Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 15: City Lords want to know your location



While the {Purple Cobra Sect} was unwittingly plotting their end things in nearest cities were far more complicated.

Currently a group of four city lords were meeting through the usage of some simple group communication features. It was a feature provided by the Kaiser Mantis Communication Jade (Kai Jade for short). Each were actually sat in their own manors yet a virtual image coming from the small phone - such a thing would’ve required expensive formations before but with the {Fu Family Financial Group} working closely with the {Kaiser Mantis Family} such things were far more available. 

Even in places like this desert!

The reason was because of the sighting of a certain giant winged snake who made quite a big ‘mess’ within the desert; though it could be said that it being a snake was still one of the points that came up. Unlike what Midas believed they had some scouting abilities to know what happened on the popular trade routes… Is what one would like to believe. In actuality it was difficult for those travelling between the core {Central Cities} to not notice the giant snake even if there was a vast distance between them.

At first some travellers may have noticed the snake in passing yet as it was ‘small’ they hardly focused on it. However, when it dived down from the sky it was very clear to all in the surroundings who had taken notice that it must be monstrous in size! Yet what really made it blow up was the destructive potential it had shown when it created that sandstorm. 

With that happening some of the related parties quickly sent out a message through their communication jades. After that it didn’t take long for the 4 lords to find out. 

They, of course, didn’t have the same information as the sect did since they didn’t have someone who was able to witness Midas flying away again. As such they still strongly believed this legendary beast was located deep within the sandstorm and may even be nesting there for the long term. Their discussion was more interested in what their next steps should be…

Because of the possible danger and opportunity the lords of {Flaming Tiger City}, {Aqua Liger City}, {Earthly Lion City} and {Thundering Panther City}.

“I think we all agree that we need more information on the beast so why are you all refusing to send out people?!” <Thundering Panther Lord>

A shaggy haired young looking cat-kin (appearing in his early to mid twenties) slammed his fists onto the chair while grinding his teeth. Although they weren’t in the same room they were located in the same position in relation to each other so his virtual image accurately turned to glare at the other lords letting them know of his displeasure. Eventually he turned to the man sitting beside him and the only non-humanoid. It was the Camtaur ‘middle-aged’ leader of {Flaming Tiger City} who also had a deep frown on his face.

“You aren’t also going to listen to this wet towel’s nonsense are you? Clearly these humans are nothing but cowards; at least the old lion has his age as an excuse to hide inside his walls while hoping it all blows over!” <Thundering Panther Lord>

“If you just wanted to send a few scouts out we could agree with that but you plan to send people out to poke the monster with a stick. You may be inexperienced but you should realise that we have barely been able to survive against the beasts. They number more yet also are stronger than us. 

If this beast can create that sandstorm by itself, wiping out a city will be as easy as deciding to do so.” <Aqua Liger Lord>

“That is why we should see if we can gain this beast for ourselves - if we can put our resources towards growing it we can easily take care of the {Gold Dust Beast Clans} once and for all!” <Thunder Panther Lord>

“Do you want to take out the beast clans or do you want to take out us?” <Aqua Liger Lord>

The person who responded was the only woman among the three; she looked slightly older than the cat-kin with straight but medium length hair. She was sat opposed to the serious looking camtaur with the cat-kin on one side and a sturdy but bald old-man on the other. That old man being the lord of {Earthly Lion City}. 

He hadn’t said anything as of yet but it was almost certain he agreed with the Aqua Liger Lord… In truth so did Flaming Tiger Lord despite disagreeing with the two of them on a lot. It was just a matter of how to break it to the abrasive young man.

“*Sigh* While it is true I dislike this being the case; we truly may not be strong enough to deal with the beast. What I’m more worried about than disturbing the beast is one of those overconfident sects declaring a blood feud with it after they fail to capture or kill it. I say we would be fine but if it’s simple minded it may decide that all mortals are as dumb as they are thus wipe us out.” <Flaming Tiger Lord>

“You mean like that basard Cobra who acts like he’s orthodox?” <Aqua Liger Lord>

“Although you hate him, rightfully so after what he tried to do, it is true he is one of the more adept sect masters. He is also one of the strongest if not the strongest in this desert as he managed to break into the legendary Core Formation Realm. He didn’t even need to spend most of his life doing it.” <Earthly Lion Lord>

“We may need his help if this beast turns out hostile towards us so you better hope you can convince him because we have no intentions to beg for you.” <Flaming Tiger Lord>

“I refuse to ask for anything from that man other than his life.” <Aqua Liger Lord>

“Oh~? Such a good city lord that can’t even put aside her past grudges for her own people!” <Thunder Panther Lord>

“Practically none of our people would be welcomed in the outside world; what is considered crime outside is as common as the sand we tread upon.” <Earthly Lion Lord>

“Then why act as if Cobra is any worse. It was her sister's fault then hers for not accepting his advances when he requested; you or your city were lucky to even survive. Strength is the only justice in this desert.” <Flaming Tiger Lord>

“Bastards…” <Aqua Liger Lord>

With that line the virtual figure of the {Aqua Liger Lord} suddenly vanished from the meeting causing the {Thunder Panther Lord} to just snicker. The old human meanwhile just sighed while the middle-aged camtaur shook his head. His family had constantly been at ends with the {Aqua Liger Family} yet he still thought the current choice of lord was foolish. Why not just give herself to the Cobra? How easy would it have been to put up with his personality in order to easily increase the power of her family.

Currently his family had the most power thanks to their own connections yet the foolish Liger couldn’t suck it up to gain a part of the influence of the strongest man in this desert!

He was worried that the {Purple Cobra Sect} may successfully take advantage of the snake since the sandstorm was located between him and Liger. That tended to be the area where the disciples of the {Purple Cobra Sect} worked a lot. It tended to mostly be inner disciples wandering around there but they should be more than enough to handle most problems as long as they don’t run into intelligent beasts. 

The poisons from the Cobra sect were able to make the simpler beasts avoid their disciples - making them very successful in completing missions compared to other sects. This wasn’t even talking about the sect master likely being one of the strongest men in the {Central Cities} though according to Adjar even Cobra would be considered small fry to some of the monsters from the {Outerim}. 

He even heard that the {Imperial Phoenix Academy} students alone could likely kill Cobra…

Ignoring this, he shook his head to remove this thought from his head. In the {Central Cities} Cobra was the sect leader of the strongest sect. If he could combine his power with him to possibly do something about claiming this beast it could be useful… Maybe he could even take advantage of the grievances of the past to wipe out the Liger’s family? With that in mind he spoke up.

“I think we should send out some simple scouts - perhaps just a group between us all - to at least find out where and what the beast could be?” <Flaming Tiger Lord>

The other two men just nodded along; seeing this they concluded the group call.

“Now I should try to send a message to Lord Cobra to see if I can make some agreement… He is far more likely to succeed in capturing the beast than we are.” <Flaming Tiger Lord>

Little did he know that things would get very problematic very quickly.

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