Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 35: An outing with Slate



While a certain ‘Princess’ was hard at work Midas had decided today was as good a day as ever to go around the city.

Whether publicly or in the dark she would rule this city; that much was for sure. With that in mind it only made sense that the snake should be able to tell what the strong points as well as weak points this city had. Of course she wasn’t alone as her recently made friend, Slate, had decided to join her. Meanwhile the (in)famous Jingye Dai had gotten interested in the bugs living in the desert and had long since headed out to chronicle (as well as probably eat) them.

The two beautiful women thus ended up walking down the streets though compared to the entrance of the city. Though it couldn’t compare in terms of craftsmanship to the treasures the pair had seen in other places the centre of the city was fairly opulent - many people walking around with priceless gems while dressed made from high quality spider silk was all too common to see while walking down the streets. Most of the treasures were more mineral based though due to the nature of living in a desert not a forest.

In a place with such luxury the Oni and Snake still managed to stand out clearly among all the other women though it wasn’t exactly for their beauty. The open blue robe that Slate usually wore proudly let the ‘Violet love filled’ stomach fall out in front of the eyes of the crowd while the obscene jiggling. She wasn’t the only one since the golden laces Midas called and outfit tried to hold her belly of camel cum with her womb tattoo boldly available for all to see. Both carefully supporting their stomachs with their hands making them appear extremely pregnant with a flock of taurus. 

Many couldn’t help to stare wondering what the two women were doing out while looking like ‘that’ yet as can be expected neither cared about the looks of these rich merchant types. If anything Midas was pleased with the heated or confused gazes. Put in a impolite was she was an attention whore.

Quite the contrary, as she walked calmly through the paved road, Midas studied them to understand the level these people reached.

<Obviously the first weakness would be the strong division in class… Yet that much was always a given when in a kratocracy which had been given enough time to develop a ruling class built off nepotism. Without a strong enough will governing things nepotism will always slither it’s way into society in some form or another.

What is more interesting is the level of wealth these people have. If I had to compare them to something it would be a child playing with a piece of uranium since it’s silver and warm to the touch this must be expensive. Well, unstable isotopes of elements like uranium won’t exist thanks to Mother, but if it did these people would likely make a desk out of it!>

“Shashasha~!” <Midas>

Her laughing made her belly jiggle about while her hands sank into that toffee coloured mountain to try to contain it; still she did believe her comment.

<They don’t have the required expertise to make full use of their resources. It’s actually quite humorous when one thinks about it - all these treasures many would die for on the outside world are nothing but ornaments to these ignorant people. I even saw a fairly pure bloodgem which can enhance bloodlines to a certain extent; something even demons at Lord class may consider worth pursuing . Yet where was it? Above the ass of some oblivious pig.>

“I know it’s something comin’ from an Oni but these people are so backwater it hurts my brain to the point I think I understand Ashue…” <Slate>

“Pleasse ass if anyone would conssider a mighty female elder of the {Asura Yakuza} to be backwater though it doessn’t change the fact thesse people really can’t ssee the mithril among ssilver. It is partially the fault of the {Gold Dust Beast Clans} sscaring anyone talented to the {Outterrim} leaving foolss to get the good sstuff. I’ll have to do ssomething with thosse beasstss when I sset up my own power yet I’m conflicted on whether to destory or parassite them like I plan to do with this city shashasha~.” <Midas>

Slate nodded softly while shockingly nobody else had a reaction to those very scary words Midas just spoke. It was partially because it was hard to concentrate with the two womens quite conflicting appearance which certainly helped take attention away. There was also the casual mention of Slate being {Female Executive}, who even these uncultured people knew about.

Wasn’t as if Slate was being subtle about her identity either since she was wearing that infamous veiled bamboo hat.

Who would dare listen to the conversation of someone as scary as that?!

“So how is your little plan going?” <Slate>

“Well everything iss in the right placess; we jusst need to take care of any possible heirs one way or another though ass usual my Chief of Sstaff leavess nothing wanting. That Imbiza girl wass apparently ordered to ride her new ‘owner’. Unfortunately for him he didn’t sspecify for how long sso sshe rode him till he was only able to shoot out blankss - not being ssatisfied sshe insstantly moved to sseduce the eldesst sson who sshe alsso rode dry. Ssince then sshe’ss jusst been sslowly waiting for the other posssible male heirss to arrive before making them join her harem of ssex addicted men while sshe hass already secretly taken over the main operationss of all their mining and disstribution shashasha~!” <Midas>

“Hm… Surprised you haven’t done the same.” <Slate>

To that Midas just waved her hand at the idea.

“I’m more of the ‘ssleep around type’ than ‘having a harem of men waiting for me at home’ type of woman. Alsso half animal-taur like those Camtaur get boring rather quickly to me; they’re fun but it’s just like chocolate. The tasste no longer hass it’ss appeal if you have too much too quickly thuss I would rather have a  fat dicked horse-kin than centaur.” <Midas>

“Huh… Then what's your plan?” <Slate>

“Well he’ss already married to the youngesst daughter of the old man Jinko who Imbiza made into her own perssonal dildo; a girl by the name of Gem Jinko. Although sshe managed to get pregnant her body iss already sshowing wear jusst from breeding sso sshe won’t be able to ssurvive giving birth to a taur. Ass ssuch it wass eassy enough to get her to sswear her loyalty to me which I sshall usse to get her to sseduce the two male heirss.” <Midas>

As can be expected Slate just tilted her head as she didn’t fully figure out what was the point in having another woman seduce those two studs. All it would do was get the two camtaur’s laid as if it wasn't as if that girl was also a [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] who could easily make a man give up his life to quench an addiction for her body. Where would she go next after she got the two studs laid?

“The father iss already a walking dead man yet the ssonss would be more cautiouss of me if I try to sseduce them sso I can’t be bothered trying ssomething sso inefficient… But let me assk you; what’ss the easiesst way to break apart a pair of brothers? Well, actually now that I think about it, conssidering your only experience in thiss field iss competing on who will become a living flesshlight firsst I’ll ansswer. It’ss a woman.” <Midas>

“Hm but issn’t there alsso still the female Camtaur who wasn’t wedded off?” <Slate>

“Yess, sshe’d make a great gift to that little princesss wouldn’t sshe shashasha~! Oh thiss sseemss to be the sstore I wanted to look into. Anyway how are thingss going for you ssince we lasst met - I know that Martial Ssisster is meant to attend that academy ssoon?” <Midas>

Hearing the ending prepared for the Flaming Tiger bloodline Slate couldn’t help but chuckle maliciously with a savage grin. Knowing Midas she no doubt intended to make Lord Flaming Tiger roll over in his grave; not because she hated him however. No, it would simply be because she thought it would be an amusing ending that worked out well for her. 

The pair arrived in front of a store dealing with glass which Midas confidently walked into with her out of control belly which made many of those watching wince. It would likely be harder to not knock anything over than it would be to break through the Nascent Soul realm! As for the store it was rather simple with many glass ornaments placed on stands to show off to those inside the store.

Like the serpent she was Midas’ expertly slithered past the glass much to the shock of the crowd who turned to look at Slate… Slate made no such attempt to copy her friend though since she knew she wasn’t exactly the delicate type. When Midas asked about her situation she couldn’t help wincing while caressing her throat and jaw.

“It’s all that blasted fluffy fur demons fault - she is absolutely obsessed with condoms filled by ono since she dislikes ‘being dirty’! All started because she was scared of getting pregnant due to being young so Ojou-sama only destroyed her butt yet when she got married to Ojou-sama she wanted to have her maidenhood taken without having a baby so they used a condom. Since she’s been completely obsessed with not only using but collecting them while also practically drinking an entire load's worth a day just by flapping her little tongue in a bowl!” <Slate>

Midas, who was talking about making a pair of fake glasses to the man at the counter, slowly turned to Slate with a judgmental gaze.

“I really don’t ssee the problem…” <Midas>

To that Slate ground her teeth, a habit she obviously picked up from her master, while she began to stomp her feet around causing the precious glass ornaments to shift around. Every person gazed at the priceless glass dancing beside death with bated breaths. All the while Slate continued to complain.

“She ended up finding out where Violet was transferring so used the fact she is the only known person to awaken into a White Tiger to freely transfer to the ‘best academy’ as well. Still being the pussy she is, she ends up complaining it’s too hot, making her use up more of her precious ‘cum rations’ so demands Ono-sama give her more. Even had the gall to say that people were talking behind her back for pity.

I kind of understand that since it’s because she always brings a collection of sextoys modelled after ono-sama to satisfy herself no matter where. Still apparently according to the info I collected it’s because she was showing it off while saying it was an honour she was granting other women the chance to drop their fiances to ‘please her superior husband when the time comes as one time condoms’ in front of their men. Even scratched a guy who said she was ruining their date with such foul words - resulting in him losing his nose due to frostbite…She was such a cute cat-kin when we first met her…

Well anyway, being already spoiling her up to this point,  this all resulted in Ojou-sama immediately slapping on condoms. We had to suck her off, let the condom bloat inside of us and then someone pull it out. Even me and Ashue gagged at that - let alone the other women she used - we didn’t even get a drop before those condoms were sent off!” <Slate>

“Indeed…” <Midas>

The serpent just nodded along without paying much attention to the details of the situation since it all seemed dumb to her.

<Although that cat sounds freakishly open about it, it isn’t as if the rest of Violet’s cultists would openly disagree with her words. Most likely she’s just jealous of all the ‘liquid love’ she worked hard for heading off towards the cat and not into herself. I suppose that is somewhat understandable but I doubt Violet would refuse if Slate got on her knee’s begging for cummies.>

“Hm… That can indeed be done miss. The payment should also be more than enough for us to use out highest quality crystals to create the lenses as you wished. If you want them at the earliest we’ll probably have them done within 5 days since it’s not such a big job yet we’ll keep them in stock until you return to collect them.” <Store Clerk>

The store clerk who could clearly hear the ramblings of Slate could only try desperately to continue on with his work while blocking her out. Luckily for him he was used to dealing with rich people hence was very good at not paying attention to what people were saying as long as it wasn’t directed towards him. He was just glad that the shop still had merchandise with those two big bellied women - unlucky for him an obnoxious voice called out to Midas from a corner of the store.

“Oh~? A mere sex slave has the money to purchase something from this store, truly my father is generous with his toys if he’s giving you an allowance.” <Camtaur Woman>



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