Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 16: Parenting is just torture with more time



At the moment it appeared Midas was doing a whole bunch of… Nothing. She was literally just lying on a gold beach chair facing over the beautifully clear oasis with her eyes hidden behind a pair of golden shades. Did she need them considering her eyes were already covered in two layers of transparent scales harder than iron? 

The answer was no but life was about the little things. She was simply admiring the finished obelisk as golden clouds filled with fresh [Eulogy Oasis Water] that could revive a couple miles worth of desert. In a modern land one may be worried about the golden glow, nevertheless this was a cultivation based land so glowing shit was good.

About a week had passed since Adjar and his convoy had a happy ending thanks to the first of the [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere].

While no more convoys made their way through the desert - no doubt due to the chaos going on about sightings of Midas - some lucky people had still stumbled upon her Oasis. This didn’t include the countless beasts (big and small) who gave their offerings; some of these beasts not only offered [Spirit Stones] just like the mortals/cultivators. Like any good merchant she didn’t ask how they got these stones, nevertheless just enjoying her growing wealth.

The amount of people on this continent who would say no when offered a safe as well as somewhat comfortable place to rest could fit in a schoolyard. If you included the offered water for an extra fee that number shrunk to three. Removing the Amphitpere and you only had one golden chicken left who could (and as a race often did) survive in the vacuum of space.

Having ‘browsed’ into the memories of the beasts who came through Midas was 90% sure that the [Three Legged Golden Crow] wasn’t just an Ascendant Beast. No, she wasn’t even some Immortal Beast but possibly a Demi-God (slightly above the ‘peak’ of Immortal but not fully developed into a Low-God) or even fully developed God Beast! She couldn’t be sure as although the beasts were old enough to see the thing arrive they were hardly strong enough to tell the auras of the different higher cultivation realms apart. Instead she had to rely on something more stupid to figure out the realm of the crow; it’s size.

One could understand how dumb this metric was just by comparing herself and her daughter after they were both born. She dwarfed her daughter even when they were in the same realm with the exact same bloodlines - this wasn’t even discussing the differences between races as well as what different bloodline combinations could cause. 

Was she better than her daughter in every way possible? Sure! But that still didn’t let you tell what realm Midas was in from a glance. Especially since despite being two realms under the desert mutt she dwarfed it in scale - what would a Heavenly Beast with great size like herself look like when they actually reach Nascent Soul? 

Well thinking about the other two snakes she knew, Jourmengandr and his son Ouroborus, fucking massive.

Not to mention the [Three Legged Golden Crow] were known for watching over terrestrial life from outer space so she actually met quite a few in her past liv- read quite a lot of legends about them. But based on all she knew as well as comparing how hard she smacked down the {Gold Dust Beast Clans} it was fair to say she wasn’t just an Immortal Beast. This may not sound important to others yet it was actually vital knowledge to know for expansion purposes; additionally it was actually a positive.

Few beasts ever reached Ascendant Realm furthermore even if they did they were risks associated when raising to become an Immortal Beast. This is especially true for just about every draconic bloodline above sea level as the heavenly tribulations for dragons is especially terrifying - leading to few of their kin going through with these tribulations. Most simply stopping at Nascent Soul or Spirit Elder just like everyone else… The only races where this could be said to be incorrect were [Phoenix] & by association the [Three Legged Golden Crow] thanks to one simple thing; nepotism. 

When one of the [Phoenix] royalty who fought on the front lines against the dragons controls the tribulations it was obvious what would happen. That was just a result of losing a war though so complaining about the result would amount to nothing and it wasn’t as if they could do anything with their power either. The final point of all this was that the only dragons that could resist the crow would be too important to bother with it to deal with a snake because this place was the perfect place to turn into a hatchery.

It also wasn’t like just thinking about the continent was the only thing she had done in this time as her realm had finally passed over the peak to reach new heights. Officially becoming a Spirit Elder Realm Beast also allowed her to obtain a spirit sense which improved her already absurd sensory ability while giving her another way to move things without touching them. Melding this with telekinesis greatly improved both to something far better than a mortal even in the Nascent Soul realm cultivator could manage.

<I could probably have them become as an owl if I tried ohohoho~>

As sickening as the image was for some she could most definitely do it with another Spirit Elder Realm being with relative ease. The Spirit Sense being something that relied on mental & soul strength fell right into her… Strengths. 

Only made sense that she would be so terrifying with it.

She also wasn’t the only one who had been busy as there had of course been her very own flesh and blood. Ulwazi had also been working very hard since she had accidentally called Midas a dick. Not everyone was fully sure what she was doing though since it wasn’t going well.

<| Initializing <Query>{What is <Entity>{Ulwazi Ankh} doing down there?} |>

<Hm~ she’s moping in a secret underground vault she created using her monthly allowance only to discover that she couldn’t make gunpowder. This made simple ballistic weaponry impossible as well as basic explosives she wanted to create. Not only that but her plan was to originally skip to gunpowder yet that was impossible. 

After that would be impossible without any sort of foundation - which will take a long time to figure by herself - due to requiring specifically made parts. She isn’t a smith herself so making these parts with her own two hands is impossible while a lot of problems can come up when a rookie designs stuff; a lot of testing. She doesn’t make machines, she designs machines that are able to make the parts to make the machines… Better than myself but still one step removed from the process.> <Midas>

<| Initializing <Query>{So what is your plan for that?} |>

<Well I was going to watch her suffer some more while thinking about what to do - perhaps pull on those chubby cheeks ohohoho~.>

Even the near omnipotent god was surprised with that one so remained silent for a moment.

<| Initializing <Query>{Aren’t you already well aware of the basics?} |>


<| Initializing <Query>{Are you parenting or torturing?} |>

<Both ohohoho~! I would appreciate you forwarding me some potential candidates that could be trusted with this kind of tech though… I do need my little princess to actually get herself to a decent level. Would also act as a nice gift for a month of living so it had to be good quality - even better if they know what they’re doing so they can make improvements. As much as I love this world I can hardly keep my options… Limited.>

<| Initializing <Response>{... It can be said to be three possibilities but if we’re discussing your temperament it’s more like one. First would be my younger brother <Entity>{Chaos J Faust} but he isn’t actually loyal to the intent of his words. He is the <Entity>{Lord of the Faustian Bargain}. You wouldn’t fall for his schemes and your ego would annoy him thus dealing with him is impossible.} |>

<Kids don’t like it when they don’t get their way afterall ohohoho~!>

While saying this her sly grin grew as she reached out only for ice to begin to form into the shape of a glass… Then oasis water just appeared in it. She did the obvious move of drinking from the glass - sipping slowly from her ‘ice cold’ glass while feeling the vibrations of a certain little girl thrashing about. Nothing important was destroyed - just some lizards they began to breed a bit. Something easy to test on and quick reproduction.

<| Initializing <Response>{Indeed yet also very hypocritical of you I’m sure. Anyway, the second option is a bit easier to contact. In terms of quality they are hard to surpass yet have many major contracts in the <Location>{Lands Abandoned by God}. In terms of weapons on this half of the world they are unbeaten {Kaiser Mantis}. You would be shot.} |>

<Going to explain that one…>

<| Initializing <Response>{One word; escorts. Escorts everywhere.} |>

Midas just shuddered while hugging herself.


<| Initializing <Response>{Thus you would be shot - you two could be said to be similar if you look at things for far away. Too similar to get along. The third however is a far more reasonable person; a unique sub-race of <Entity>{Succubus} that shares milky breasts in common. Got tiny breasts though still bigger than my own heads. She mostly makes gear for her lovers lovers as they have a full polygamy harem thing going on… May be related to the youngest and most annoying of the <Threat>{Three True Heroes}. When I say related I mean in bed with as childhood sweethearts.} |>

<Interesting… So you want to bestow me with divine punishment? Wait, no, I’m the Archangel so I should be the one doing divine punishment. Also why is a supposed {True Hero} being corrupted by a succubus?>

<| Initializing <Response>{Feels more like she’s been corrupted by <Threat>{Elizabeth Jr. Bloodleaf} due to them being the representation of-} |>

<Hm~ doesn’t matter as long as we can make a deal ohohoho~!>

<| Initializing <Response>{I believe something can be arranged between your two parties…} |>


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