iss a [Radiant Lion] in charge of the union branch in one of thesse backwater citiess. If it were the {Outerim} perhapss they would ssince they love to fight but ssince a human iss more likely in charge with the independent citiess. They would be more likely to report something ssuch ass an ‘unknown beast’ to the union while city lord getss all the information. He won’t hand anything over to the {Outerim} he likely desspissess.

Everyone hatess thosse in better possition to themsselvess and I doubt the union branch masster would be in the know about the secrets of the org. Therefore no knowledge of the terrifying power he’ss trifling with. He would likely hate the head of the {Mercenary Union Gold Dust HQ} who left him to deal with the sshitty ssituation in the middle of hell - why tell him about thiss posssibly world changing disscovery?

It would be eassy enough to jusst put it ass disscovering a new type of ssnake beasst and sslide it under the rug for quite ssome time while he takess advantage of it. | <Midas>

| Ah? Sso we wait for them to come and disscusss ter- | <Ulwazi>

| Humanss aren’t ssmart enough to begin negotiationss firsst - instead I think they will likely try to launch an expedition to try to capture me as a ssex pet ssince I’m ssexy shashasha~. They may try to trick me but will rely on their numberss ssince I’m a lone beast while humanss have the advantagess of being cowardss that usse numberss to overpower their ssuperiorss.

Obvioussly thiss iss pointlesss~!

I've enssured our race can eassily deal with their overwhelming numberss… Will be a good time to try out our death rattle though ass I’ve grown enough to usse it. I could even sshow off my hood to fill them with fear? That may be better in the long run then I can asssasssinate ssomeone who will become a fall guy before we begin negotiationss~.

I heard ssomething called the {Qian Family} who have ssomething called the {Golden Society}; I think it will be good to sset our fangs into them for now. Nobody will misss the {Qian Family} and they are like a tumor that when removed will allow the revival of the {Golden Society}. It will take ssome time to accomplissh but it iss ssomething we will do in order to sseem great with little actual work shashasha~! | <Midas>

| Sso what do you plan to do with the city lord mother? | <Ulwazi>

| What are the besst motivatorss~? | <Midas>

| Fear which you’ve accomplisshed with the asssassination ass well ass failed expedition and… Ssex? | <Ulwazi>

| Indeed, the lord’s family in {Family Tiger City} is even said to be a Taur family~! | <Midas>

| Then maybe I can help with that! | <Ulwazi>

| You are my daughter sso I’m ssure you’ll be able to help out a lot shashasha~! | <Midas>

The little snake had already grown quite a bit as Ulwazi broke through stage after stage. It took little time for the snake to break through to the 2nd layer of Qi Consolidation Realm and was more regular sized as a snake. This did mean she was still short for an {Immortal Beast} let alone a {Heavenly Beast} {Archangel} mix!

Midas didn’t care though since she would just need to wear some nice heels or just lean into the shortstack appeal.

| Do you plan to do anything elsse with the merchant? | <Ulwazi>

| Well~... | <Midas>

She wasn’t planning to let them leave with bulging pockets or balls~!

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