Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 27: Size doesn’t matter; sound does~!



The Supreme Elder of {Purple Cobra Sect} couldn’t help but have a smile on this bright morning as he strolled out of his home.

His hands were held behind his back while obscured by his large sleeves. With the smile present on his face he strolled down the paved streets of his sect while the constant greetings of core-disciples as well as the various elders echoed out. For some reason he felt so refreshed as he took a deep breath of the ahrid air around them. 

Nothing about the morning itself was any different than normal. The sun still scorned everything in the continent under it’s brutal glare, the disciples (female especially) looked upon him with fear while the elders gazed at him with respect. To the elders he was the more reasonable leader who always was willing to give them an ear to hear their thoughts about the way things were going in the world.  Of course to these female disciples he was the last one seen with their pretty sisters before they vanished from the sect - most of the time it was newever sect disciples but there were times when the stagnating older disciples were taken in.

In fact he and a few elders had taken some disciples that very night to ‘celebrate’ their search team finding what was likely what was the nest of the serpent. It was a literal oasis with some strange golden structures that had never been reported before; even if it wasn’t the nest of the beast it was still a priceless resource from the water alone. Maybe that was why he felt so refreshed then? He was even more abusive than usual considering his first girl didn’t even survive him using her throat and the others didn’t last much longer.

Although he admitted it probably wasn’t a great idea to kill disciples no matter what gender they were, what could he do about it? There were no reasonable brothels out in the cities that just allowed a reasonable man to do anything he wanted with their whores - he knew it wasn’t because they cared about the women. Rather it would just impede their ability to work if they had a broken bone or burst organ plus some people weren’t into the whole ‘punching bag’ look so could cut into profits. 

It had to be said that there were places he’d seen which brought beautiful races in just so you could wail on them without worry… Sadly that was outside the {Central Cities} so he was out of luck. Wasn’t like they used the girls that actually mattered since those were more useful to improve future bloodline or as cultivation partners; much better for them to use these girls as furnaces then throw them away.

Both improved their power as well and it didn't matter if the girl died or not - they would just turn them into mulch for beasts so may as well go all out!

Anyway, the prospect of improving his sect brought joy to the man as he patiently awaited good news from his [Transmission Jade] while enjoying his walk. They were told to send him a message about anything that seemed of interest which basically meant ‘wasn’t sand’. Though the oasis was apparently giant so he imagined it should take a but for them to send out their first message so he had no wor-


He felt the jade on his waist tremble so he quickly reached down to it only to get a message which ruined all the good feelings he was feeling about today. 

As soon as he accepted the transmission he heard the man's heavy breathing as well as the muffled moans of at least two women. If he didn’t know how serious the man was he’d assume he contacted him while enjoying some whores. Even despite knowing that the lewd wet noises made him wonder if he truly knew the man.

“We never stood chance… Mind slipping… Only sending due to being toy… Snakes stronger than other clans… Unable block casual sound… Allied with bug elder… Can’t hold… Feel them crawling in my head… Feels so good-” <Inner-Court Elder>

“Ssssshhh ssleep in my bossom ass you sslip away, focuss on their tonguess, let it all out in her mouth including your mind shashasha~” <Defo not Midas>

The Jade stopped glowing after that no matter how many times he attempted to reconnect to the elder who he had entrusted leading the operation to. His full cultivation of high Foundation Formation realm poured out from his body. Those in his surroundings quickly run away though due to the high quality of the sect nothing much else happened even under the pressure of his qi. Closing his eyes he began to consider things.

<The man's mind seemed quite broken before contacting me as if he struggled just to give me that little information. It also seemed he told me nothing they didn’t want to do since it doesn’t take too much thinking to believe that voice at the end belonged to a snake… Bug though? If he was actually losing his mind maybe it was that crazy pornstar who could suck a mans mind out through their penis?! No, it’s more likely to be a scorpion. 

Either Way they must be highly cultivated to be able to talk. I’ll tell Cobra about this so he can decide - maybe we should pressure Aqua Liger some more so we can obtain her strength. A woman like that should realise her role in life as Cobra’s woman soon enough.>

And so, he headed to Cobra unaware that ‘his lords woman’ didn’t even consider herself a woman anymore let alone Cobra’s.

She served a ‘larger’ purpose…


*Little while ago*

The two had made it back to the oasis just fine… What was going to stop them from going wherever they wanted?

Though upon arriving they did of course notice the large group of cultivators in front of them who were all glaring towards the oasis as if trying to pick a fight with it. If Midas had to guess these guys were the brats scared by the cobra into seeking their death, they probably discovered there was a barrier when trying to attack a beast at range. They wouldn’t just randomly approach upon finding that out yet Midas wasn’t about to let these gentlemen escape.

“Plan?” <Jingye Dai>

“Expresss a warm welcome before inviting them to sstay with some oral convincing from you.” <Midas>

With that said the seductive woman vanished in a flood of golden light that towered over everything other than the obelisk in the background. Unsurprisingly the cultivators all turned around with surprise as their vision was filled by gold; if this didn’t capture the attention of the cultivators they truly were incapable. Although they were shocked this only grew when their vision was still taken up by the sight of gold even when the light stopped shining, however this gold clearly seemed to be moving.

As their gaze followed along the golden scales. Instead of feeling safer with their knowledge they only grew more and more afraid at their discovery that they were looking straight at a giant serpentine face staring down at them. From it’s blue tinted lips an abyssal black forked tongue flicking about while cold aqua blue eyes gazed down upon them. They knew they were trying to capture a snake but… They never thought it would be so big!

It’s tongue alone was bigger than them, let alone anything else about the beast.

“Don’t be afraid, the beast only has its size to intimidate us, get ready to send out your paralysis poison to incapacitate it. We’ll all need to work together in order to get enough poison in it before it tries to escape. Show the beast nothing is more venomous than a purple cobra within this desert continent!” <Inner-Court Elder>

|I wouldn’t be too ssure about that one - I don’t even need toxinss to deal with you all.| <Midas>

A calm middle aged man walked forward while shouting as his fellow sect disciples though honestly Midas couldn’t really tell if he was meant to be the strongest. He was probably the strongest amongst them since he seemed like the leader… Yet Midas couldn’t even be bothered to judge the slight differences in qi between them - it was tricky since it was filled with impurities which muddied up what realm they could be. It wouldn’t matter for most yet she was too sensitive to tell anything other than they were all weak as dirt.

Her golden tail lifted causing every cultivator to calmly raise their various defensive techniques as they prepared some sort of group attack. However, this was all pointless caution in front of Midas as all she did was shake the silver rattle on the end of her tail… Which resulted in all of them falling to the floor while blood poured out from their pores & oraffices. Even their leader wasn’t much better as he fell to his knees while clutching his head. Looking up at the giant snake with horror deep inside his eyes while a headache made him feel his mind was becoming slush.

“H-how, I already had a defensive artefact activated to generate a qi-shield…” <Inner-Court Elder>

Midas’ snake form blew up into motes of golden light which condensed to once more from her humanoid form. She looked down on the men with arrogance clear though with the same sultry smile upon her face. Her voice carried out with clear mirth. Though she did turn to look at the eager entomancer beside her; nodding once was enough to make the bug head towards it’s newest batch of unwilling {Bug Catchers}.

“What would adding condensing particles together do except increase the power~?” <Midas>

And so he got to experience what it was like having his intelligence slowly sucked through his penis while another girl teased him with her massive breasts… Not the worst way to go?


Midas sat back on her chair with the usual smile on her background with a dozen or so golden statues behind her yet the gentiles still seemed to be fleshy (good thing Alabaster didn’t have a patent on this idea or she may find herself in front of the court of the {True God}). A disgruntled Ulwazi walked around with a bucket ‘milking’ all the statues into the bucket. The ‘princess’ clearly would prefer to continue with her planning instead of doing the task for her lesser [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] to do… If they had any. 

All the while a hungry little Dai used one hand to lift up her mask while the second moved a severed third hand under it only for a distinct crunching of bone to be heard. The tree line had grown quite healthy thanks to the help of the druid type cultivator, hence she was taking a lunch break to calm her nerves of being in a new land without any greenery. Well none except for what she herself was growing for Midas.


However the snake woman didn’t focus on either of them though as she was focused on something far more interesting - dozens of little snakes were happily swimming about on the surface of the water after having hatched.

“Grow up quickly my sservantss sso we may begin ruling thiss dessert shashasha~!” <Midas>



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