Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 37: News of the Drenched reaches the Purple



“Never have we been shamed in this desert so I don’t want excuses but answers!” <Cobra>

Lord Cobra slammed his fist into the arm of his throne with the aura of a Core Formation realm cultivator flooded down on all the elders invited to this emergency meeting.

Compared to their previous meeting the number of bronze-scaled outer-elders had massively shrunk and even one of their inner-elders hadn’t intended. At currentthe {Life Jades} for all those elders hadn’t broken; the {Life Jade} being a piece of spiritual jade which contained a tiny bit of a cultivator's soul thus would break when that cultivator dies. There was no feasible way to preserve a jade without the host being alive which meant all those elders who he had entrusted to the Supreme Elder had betrayed his trust!

Even now he thought that sending so much power out for a mere serpent beast that they had plenty of knowledge dealing with. Regardless of that belief he had given the maxim face to the Supreme Elder in entrusting him to handle it as he would like. Yet here they were: dozens of elders seemingly vanished with no news after they made contact with their supposed target.

With such an outcome it wasn’t surprising that the notoriously unreasonable Lord Purple Cobra would be infuriated when even a better man would be. In front of his throne was the Supreme Elder who couldn’t help shivering due to the venomous weight of that aura stinging his skin as the mightiest cultivator in the {Central Cities} gazed down upon him. Still who was the Elder if not used to taming this powerful man so despite his unfavorable circumstances he wasn’t panicking in fright like other men may.

“Although it is true we certainly lost quite a bit I would argue that other than those from the Inner-Sect we lost nothing of grand importance. Of course, this is only my own conclusions based on the limited info we can gain without risking more losses. Still we learnt quite a bit if you don’t mind me sharing my beliefs?” <Supreme Elder>

The venomous leader's brow furrowed while his gaze sharpened as if trying to find any lie in what the Supreme Elder spoke; still he must have been satisfied since he waved his hand to allow the old man to speak once more.

“Though I cannot say much for the disciples - we all know elders would hardly vanish since we possess their {Life Jades} which would reveal their treachery if they attempted to fane death so this must mean they must be held prisoner. Not just that but the inner court elder I sent was able to get a message in before we lost all contact and from the sound of it, it would appear he was slowly losing his mind. This makes me think that maybe this beast we attempted to hunt either has the ability to control minds or has a servant who does - he did seem like he was talking about more than one person with mention of a ‘bug’.” <Supreme Elder>

“A bug which could control minds… We don’t have many parasites that I can think of so maybe it’s a special scorpion variant with venom with such effects? If that was the case it’s probable it’s working for the {Gold Dust Beast Clans} which certainly makes sense if it can cause such damage to us. It could also bring something like a [Mind Rotting Worm] from outside the desert while using their bodies to increase the numbers?” <Cobra>

Seeing his lord was already focused on this new information. Turning that sharp gaze away from the old elder while his aura reeled itself back in to allow the weaker members present to actually breath though many coughed up blood first. Knowing that this threat to his immediate way of living has been settled the Supreme Elder let out a long sign.

“You won’t be allowed to waste our new recruits on your parties until we reap the losses from this expedition though.” <Cobra>

Although he was certainly unwilling, the old man just offered a smile while nodding yet it appeared today's tribulations weren’t over yet for {The Purple Cobra Sect}.

“Now what is the progress of obtaining myself that lucious Liger.” <Cobra>

While saying that he chuckled softly while licking his lips with a nefarious grin; he had put a lot of effort into teaching that girl her place. In all honesty he was surprised she didn’t break down then accept after he made her sister an example by getting her addicted to narcotics while letting young mutts treat her as a toy. 

Maybe the dumb girl didn’t fully understand it was meant as a threat - no matter how talented she was she was still a woman. Regardless he wasn’t impatient to bed her then take her city for his own to rule so he decided to slowly corner her by hiring people to cause all sorts of trouble in her city on a mass scale. No matter how prestigious it may have been, at one point the {Aqua Liger City} had become a den of crime which was impossible to solve. 

After a while she’d realise she needs strength then will come back to beg for his help at which point he would treat that mouth to his lower snake. 

The core-elder in charge hesitated before commenting.

“A mass purge of crime has started - our informants are too scared to even enter the city to gain accurate information. All we know is that one of our lackeys caused some trouble with a trio of {Female Executives} along with another jade haired beauty which resulted in them murdering him before they came into contact with the lord… After which the lord was quite… Different while the {Assura Yakuza} proceeded to forcibly clean up the streets in a brutal fashion with no attempts from Aqua Liger to stop them to say the least…” <Core-Elder>

“What…” <Cobra>

Although he wasn’t shouting it wasn’t hard to tell the sect master was absolutely livid beyond belief as he gazed down at the elder reporting to him. The elder didn’t continue though as he just nervously shook while bowing as if to ask for forgiveness. Everyone else didn’t even blame the poor messenger so silently offered their condolences.

“How is she different exactly?” <Cobra>

“After meeting those yakuza she began to act more aggressively in her policies which worked well due to the violent purge. Often she goes out to buy outfits despite her previous nature leading to her avoiding such things while she appears to receive many gifts whether in the form of jewels or the severed heads of crime bosses - the biggest changes are said to be within her body after their first meeting. They say she often invites the little {Female Executive} into her own room then for days after she apparently smells… Unpleasant while her stomach appears bloated as if she-she had ‘intimate’ relations with the oni. Our informants also mentioned that her guards who went with her to first meet the yakuza have attended several brothels yet were too ‘wide’ to feel any pleasure from the men they slept with. In Fact their ‘holes’ showed clear signs of damage from an oni according to our doctors…” <Core-Elder>

“So you're telling me that I've had? What is the likelihood of this really being true and not just a rumour spread by them to get me to start a foolish fight… It could be from the woman herself yet I don’t believe such a arrogant girl would really-” <Cobra>

“There was an upload to the yakuza’s pornograthy section on a new profile…” <Core-Elder>

“Then show it to me!” <Cobra>

The elder obviously wanted to say no yet he couldn’t since that would be akin to suicide in front of the clearly very angry Lord Cobra. Hopefully the lord wouldn’t completely lose his mind since he was merely following orders though - with such dreams he placed a jade in the middle of the hall as instructed before revealing the profile of a new ‘pornstar’. Front and centre there was a picture of the girl who, though with a black bar had kept the girls identity a secret, anyone who knew the appearance of the prideful Aqua Liger could clearly recognise.

Beautiful aqua blue hair was currently dripping with so much semen it was hard to tell the original colour. An open condom was left hanging out on her tongue as cum slowly poured out between her obviously abused, very swollen, lips which could only hang open with blue lipstick smudged all about her face. It was as if her jaw was too sore to even consider the act of closing to keep the image of a reserved lady so the semen & rogue pubic hairs were clear to see. 

Although the eyes were hidden behind a black bar the running of her mascara showed that she hadn’t received gentle care from the massive spiked oni cock that hung next to her head while her arms came around to lovingly hug to her side. It almost looked as if she was proudly showing off her achievement of taking such a monstrous penis to the entire world - more impressive was her bloated stomach which her crotch actually hid behind. With how much cum appeared to be streaming from both her holes, as she squatted with her thighs apart, nobody would think a human penis could satisfy her anymore.

All that wasn’t what was most aggravating towards Lord Cobra though. The first would be the name of the pornstar being ‘Lady Drenched Pussy’ playing obvious homage to ‘Lord Aqua Liger’ especially when mixed with her appearance. Even more anger inducing for him was on that grotesque belly was ‘Cobra Cuck’ written in the semen of the oni. In the ‘birth place’ part of the girls bio she even put {Aqua Liger City Li Family Manor} while the girls cultivation was apparently the same as his own now!

Under the content there were also several recordings of this ‘Lady Drenched Pussy’ being sexually abused by the little oni… With a backdrop of the very city Lord Aqua Liger ruled over which could only be taken from the room of the lord. There was no denying that he has been completely had!

Unsurprisingly at this point Cobra coughed up blood from his anger.

“What about the other cities…” <Cobra>

It appeared as if he was calm yet it was hard to say he was exactly happy as he seemed like he was angier than he had ever been.

“Not much has happened other than a slave auction that happened in {Flaming Tiger City} that offered some very high quality sex slaves apparently. Still not much else is known since it was a private event for the elite of the city set up by {Golden Society Branch} of that city. There have been rumours spreading about the mistress of the Lord as well as a scandalous one of his daughters having given birth to her own second brother… Nothing that really concerns us though from the sight of things.” <Supreme Elder>

Knowing that his lord was on his last legs the Supreme Elder decided to earn himself some more good points by telling him the good news. Normally the ‘nothing happening’ wouldn’t be good news yet compared to the ‘fiance’ of their lord publicly shaming him in such a manner after he had practically already staked his claim? No news was certainly good news in comparison.

“That’s good at least… For now just send some of our informants from the nearest {Flaming Tiger City} & {Earthly Lion City} to stake out the situation in {Aqua Liger City}. Try and spread out the remaining equally between the other three cities and make sure the informants have a clean record so we don’t lose them in the purge. Even if that pus- woman seeks to use the yakuza she and them won’t attack unprovoked people unlike the mafia. Something about honour as warriors won’t let them…” <Cobra>

Just as the meeting was about to come to an end a messenger rushed into the room with a happy smile and letter in his raised hand.

“The honourable lady Lord Aqua Liger has agreed to become your wife without even a ceremony as long as she still remains as the lord of the {Li Family} thus {Aqua Liger City} just as you’ve planned my lord!” <Messenger>

Cobra spat out blood before falling limply into his throne with no strength; he had truly become a cuckold husband now…

She truly got revenge!

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