Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 20: The lord of {Aqua Liger City}



Currently Lord Aqua Liger was just looking down on some simple revenue that her proud ancient city had managed to rake in during the last month. Overall the room was nice with two walls full of books with a large glass window behind herself letting in plenty of light - it was expensive glass that managed to prevent glare from blinding her while still filling the entire room with sunlight. It wasn’t a huge thing outside the desert but here in this shitty continent such craftsmanship was rare and thus expensive; each of these books were worth more than their weight in Platinum Taels. It may be better to weigh straight up [Spirit Stones].

Even the simple wood used in her outfit could cost more than some of the other cities around the {Central Cities} where safety was rarer than [Spirit Stones]. 

Their family did have a strong water affinity so they were always considered strong. All in all her economy was pretty stable but these numbers on the page meant nothing as they didn’t pose any solutions. No matter how much money she was making it didn’t change the fact that a snake of a bastard man had his sights on her city… As well as on herself.

Nothing was looking good for {Aqua Liger City} and especially not for Lord Aqua Liger who felt like she was slowly being cornered. 

It felt like being the lord of one of the four largest cities in this desert suddenly meant nothing ever since it inherited her position. At first it wasn’t too bad but their long term rival city {Flaming Tiger City} was thriving due to marrying one of their daughters to a powerful merchant. This was obviously not amazing for them yet it also wasn’t too bad; Ajar was actually a good merchant who looked towards longer benefits. Nobody dared mess with him as he even had some connections outside the {Central Cities}.

Though it got a lot worse when {Purple Cobra Sect}’s master (simply called Lord Cobra) broke through to become the strongest man in the desert’s centre. Her younger sister was proposed to by Lord Cobra however when she refused everything went from slightly bad to a nightmare. Her sister was kidnapped then when she finally managed to find her again she… She wasn’t her little sister anymore due to the horrors she went through. Those monsters didn’t even leave her in one piece and unsurprisingly she passed away in the month.

What only felt worse was that may have just all been a farce since immediately after they found her sister he sent a proposal for her this time. When she first received it she was confused and thought maybe Cobra was sending her sister another one unaware of what occurred. Maybe he was aware of what happened so simply wished to support her sister in her time of need.

How naive she was back then.

Now she could understand it clearly; the first proposal was just for the sake of it. He must have been well aware the initial proposal would fall through and instead used it as a threat that she must accept the next one. In other words her sister died because of her naivety. Maybe it was owing to the fact Lord Cobra wanted to take over by marrying her; none of the other cities had the same weakness. Afterall none of the other cities had a ‘weak female’ as their leader…

On top of having to figure out that situation she also had to deal with this random sandstorm and possible continent ending beast.

“*Sigh* Have there been any actions from the other cities since the meeting?” <Lord Aqua Liger>

Her advisor, a fairly plain looking man who simply did what was required of him to serve her loyalty, soon handed her a document. He obviously didn’t look too happy about the situation either since he knew how bad things were going as he was her advisor. Neither he nor she had any idea how to solve any of this - who could solve this whole shitty situation without absolute strength?

They could only look at the immediate problems at this point so they didn’t build up.

“The other cities haven’t really done much other than send out some scouts to see what that conditions around the periphery of that endless sandstorm were like.” <Advisor>

Unfortunately her advisor clammed up making her rest her elbows on her desk and grasp her head. She let out a deep sigh while closing her eyes. How she wished he could’ve just finished his report here but they both knew that wasn’t the case; he clearly had something upsetting matter they discovered in the process of their investigations to share. Nevertheless this was her job so she couldn’t simply ignore possible issues.

“Just tell me already.” <Lord Auqa Liger>

“We’ve seen quite a lot of movement from the {Purple Cobra Sect} as they’ve sent quite a lot of teams into the area between our cities. It seems that they are looking for something and they know what it is. I’m worried they may know something we don’t or wish to go against the beast in the desert…” <Advisor>

Her complexion improved as her eyes opened - a calculitive look appeared in her eyes as she seeked to cause Cobra some heartache. Even if it was small as long as she could make him suffer she’d die happily. With that in mine there was no way she’d let him send a load of chaff towards her without cutting it down.

“If it’s just some outer-court disciples it won’t be impossible for us to take some action against them; in fact this could be an opportunity to finally strike against that monster…” <Lord Aqua Liger>

However, the advisor's face didn’t improve, rather it just worsened as if he knew he was about to make her day a whole lot worse.

With no other choice she just motioned for him to continue while holding her forehead with her right. When was the last time she received good news? Such a thought only brought her to a grimace. 

“I’m afraid… This isn’t as simple as that since they’ve actually sent out inner and outer-court elders to supervise the teams. I highly doubt our forces could do any important damage by ourselves unless you, yourself, went out.” <Advisor>

With that her beautiful face scrunched up in obvious rage. Why must that bastard Cobra always get the last laugh over her? Why must he also have the upper hand despite his shitty personality! Everything always seems to go his way and despite his horrific acts against her sister she couldn’t hope for any help. There was no such thing as ‘Orthodox Sects’ and she had no connections to anyone outside the {Central Cities} who could seek retribution. This caused her to grind her teeth and finally snap. 

“Great, just great, well I suppose we’ll just have to hope whatever he finds manages to turn the situation on him. Suppose we can’t be that fortunate though or we wouldn’t be in our current situation. Hoping for help from outside it’s hopeless yet I’d marry a [Desert Mutt] and become it’s bitch if it could just deal a powerful blow to that bastard!” <Lord Aqua Liger>

“My Lord please don’t belittle yourself!” <Advisor> 

Although he yelled at his lord - which was greatly disrespectful - he showed no anger at her words. If anything he seemed filled with sorrow as well as a loathing towards Cobra. Most importantly he felt upset with himself that he couldn’t offer any help to his lord. Compared to the other lords her cultivation was increasing at a far faster pace which showed how well she was filling her role as the representation of order in the mighty city.

“Belittle myself? If we don’t do anything at some point that snake bastard will get sick of waiting and take everything I am away to make me his loyal little doll! Between willing letting a dog fuck me or waiting for him to get bored and drug me to lose myself for his ambitions? Just a toy that’ll occasionally pop out a baby for him until he decides he’s bored? You saw my sister, you know I’m not exaggerating, rather than that I’ll choose the dogs!” <Lord Aqua Liger>

Maybe in the future she would have achieved dominance over the other cities. Despite all that potential though she may not be able to see it through due to him lacking as her advisor! It was his job to help her in finding solutions as well as ensuring she knew possible steps she could take yet he couldn’t offer any… Clearly he was the failure here, not her yet she was the one who had to suffer.

“Is there anyth-” <Lord Aqua Liger>

“Lord Liger, we have a problem in the city!” <Guard>

As if she hadn’t had enough bad news today a guard covered in blue armour ran through the door with sweat across his forehead. How she wished that sweat was simple from the hot weather yet the fresh blood that adorned his front made her feel that unlikely. Her more realistic wish was for this to provide her with some way to finally relieve some stress. Only {Martial God Chesire} knew how much she needed something to lash out at.

“Yes, what is it…” <Lord Aqua Liger>

Liger was never the nice type of girl who cheerfully smiled. She was raised to be the inheritor for her ancient family so of course she’d be quite the stern person who paid little attention to the fumblings of other girls. That wasn’t to say she paid no attention to her appearance as she herself was quite the beauty - slightly more mature than a teen but nowhere near her thirties in appearance - while actually managing to be High Foundation Formation Realm which was actually very impressive for her age. Her figure was also quite appealing; no Mother but certainly round in the right places with a large chest. 

Years of dealing with the stress of Cobra breathing down her neck caused her to look haggard however as it took a toll on her mentally & physically.

She didn’t dare cultivate in such a state.

That led to her only feeling more stressed as no doubt Cobra would only get a greater control of his own power even if he didn’t increase in his stages. It would be more surprising if she didn’t develop a ferocious glare that fitted her the beast her name came from. Falling under her intense gaze the man in front of her couldn’t help but shudder while lowering her head. 

“S-sorry for interrupting you Lord Liger! A mysterious group entered the city and when a certain captain tried to make a move on a woman, a shorter girl… No she was a monster and she crushed his head like it was a grape!” <Guard>

The grown men shivering at a little brutality made her sigh; that local tyrant was probably being more forceful than the guard was letting on. Even if she had this position, rather because she had this position, she was well aware of the treatment of women. Still she found herself mildly interested in a girl who could crush a man with decently high cultivation. She would never refuse more help she could somewhat trust in - someone who killed someone so resolutely certainly wouldn’t bow down to the bastards in this desert.

“Oh, care to share a bit more about these women, you should have been there right?” <Lord Aqua Liger>

As she said that she gazed at his chest plate that was still dripping with blood.

“T-the first was a mature type with jade hair. Seemed like the scholarly type with a real wise look about her through her stomach was bloated but the way it sloshed about while stinking like semen - well it was kind of disgusting having so much in her so I have no idea why the boss made a move on her. She may have been hot but being filled s-” <Guard>

“I don’t care about your or her kinks so get on with it. What about the little girl?” <Lord Aqua Liger>

“Y-yes! The short one was… She was a monster - don’t think she was a girl though since her tits were gigantic for her height. Hardly 5 foot yet tits bigger than my head. I couldn’t see her face due to her conical hat that seemed to be made of wood or something - had an expensive veil attached to it that had the depiction of some sort of flower & petals. Not sure what type but the flower was purple in colour.

Scary thing about her was her arms… At first we couldn’t see them since she had some robe with a similar design as that veil wrapped around her shoulders - strange since she could’ve just wore it but I thought she must have just been hot? I wasn’t going to complain since that left her underwear being the only thing covering those giant-” <Guard>

As he was getting lost in imaging the girl's chest again he was interrupted by Liger’s finger rapping on her own table while frowning at him. Of course, she heard of such hats before. Even if they didn’t have much connection to the outside world she had at least heard about the legendary criminal organisation. If that girl was an elder of that group she was lucky she still had a city… This could be the chance she always wanted though! 

“Enough of your prattle; get one with it. This is more important than you can imagine so you best make sure to stop getting off topic. I know you're a man but that doesn’t mean you can only use your second head to think!” <Lord Aqua Liger>

With that she let her cultivation level spill out in order to fill that poor little guard with fear in hopes he wouldn’t need another warning. She really wished this wasn’t the best the desert had to offer but unfortunately everything was about desire here. She had worked hard just to stop these fools from ogling her. As for why this was so important…

Protected by a Core-Formation Realm Sect Leader? 

As if that would matter in front of the Yakuza’s {Female Executive} who could wipe out sects with far sturdier foundations than Cobra’s group… By themself! If she didn’t jump on this thigh to hug she wouldn’t be able to make true to her words earlier. Dog or snake? She would instead choose to hug the Demon’s third leg.

Though with them being women she wouldn’t need to worry about that thus the worst thing that could happen was she got killed. With that she looked with all the intensity she could manage without having the man in front of her pass out cold. Of course, he didn’t refuse her order.

“Y-yes! Other than her top half being exposed she wore some baggy black cloth pants tied with a purple sash - also looked like some expensive stuff that you wouldn’t easily see even outside the {Central Cities} so certainly nothing that belonged within our borders. As I said she just seemed like a short but voluptuous woman at first…

But when the captain tried to get close she said a few words in a bell-like voice - this isn’t me being over the top I promise! Her voice was so beautiful that the entire crowd practically stopped to listen to it… She said… True Demons Trigger before vanishing from our sight in a purple explosion that left the ground in pieces. We just heard a pop where the captain stood and were sprayed by…” <Guard>

This time the man wasn’t admiring the girl's beauty as he shivered while completely pale despite the sweat on his body only building more. His breathing grew heavy but inconsistent with no order that only worsened his panic. The advisor who didn’t seem as keyed in to the girls importance also seemed disturbed yet Liger was just more and more interested.

“So she managed to burst his head with a single blo-” <Advisor>

“No! It was worse than that… She crushed it within her hand but to call those hands is wrong.” <Guard>

“What does that mean?” <Lord Aqua Liger>

The guard took a second to compose himself before her continued once more.

“She appeared in front of him with the robe hung over her shoulders no longer hiding her outstretched arm but it wasn’t the arm of a human. They were bleach white claws that seemed to be made out of stone - they were also quite bulky for her size which made them look muscular despite being like chalk. Her stone claws formed a fist where his head was and dripping from her claws was what I assume was left of the captain's brain… Before we could do anything they already walked into a building.” <Guard>

“Anyone else with those two? If there are more I don’t like our chances of keeping the peace should we get on their wrong side…” <Advisor>

“Y-yes, two other women with a similar hat to the short one. They had different patterns but I don’t remember them, sorry.” <Guard>

“Three executives so the first was probably worthy of being an elder even if she wasn’t an Oni herself but having so many at once probably means they’re here for some reason… Could it be that rumoured golden snake? They aren’t a bunch to do charity work so I can’t see them working for any of our benefits…” <Lord Aqua Liger>

As soon as the guard finished Liger couldn’t help but mumble to herself. She spoke quite quickly while her eyes darted back and forth - holding her chin with her hand while considering the details. This left the other two who couldn’t hear what she was saying confused. Then again they would likely be confused even if they heard mumbling of her thoughts.

“Lord?” <Advisor>

“I’ll be going to greet out guests myself; I’ll bring only my most loyal guards but tell them only to act with the utmost respect. I want complete radio silence about this situation. Who else saw this incident guard?” <Lord Aqua Liger>

The two men found themselves confused once more but soon the Guard answered after shaking his questions away. 

“Just me and two more guards who are standing outside. We ran into them outside the walls so-” <Guard>

“All three of you will be staying at my home - if your information is viable each one of you will be a guard captain. During your time here I’ll even provide the highest quality resources that you require. If you need anything, consult my Advisor directly.” <Lord Aqua Liger>

“L-lord?” <Advisor>

She considered killing the three of them however if the information he told her was accurate she wouldn’t mind rewarding them. She was finally in a good mood after a long time and a smile even adorned her face for the first time in a long, long time. This obviously left the Advisor feeling whiplash from how quickly the mood in the room had changed. She was so excited she even forgot to pull her presence back in causing his heart to feel heavy - he would likely have passed out if he wasn’t always by her side.

“I’ll be heading out now; don’t interrupt me for the next day for any reason. Even if the sun came down to scorch this shitty continent once more it’s not more important that these guests of ours so you have my permission to do as you wish. Now, only my female shadow guard should follow behind as I don’t want any more stupidity.” <Lord Aqua Liger>

If they were all females they should be able to have a proper discussion…




She could feel her heart still pounding in her chest while her lungs worked overtime causing her chest to rise and fall. 

Her once beautiful blue dress was torn to tattered leaving her privates perfectly exposed to the other women in the room. Though most of the women she brought, thus knew her, were hardly holding onto their consciousness (if they were at all). Their legs spread wide while they lay scattered across the ground with large gaping wide holes pouring with thick semen; so much that their stomachs were bulging with the churning baby batter. 

It almost felt like a perverted monster had burst into a girls only bar only to claim everyone in sight - tossing them away before heading to the next - though honestly that was pretty accurate.

Soft bite marks were clearly visible on Liger’s bare chest while her bright red nubs were fully erect as she could feel the cum slowly leaking out from her broken holes. She had never experienced something like this before. Her breathing was horse and was difficult due to a mixture of the thick nut syrup poured down it as well as her bruised oesophagus. 

A mixture of the two caused the occasional cum bubble to force its way out causing her endless embarrassment… Though she was too dazed to really care. She’d close her mouth but her jaw was honestly far more sore than she thought possible leading to it feeling uncomfortable to close it. It would be surprising if it wasn’t sore after being played around by that monster.

She was truly panting like a bitch down as she rested on her side - face half sunken into a puddle of nut slop - tongue falling out the side of her mouth. Her tongue felt hot and tingly due to that goop. She’s had more pumped inside herself than she’s ever seen in her short life (for a cultivator) as could clearly feel as one hand cupped her own overfilled womb. Well she was a virgin before today so it wasn’t that surprising… Though if she was abandoned it may be difficult to seek pleasure again after that first time.

Above her once functioning asshole was a word seemingly burnt into her flesh, ‘Dikkuhorusuta’, that showed no signs of actually healing despite her fairly decent cultivation. She didn’t seem to care though - even as a bubble formed in one of her nostrils she made no attempt to move out of the puddle In fact her spare hand, that wasn't cradling her bloated stomach, was gently playing with the swollen bean between her legs. She had no idea how many times she felt that bliss but it didn’t take her long to silently tremble once more.

Her voice had long vanished making her unable to complain or give worship.

Whether she liked it or not she was soon disturbed though as a hand gripped the back of her head. Specifically the girl responsible for all this wound Aqua’s cum drenched hair around it’s long claws before dragging her across the floor - the empress didn’t even ask for permission or consider gaining consent. Instead she just put the proud city lord right on the end of that very familiar member while taking her gag reflex as more of a suggestion. Liger didn’t seem to mind as her eyes just looked upwards to that beautiful countenance of the girl using her like a toy.

Medium length violet hair with two proud flesh colour horns that faded to red tips on her forehead - though one of them had three holes drilled into them to allow her to hang three onyx rings off them. Her violet eyes were just as beautiful as the rest of her. Notable was the blood that was used as eyeshadow around her eyes while a scar cut one of her eyebrows in half showing she had plenty of experience in battle. Even that battlewound didn’t take away from the girls beauty though.

Not even the lack of human arms didn’t take away from her beauty in Ligers mind.

There couldn’t be a more beautiful person in her opinion. The presence of the girl in front of her alone was enough to fill Lord Liger with a strange confidence and pride. After All she succeeded which made her aching facial muscles move into a slight grin - it cost her soul and body but she did it. 

She made a deal with a true demon.


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